Star Wars

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Lydia's POV

"You've never seen Star Wars!?" Isaac and Stiles said in perfect unison. Allison and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"What?" Isaac asked.

"You seem so offended," Allison explained.

"That's because I am!"

"As am I," Stiles interjected. "How can you live almost 19 years and not see it?"

I was about to explain myself but Allison spoke up before me. "Because we have social lives."

"That's one reason, I guess. But it just doesn't interest me."

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Do you think A Walk To Remember interests me? I'd rather claw my own eyes out before I see that movie again. But I watch it because I love you," he said to Allison.

"He does have a point," Allison said.

"Seriously?" I looked at Stiles, hoping he might help me out, but he just shrugged. "Fine, you win."

The boys highfived excitedly and Allison started the movie.


We were about half an hour in and I was confused as hell because it wasn't the first one. Well, it was, but not really. Not only was I confused, but bored. All the snack bowls were empty and I didn't want to get up to refill them because I'm pretty sure I was the only one eating them.

My eyes were starting to feel heavy so I leaned my head on Allison's shoulder. She shrugged, which I took as a signal to get off. I lifted my head and was surprised to see Stiles, not Allison.

"Oh," I said. I hadn't noticed that Allison was on the opposite end of me, next to Isaac. "Sorry."

"No, you're fine," he mumbled.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." So I put my head back down and closed my eyes, drifting off to the sound of Chewbacca and lightsabers.

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