The Greatest City in The World

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Lydia's POV

We left for New York on Monday, our flight departed at 1:15 PM so we left at 11:30 that morning. I woke up at 10:00 and made myself some breakfast. After that I did some last minute packing and got ready. I put my hair in a bun and put on leggings and a long sleeved grey shirt. Obviously it would be a lot colder in New York, so I put on the coat that Stiles got for me too. I had insisted on taking my car to the airport, so I went and picked Stiles up a little after 11:00.

He opened the door as soon as I knocked. "Hi," he said, and his eyes lit up.

"Hi," I beamed. "Ready?"

"Um, yeah. Let me just..." he lifted up the handle on his suitcase and it immediately fell back down. "Hang on," he said, and tried again. "It's supposed to lock..."

I grabbed the handle and pulled it up, then flipped the lock on this side of it. I let go and it stayed in place.

"How did I survive without you?" Stiles said as he grabbed the suitcase with one hand and took mine in the other. We headed to my car and Stiles put his suit case in the back. After a few minutes of scanning through the radio stations, Stiles leaned back in his seat and looked out the window. I sat there for a few minutes until he finally looked at me.

"Ready?" He asked.


"Oh, right."

I laughed and shook my head, "It's like you want to die every time you get in a car." He put his seatbelt on and then we were on our way.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course," I said.

"Good. I didn't spend $1,600 for nothing."


"I'm kidding," he said, deadpan. "But seriously, you better be excited. It's your first time in the greatest city in the world. I'm excited."

"Why? You've been to New York before."

"Yeah but I've never been with the greatest girl in the world."


Our flight left at 1:15 Pacific time and the flight was a little over 5 hours so we landed in New York at 9:35, but to Stiles and I it felt three hours earlier. It was freezing in the airport, I couldn't imagine what it would be like outside. We stepped through the sliding glass doors and into the frigid night air.

"Holy shit," I said under my breath.

Stiles laughed and put a hand on each of my arms. "Way different from California, huh?" He rubbed my arms in an attempt to warm me up.

"I didn't really know what to expect but this is definitely colder than I thought it'd be."

Stiles called a taxi over and we put our luggage in the trunk. He told the driver the address and the cab drove away from the airport.

"Lydia," Stiles tapped my shoulder and pointed to the windshield. "Look."

We both leaned in towards the middle seat. Right in front of us was Times Square. The amount of people walking around was insane, the lights from buildings and signs made the stars and moon seem dim. Our taxi took us straight through Times Square and on to a road with apartment buildings lining the sidewalks.

"3100 42nd street," the driver said in a thick accent as he parked on the side of the road. "That'll be $38.75."

I immediately reached for my wallet before Stiles had a chance. He looked at me with a face that said "what are you doing?" as the taxi driver took my credit card.

"Stiles you payed for this whole trip, it's the least I can do." I said as the driver gave me my card back. "Thank you," I hummed and got out of the car. We took our luggage from the trunk and headed inside the apartment building and out of the freezing winter air.

The lobby of the apartment building smelled like old wood and dust. We took our bags up to the second floor and walked to the front door of the apartment. Stiles took out the keys and unlocked the door, opening it to a dark, cold room. I found a light switch and flipped it on.

The apartment was small but still bigger than mine. There was a master bedroom, a smaller bedroom, and a bathroom. The kitchen was miniature, equipped with an old fashioned fridge and stove and a microwave on the counter top. The living room had two couches, one facing a small TV, and the other facing the balcony.

I walked to the sliding glass door and opened it. I stepped outside into the icy night and the view I saw in front of me took my breath away. The Empire State Building stood out from the rest and behind it the buildings looked like shadows of jagged edges. Beyond that was a field of golden lights that stood out in front of the black sky.

"Well?" Stiles asked from behind me.

"This is insane," I said, my words creating white puffs of air. "I didn't know buildings could even be this tall and these lights are just... wow. It's beautiful. And I'm so glad I'm seeing it with you."

He stepped up to the railing of the balcony and stood next to me. "So am I," he beamed and kissed me.

just so you all know i have 4 chapters after this one plus an epilogue :)

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