- Chapter Twenty-one -

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Draco's Point Of View

"If you're planning on hurting her, you'll have to get through me first." a voice, I know too well, wakes me up. Fuck. "I'm not planning on hurting her, I could never do that." I say angry and I open my eyes. "Well I don't know what that whole comforting your fake girlfriend was, but if your real girlfriend would have seen that, she would have been broken, I can assure you that." he says and I sit up straight. "But she didn't see any of it, or did she? So there's no problem, is there? As long as you keep your filty little mouth shut and your disgusting hands off my girlfriend, I don't see a problem. Or is there a problem, George?" I ask him angry and he looks back angry. He knows he can't have her and never will. "I know, I know. I just won't let you hurt her, that's all. I'll always be there for her no matter what you say or do." he says and the more he talks, the more I get angry. "Get out!" I say angry and I push him off my bed. "What are you doing?" Goyle asks at once and I look up at him. "Nothing, sorry. Go back to sleep." I quickly say and he turns back around. I turn back down to say something more to George, but he has dissapeared. Asshole.

Julie is quiet. She's hurt. "I'm sorry." I whisper in her ear, but she pushes me gentle away. "It's fine, just leave me alone for a few minutes." she says and she stands up, brings her fake smile back and quickly kisses my cheek before she walks away. I'm an asshole. I am an actual stupid asshole. By making sure I don't hurt Hermoine, I hurt Julie and by trying not to hurt Julie, I hurt Hermoine. This is all way to complicated. If only- "Draco." I turn around and stand right in front of my dad. Shit. "Where's your girlfriend? I would be delighted to meet her." he says with an evil smile on his face. "She just left and I have to leave too." I say, turn around and try to walk away, but he grabs my arm. "We have something we need to talk about." he says and he pulls me with him into an empty classroom. "What have I done now?" I ask him, slightly irritated. "You do remember our conversation we had a few weeks ago, do you?" he asks me and I think I know what he's talking about, but I really hope I'm wrong. "Which one?" I ask to be sure. "You know bloody well which one I'm talking about." he says angry. "The Dark Lord wants to see you next month. So make sure you're ready for it. Train hard and ask Snape if you need something." Oh god, I'm going to die. If it's not by being killed by the darkest, most evil wizard ever, it's by a heartattack. "Do I have to?" I ask him, slightly scared of his answer. "Ofcourse you have to! Oh and something else, if I ever see you talking to George again, you'll have a reason to not talk to him ever again." he threatens me. "Why can't I talk to him? What happend between you two?" I ask, stupid as I am. "Nothing you need to know." he says and he walks away. Why can't he tell me? What can be so shocking that I can't know it? I mean I've been living with Death Eaters my whole life, I've sit in the room next to the one where The Dark Lord was sitting... That could be more frightening than all that? "You should ask your mum." that asshole's voice says behind me, but when I turn around, he's not there. Asshole.

Hermoine's Point Of View

In 15 minutes at our place? appears on my parchment. I smile and quickly write back. I'll be there. Oh I missed him. Eventhough I say him many times today, I missed the feeling of calming him mine. Why don't I go there earlier? I stand up smiling from the couch I was sitting in and walk out of the common room. A few minutes later I'm sitting on top of one of the desks in the empty classroom. I looking around, something I actually haven't done yet, because I was to busy kissing Draco. I laugh at my thoughts and start walking around the room. Which subject would have been given here? I know there are no more classes given here, but I don't know which subject they geve here. History of Magic, Transfiguration, Charms... What would it have been? I walk towards a big bookcase that's almost empty, but there are some books left in it. I take one out and blow the dust off of it. It looks like a normal book, but it has no title or anything on the cover. I open it, but there's nothing written on the first page. Neither on the second. I look at all the pages, but there's not even a single word written in the whole book. Why would there be a book in a classroom with nothing in it? "You can't read that?"

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