- Chapter Sixteen -

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Draco's Point Of View

I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her about Julie. I'm going to tell her about my dad. I'm going t- "Hey!" she opens the door and smiles. I hug her and she kisses me. "Are your parents home?" I ask her before I say something about Julie and my dad. "No, they're gone for a few days, why?" she asks me and I can tell that she knows something is wrong. "I need to tell you something." I say and I feel like I'm going to have another panicattack if she's going to cry for what I did. A few minutes later we're sitting on her bed and I start talking. "We have a problem. Well, actually, I have a problem, but it involves you so we have a probl-" "Just say it." she quickly says and I nod. "Sorry. You know when I got that first panicattack, at the playground? Well I got it because I recognised somebody. One of my mum's friends. At first I was hoping she didn't saw me, but on Christmaseve, my mum was talking about that friend seeing me with a girl. So I had to come up with something. I couldn't say you were that girl, my dad would have killed me." I tell her and I can see that she already doesn't like it. "Who-who did you say she was?" she asks me and I can see a tear coming up in the corner of her eye. I quickly grab her hands and lay my other hand on her cheek. "I didn't mean it, it was all a lie." I assure her, but she just want to kno who it is. "Julie Paul." I say and I don't dare to look into her eyes. She stays silent. When I look up, there are more tears and the start dripping down. I feel like shit. With my thump, I wipe a few tears on her cheek away. "Is that all?" she asks me. "No. My-my dad is going to come to school a few times after the holidays. So-" "So you're going to have to fake a relationship with Julie." she finishes my sentence and I can see that she's hurt. "I'm so sorry." I say and I want to lean forward, but she stops me. "I just need a moment." she says and she stands up. She walks out of the room and leaves me alone on her bed.

She's been gone for more than 5 minutes now. I stand up and walk out of the room. I find her in the bathroom, sitting against the bath cith her arms wrapped around her knees. I don't say a thing, I just sit down next to her. She leans on me and I lay my arm around her shoulders. I take her legs and lay them over mine. she looks up and her eyes are red and swollen from the crying. I put my thump onder her chin and she gives me a little smile. It's not a smile of happines, it's a smile of embarresment, hurt and grief. "I'm so sorry." I say and she let her head fall on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, as if I'm protecting her for the bad things from the outside, but the bad thing is sitting right next to her. It's me. If onl I had a normal family, nothing like this would have happend. Nothing like this. We wouldn't have to hide, we wouldn't have to keep this a secret. We would just be able to run around, holding hands and kissing.

Hermoine's Point Of View

I'm going to see him everyday. With Julie. Holding hands. Maybe even kissing. Everyday. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that without falling asleep crying. "Do you want me to go?" he asks me at once. No. Yes. No. "No, I want you to stay, right here. Holding me." I answer and his grip thightens a little. "I'm not going anywhere until you say so." he whispers.

I must have fell asleep in the bathroom, 'cause I wake up in my bad, with Draco's arm around me. When I turn around, he's looking right into my eyes. He doesn't say a thing. I can see that he's thinking, but I don't know about what. "What are you thinking about?" I ask him with a sore voice. "How life would be like if I had a normal family, how life would be if I could just kiss you at every moment I wanted, how life would be like if I didn't have to lie about us, how life would be if I could just love you as much as I do without having to hide." he says, but he doesn't look into my eyes anymore. I lean forward and press my lips on his. I can feel that he's a little surprised, but he doesn't not like it. I smile and turn back. "How long did you say your parents were going to be away?" he asks me and I can tell that he's planning something. "They come back fridayafternoon, why?" I answer, playing along in his game. "Than we have enough time. I mean 2 days is enough, right?" he says and he kisses me again. I smile and we roll over. He puts his knees next to my hips and leans down to kiss my neck.

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