- Chapter Ten -

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Hermoine's Point Of View

Time to go home. Even though I'm only away for 2 weeks, I'll miss Hogwarts. I'm sitting alone in the train, because Ron and Harry stayed at school. I take one of my books from my bag to read, but before I can even turn a page, someone walks in. "Is this seat taken?" a very familiar voice asks me. "No, it isn't." I say slightly irritated, but also kind of happy because I won't be sitting alone the whole ride. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." I ask him and he sighs. "Does there even exists a place where I'm supposed to be?" he asks me and I feel sorry for him. We're silent. "I'm really sorry about the other night. I don't want things to go bad between you and him." he says at once and I can hear that he means it. "It's alright, it just can't happen again." I say, making sure he gets it. "I know." he says. "Where are you actually going when we arrive in London?" I ask him and my curiosity takes over. "I don't know, I'll probably rent a room and find some new friends to celebrate Christmas with." he answers, but I can see that he made that up right now. "You don't have a plan, do you?" I ask him and he smiles. "Nope."

When we arrive in London, George and I have talked a lot about our families. Well, I talked about what my family is like and he talked about the things he remembered, which weren't a lot of things. "Do you want help finding a hotel?" I ask him before we get up. "I'd like that really much. I don't think I'll recognise the city, taking the fact that I've been living in a forest for the last couple of years." he says slightly smiling and I smile too. "We'll give you a lift." I say and we get off the train.

They can't see him. They're just looking right through him. "Mum, I just have to say bye to a few people I'll be back in a minute." I lie and I take George's arm to lead him away from them. "They can't see you." I whisper when we're standing at the end of platform 10. "What? That's impossible, I mean, you can see me. Draco and his father can see me. Why wouldn't they be able to see me?" he asks me frustrated. "I don't know, I think because they're Muggles." I answer and he sighs. "Another consequence. Perfect!" he says and I can see that he's getting angry. Oh no, not here. "Shh, it's fine. You can just come with me anyway. We have a spare room, you can sleep in there." I quickly say, not really sure if that's a good idea. Probably not.

Draco's Point Of View

What the hell is he doing here? And why are they whispering? Wait, spare room, sleeping? "Are you taking him home with you?!" I ask angry and they almost jump in the air. "They can't see him. So yes, he's coming with me. How is he supposed to rent a room when he can't even ask the way to a hotel?" she asks me and I don't like her tone. "He isn't even supposed to be here, he should just have stayed at Hogwarts. Celebrate Christmas with the werewolves and other weird creatures like him that live in that forest." I say angry, but it doesn't really help. Not at all actually, she looks furious. "Come, George." she says, takes his hand and walks back towards her parents. For real? She's taking a guy home that she only met a few days ago, through me by the way! I should have never brought her with me to him. Idiot. You're a fucking idiot, Draco!

Wait, if she's mad at me now, she'll probably don't meet up with me during the holidays. Oh no, I can't miss her those whole two weeks. I quickly take the parchment from my bag and start writing. I'm sorry. I really am, I just don't really trust him. Please meet me Thursday in London at the Houses Of Parliament, please. Only you and me, I can't miss you till we go back to school... I know it sounds pathetic, but I really hope she shows up.

Hermoine's Point Of View

He sits next to me in the back of the car, looking through the small window. He's eyes are shining from excitement and he has a giant smile on his face. I smile. "What's so funny, darling?" mum asks me at once and she looks at me through the mirror. "Oh nothing, mum. Just a funny thought." I quickly say and she smiles. I turn to George and he looks right into my eyes. I smile and he smiles back. "You're beautiful when you smile." he says and I know my head is turning red like a tomato so I turn the other way and look through the window. I can tell that he's smiling, but I don't turn back.

After showing George the spare room where he can sleep, I walk into my own bedroom. First I empty my bag and I just want to go look how George is doing, when I see it. I quickly take the parchment and start reading. I'm sorry. I really am, I just don't really trust him. Please meet me Thursday in London at the Houses Of Parliament, please. Only you and me, I can't miss you till we go back to school... Well, it's better than I expected. I thought he was going to write a whole text about how much he hates George and how much he dislikes the fact that I took him home, if he was even going to write at all. "Is he coming after me and is he going to try to kill me?" a sarcastic voice asks me from behind. I turn around and smile. "No, actually. He's not." I smile and he smiles too. "Well, that's a relief."

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