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A/N: ugh it's so challenging my head is Gonna explode soon.

Lauren's Point of view

"what I mean the cute girl your saying I know her name" I say as I rolled my eyes.

"oh yeah your talking to Camila right? " wait they already know her.

"you guys already know her? " I asked confused "yeah" .

"but how?" I asked again "we see your new neighbor while we were walking and we decided to introduce ourselves before we got here".

"you already know her name and you didn't tell me what kind of friends are you? " I asked faking a tears.

"were a good friends laur and good friends are waiting for a question you didn't even ask us who is she" Mani said as Dinah and ally burst out laughing.
(A/N: forgot to mention ally is here)

"whatever you still didn't tell me" I said while pouting "oh come on Lauren don't act like a baby cause your too cute for that" Dinah said making me smile "I don't care I still hate you" .

"okay fine if you don't want to be friends again then I will not give ya Camila's number" my eyes widen and quickly look at them

"you h-ave Camila's number?" I asked almost stuttering.

"actually no we're just messing with you and gosh Lauren did you just stuttered?" I blush a little and get up to grab a pillow and throw it to them.

"ouch laur stop!" they said but I keep throwing pillow to then.

"I hate you" I said and get up to leave the room, I'm really not mad at them I'm just messing with them.

I go down stairs to find something to eat cause I hungry.

When I'm on my way back to my room I see Camila tying her shoes I can't stop staring at her ass what the fuck?

But I wonder where she's going.

She then look over my way and wave shit what am I gonna do.

I just pretend that I didn't see her and go back to my room .

Camila's point of view

I'm now thinking Chris's sister is weird she's always running like she see a ghost.

I tell my parents that I'm taking a walk and she said yes and just come back before Chris's family came I didn't catch his last name.

I was walking to the park until I see a bench I walk and take a sit on it.

Means of we have a new place of course I have a new school.

I sigh I'm starting to imagining things that can happen while we're here.

And it's terrible.

I wish my friends are here.

"hi" someone suddenly said I look up to see Chris's sister?


Lauren's Point of view

I'm now lonely my friends left me.

Well they said they are gonna go and do something really important.

I don't know what I think they are keeping a secret to me.

But whatever now I'm alone I'm so bored maybe I could take a walk to the park.

I get up and run downstairs

"hey mom I'm going to park" I said "okay just be home safe"

"yes Mom" I said and open the door

I was walking until I see someone look familiar was sitting on a bench. Oh. Wait it's her...

It's Camila

She look like in a deep thoughts

I don't know why but I felt myself getting closer to her until I'm in front of her.

"hi" I suddenly just said
I'm losing control on my own body.

She look up and smiled "hi" my mouth became dry I can't say a word my heart is beating so fast.

"hey you okay? " she asked making my thoughts come back to earth " oh u-h yes sorry" she chuckled lightly and I'm sure I'm so hypnotized right now.

"you can sit ya know" she smiled and patted the sit beside her.
Of course I'm gonna sit I can't just stand here looking at her it make her think I'm weird even if she already think that.

"so what are you doing here? " I asked, yeah jauregui you can do this just play it cool.

"just taking a walk how about you Lauren?" oh my god she just say my name, wait... She know me "you know me?" I asked making her laugh wow she's more really cute in person

"nah u don't know if that's your name I just hear Chris call you that so maybe it's your name" I smiled at her "yeah that's me".

"I'm Camila by the way"

"I know you Chris told me your name" she nod and look down.

"so what are you doing here? " oh I forgot I didn't answer her question yet.

"same as you just walking" she just nod and look at her watch.

She suddenly stand up and look at me "shit Lauren sorry I think u need to go I'm still gonna help mom to prepare for dinner maybe I'll see you later? " I smile and nod.

"yeah see you later Camila"

"bye Lauren" she waved as I waved back.

When she's gone a smile appeared on my face.

I have girl crush

It's just a little crush I think?

A/N: help me please😭

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