Chapter one- We've only been here not even a hour and this happens?

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A/n: Okay so this first chapter is kind of boring, But I wanted to show she got home blablabla. Plus there is a surprise in here ;) And to the new readers, This is the sequel to 'The Alpha's Sister' So I suggest you read that first 

I  grinned slightly I as snuck up behind Jacob,  And wrapped my arms around him "I'm hommee" I said as Jess began to giggle and awe from behind us, I Grinned bigger as he turned around and to my surprise kissed me and then pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" Jacob mumbled not loosening his grasp around me,Even though hes about to crush my ribs, I don't want him to let go "Why didn't tell me you were coming back today?" He asked loosing his grip a little as foot steps could be heard from the back.

"Then I couldn't of surprised you" I shrugged as I wiggled out of his grasp to both our disappointments, I glanced over as Paul and Sam entered the room. Paul glared at both me and Jacob before shaking his head ever so slightly and looked at Jess from the corner of his eye "This is my best friend, Jess. Shes more like a sister to me then a friend" I explain pointing to Jess

"Hello!" Jess chirped happily before  leaning over to me "Mika? Whose who? I know who the one who kissed you is though." She whispered in my ear making me laugh "Don't laugh at me!" Jess whined as she slapped my arm with fake anger which made Jacob flinch almost as if hes about to do something.

"Well" I began  still snickering "This is Sam, My big brother. Don't worry he isn't as mean as he looks" I Said hugging Sam before  backing back "And that jerk, Is Paul. He is annoying as he looks" I said sticking my tongue out at him before walking over to Jess only to turn around as Embry came in the room "And that is Embry, He-" I Said before pausing as I watched him look up "Who is going to come with me outside to talk, Like now" I said with a noticeable hint of anger in my voice, I turned around and began to walk out motioning for Embry to follow

"Mika, Whats going on? Is everything okay?" Jess urged as we walked by I looked back at her and mouthed one second before walked out of the house with Embry, who was now several feet away from me. At a safe distance, Or at least he should hope.

"So, What the fuck?" I asked in a slightly angry voice "You just imprinted on my bestfriend Embry, Not just my bestfriend. She is like a sister to me, And you imprint on her. Don't try denying it I know the look you had on your face" I said crossing my arms

"I-I didn't think, I thought I'd imprint on someone at school or at least someone who lives here. And I thought it was just you coming" Embry said taking another step back as if I am going to hurt him, Which I am not. Well maybe threaten him a little.

"We've been here not even and hour and this happens?" I said shaking my head before taking some steps towards Embry "But since I trust you more then Paul, I am glad it was you who imprinted on her not him. But let me make one thing clear, If you ever hurt her. You might wanna sleep with one eye open" I threatened with a smile "But seriously, Thats all I ask of you is to treat her right. Now lets go inside before Paul some how makes her believe that I actually going to kill you" I said before walking back inside the house

"Wow she really didn't kill you!" Jess chirped as Embry walked in behind me "Since I know your name, I will tell you mine. I am Jess, No not Jessie or Jessica. You'd be surprised on how many people think its one of those because I say Jess  so they think its  a nickname, And I need to stop talking" She said as her face grew bright red

"No, Its fine" Embry laughed "Its actually cute" He said  turning slightly red as he realized what he said, I frowned slightly as realization hit me. Embry had just imprinted on Jess, Who has a boyfriend, One who she should be with but a boyfriend none the less.

"Okay Mika! I like him, I will keep him. He can be my teddy bear. You keep can keep the rest Mika" Jess said making a bigger smile grow on Embry's face, I watched as Jess give Embry a awkward looking side hug before yanking her arms back "WHY IS MY TEDDY BEAR SO HOT?" Jess whined before covering her mouth  making everyone laugh expect Embry who was blushing again "I-I mean temperature wise, Mikayla is too" She explained burying her face in her hands

"Sure thats what you meant Jess" I snickered "Oh, I have a rule for everybody. Jess yours is different." I said running a hand through me hair "No giving Jess any sugar, That why shes so hyper right now Its mainly candy and ice cream that affects her. And  Jess if they give you sugar, Go annoy Paul" I said earning a slap on the back of the head from Paul

"Okay!" Jess said grinning "And you boy, No hitting Mikayla. Kay? Kay" She said to Paul, I looked back at him and stuck my tongue out childishly almost as if a mother told a brother to give his sister something or whatever. I glanced around as a Idea came into my head

"Hey, I will be right back. I wanna go do something, Try not to corrupt Jess please" I said before running out the door and into the forest dodging trees along the way, I have no idea why but I had a sudden urge to go cliff diving. I continued running until I reached the top. I haven't been up here since Paul told me, That he wanted to be the one to imprint on me. That was also the day I decided to go back to port Angeles. But now I wonder was it even worth it? Was it worth being able to bring Jess back here? Was it worth finding out Paul's feelings?

I sighed as I looked down at the water and took a deep breath before jumping into the water, It felt cool against my skin, It was hard to find water that actually felt cool to me anymore. I swam too the shore and sighed as I ran my hand through my hair "So much for being right back" Jacob said as he sat down beside me.

"Sorry" I mumbled still staring at the water "Got side tracked by thinking" I said resting my head on his shoulder and sighed again "Couldn't Embry waited at least a day before imprinting on Jess? ?" I asked  not moving my head from his shoulder, It felt in place there..

"I don't think it works that way, Cause I imprinted on you right after I phased. Is that why you wanted to come in with me? Because you knew it would happen?" Jacob asked wrapped one of his arms around my waist, I looked up at him and shrugged

"Well, I went in to see you phase cause I knew that was going to happen and its different watching someone phase for the first time then phasing for the first time yourself.  And to be honest, I didn't really know you were going to imprint on me. I still was trying to grasp the whole idea myself" I said trying to keep my eyes open

"My dad has been asking about you since that night, I think he wants to meet you more then just briefly like that" Jacob said, I nodded in a slightly sleepy way. Couldn't I just stay here like this with him?  Without everyone staring at us, Where everything is peaceful?

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