He Proposes: The proposal

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Thanks to you guys and a few other readers on Quotev I now have ideas for the proposal! So let us begin! And all the rings are in the previous chapter. Also random thing for those of you who like real vampires not fucking disco balls aswell as lots of blood and gore check out an anime called Hellsing Ultimate! You will enjoy it!


Me and Goku were having a date at the beach, Goten was having a sleepover with Trunks at his house so we had the next two days all to our self! We'd played about in the sea, played some beach ball and had a picnic and now we were watching the sun set it's beauty never gets old or so I find any way. "Hey y/n c-can I-I ask you something?" Goku stuttered nervously, I raised my eyebrow and wondered why he was getting so nervous. "Yeah sure" I answered, he went into the beach bag we brought with us and got something out but I couldn't see what it was. "Y/n L/n will you marry me?" Goku asked as he got down and on one knee and presented a ring, the gem was ruby red just like the colour of both of our faces right now. "Gokie I er yes! Yes" I squealed as I leaned over to him and kissed him, he smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. We broke away, Goku put the ring on my finger "I love you so much" he said before leaning in and engulfing my lips in another passionate kiss.


We graduated from school less than a week ago, Gohan moved in to my house a few days ago and ever since he's been really nervous and shy about something but whenever I ask him about he changes the subject. We'd just eaten dinner and were cleaning/drying the dishes and like it had been for the last 3 days we did it in awkward silence and it was really beginning to piss me off! "What's wrong with you?" I blurted out as I passed him the last plate, "n-nothing why'd you ask?" Gohan questioned "you know exactly why I asked Gohan ever since you've moved in you've barely said a word!" I snapped at him "look I've... just been under a lot of pressure lately ok" he replied cooly "then let me help it's what I'm here for" I said as I walked closer to him and hugged him tightly. He kissed the top of my head and sighed deeply "ok just wait here ok?"  He requested, he jogged out the kitchen and came back after a few seconds. He bent down on one knee and took out a box, he opened the box to reveal a silver ring with a dimond in the middle, I gasped in shock and my began tearing up. "Will you Y/N L/N do the honour of marrying me?" Gohan asked with a small blush on his cheeks "yes" I answered, tears of joy rolling down my face, he smiled brightly stood up and kissed me, I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We broke away and panted lightly, he slid the ring on my finger and looked at me with a kind smile "is this what you've been so nervous about?" I asked, he nodded blush reappearing on his face, I pecked his lips "you shoulda told me nerd I would've yes anytime" I giggled.


Me and Vegeta had just finished training and were now lying in bed absolutley exhausted. I began drifting to sleep "before you got to sleep I have something to give you" Vegeta said noticing my fatigue. "Can't it wait till later?" I grumbled tiredly, he go something out of the draw but hid it behind his back "no it can't." Vegeta replied, "fine what is it then Veggie?" I asked tiredly. "Will you Y/N L/N take my hand in marriage?" He asked as he showed me a black ring covered with diamonds. My eyes widend in shock as I took it all in, Vegeta wanted to marry me?! "I would love to marry Vegetable" I replied, he placed the ringer on my finger and began kissing me. The kissing.... lead to other things.


Piccolo was teaching me how to control my ki and how to hide it. After a few hours I was finally able to use decently strong ki blasts and how to hide. "That'll do for today, let's head home" Piccolo said as he grabbed his cape and turban. We flew home and I collapsed on the bed as soon as I got in my room "are you really that tired?" Piccolo asked amussingly, I stuck out my tongue and he sat on the bed. "So we've been going out for a while now and I was wondering if you wanted to... you know what just take this" he said and handed me a small box, I looked at him curiously but he looked away with a purple blush on his face. I opened it up and saw a golden ring. "I w-what, what is this?" I questioned as I looked back at him "it's a wedding ring" he said nervously, I smiled at him "yes" I answered simply. "W-what?" Piccolo asked in shock "yes" I repeated again, it took him a few seconds to get what I meant then he smiled back. I put the ring on and leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep with a goofy smile on my face.

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