Chapter 9 five sucky days Happy Birthday Denver.

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Em's POV..........

Happy Birthday Denver, Happy Birthday too you. I sang as I washed my hair. I hated not seeing him. I hated that he was alone. I could only hope he found my gift that I stashed in his bag.

What I'm I going to do today? Lets see I've showered I've ate and I have cleaned my room. Maybe I should go for a walk. Shit can't Alpha Joe said that's a no go.

Shit, shit, shit what to do? Hey he said I couldn't talk to Bray and Dev he never said I couldn't talk to Piper. I found my phone and dialed a bitch up.


"You bitch." I yelled/giggled.

"I'm sorry, Em." She said.

"No baby, I'm sorry you had to deal with all this shit for the last year by yourself. I'm so sorry. How is my beautiful niece." I asked all excited.

"She's good. She with my parents right now while I am eating lunch at school by myself." She said pouting.

"Oh hon I'm sorry. Take the next two weeks off you have my permission.'' I said making her laugh.

"If I could I would. But alas I can not. I have a big part in your future dear Em.'' She said.

''I know and you can't tell what that is, right?" I asked.

"Fraid not my dear." She said as I heard the bell ring.

"Shit you got to go." I whined.

"I'll try and call you tonight. Love you boo." She said.

"Love you too, give Emmy hugs and kisses for me." I said.

"Will do. Bye." She said.

"Bye." I mumbled as the line went dead.

I'm so bored. I screamed in my head.

"Me too." Bray said in my head.

"BRAY." I screamed.

"EM" he screamed back.

"Bray is that really you? I asked getting all excited.

"someone misses me." He says.

"Hell yeah I do. This doesn't count towards our two hours does it?" I asked almost begging that it didn't.

"I don't think so. Have you talked to Dev?" He asked.

"No! Denver? Are you there?'' I have begged half yelled.




"I don't think he can hear us." Bray said.

"Please don't let this have to do with his birthday." I said getting sad.

"It might be baby. That gives you two days with me like this." He said almost making me cry.

"That make two days of not hearing your voice." I whined.

"I promise you you'll be okay." He said.


No No

No No No

"No" I whispered.

"We don't know I that I how it goes. We can try getting him a little later. He's probably knocked out from trying to jump the back yard fence." He said.

"I hope your right. I have never felt so lonely in my life." I said sadly.

"Just keep trying if not we will figure something out." He said.

I felt like my boys were slowly slipping away from me. Bray didn't seem to want to really talk to me. Although hearing his voice was comforting.

"Okay, I will. So what have you been doing?'' I asked.

"Watching movies mostly. I think I have ward every song on my iPod and phone over a hundred times. It's to depressing to go outside because you can't go anywhere but in the pool.' He said sounding worse off then I was. I just missed my boys.

"I've been cleaning and eating." I said.

."That doesn't surprise me." He said laughing.

"This is been the longest 37 hours of my life." I whined. Maybe he's sick if me whining maybe I need to man up stop the crying stop being so dependent on my boys. Yep that's what I need to do.

"Well I think I'm going to go. I think I'm going for a swim." He said.

"Okay. Enjoy." I said.

"Okay, talk to you tonight then." He said I put my block up.

I decided that I would try and just stick to talking to them like bro's online. I didn't want to have to depend on them anymore the just that.

Because of the high fence I decided to swim naked. I also decided to let my wolf out and swim for a while.

The swim as my human self was relaxing. The swim as my wolf was releasing. I think he wants out more often. "Lets make this a nightly thing" I said to him as I climbed out of the pool as my human.

I walked in an noticed I only had like ten minutes until it was chat time with the boys. I had to remember to keep it manly.

I logged on to my computer and got Facebook up before I ran up and through some shorts on. I still had like three minutes so no biggy. I hurried and wished Dev a happy birthday on his wall an brought up our chat.

I waited and waited and by nine I shut down. I get it now. It's already starting. I unplugged my laptop and packed it away. I wouldn't be using it again for the rest of this trip. I powered down my phone and put it away also. It was time for me to get to know my wolf better. Once I had everything put away I transformed and let my wolf take over for awhile. I needed to heel my heart and soul. It's hasn't been whole since Emmett died.


Bray's POV.......

I swear this place has gotten smaller. I have been in all the rooms at least six times in the last five minutes. I feel so ugh.....enclosed.

Time for some more music. Maybe I will run the stairs. Get rid of some of this built up energy. I set my phone on the I home and Crazy Town started blasting through the speakers.

"I'm so bored I could screem." I head ringing in my head. It was Em's voice. He sounded so sweet.

"Me too." I said walking over to the couch. I laid down and sighed in content at the sound of his voice.

"BRAY?'' He screamed.

"EM?" I screamed back at him.

"Bray is that really you?" He asked sounding really excited.

"someone misses me." I said.

"Hell yeah I do. This doesn't count towards our two hours does it?" He said sounding so happy.

''I don't think so. Have you talked to Dev?" I asked. It went quiet for a minute so I knew he was trying to take to him.

"No" I heard in a whisper.

"I don't think he can hear us." I said.

"Please don't let this have to do with his birthday." He said. He sounded desperate. I couldn't tell him yes or no on this so I knew his imagination would go haywire.

"It might be baby. That gives you two days with me like this." I said with a sigh.

"That make two days of not hearing your voice." He said with a whine I hated it that he was upset.

"I promise you you'll be okay." I said trying to reassure him. He was quiet for a minute and then I heard him whisper "No" again. Not good.

"We don't know I that I how it goes. We can try getting him a little later. He's probably knocked out from trying to jump the back yard fence." I said hoping this helped.

"I hope your right. I have never felt so lonely in my life." He said sounding so sad.

"Just keep trying if not we will figure something out." I said again hoping to calm him down. It normally takes two if us.

"Okay, I will. So what have you been doing?'' He asked I already knew something was off with him. And it was going to take more then me to fix it.

"Watching movies mostly. I think I have ward every song on my iPod and phone over a hundred times. It's to depressing to go outside because you can't go anywhere but in the pool.'' I said letting the sound of worry leak from my voice.

"I've been cleaning and eating." He said sounding like a robot.

"That doesn't surprise me." I said chuckling.

"This is been the longest 37 hours of my life." He whined sound so sad.

"Well I think I'm going to go. I think I'm going for a swim." I said I was going to try and get a hold of Dev.

"Okay. Enjoy." He said.

"Okay, talk to you tonight then." I said.

I sat there for awhile before I fell asleep. I would talk to Dev when I wake up.

I woke up around ten and started freaking out. I got online and Em's Facebook was offline. He posted something at a quarter till something about getting it and he's okay. He is so not okay.

"Dev?" I said through mind link. "Em?" I yelled.




"Dev? Em?" I yelled again.

I was fucked. I PM'ed Em on his Facebook apologizing for not being on. I explained how I fell asleep. I only hoped he got it and understood.

I ran up and grabbed my phone. I tried calling, texting and face timing Em and got nothing. So I tried to calling Dev.

"Hello?" Dev mumbled into his phone.

"Are you okay?'' I asked concerned.

"Who is this?" He asked still asleep.

"Bray! Have you talked to Em?'' I asked.

"Nah not until eight." He said yawning.

"It's after ten dude and last I talked to him he sounded off. And that was around five or so.'' I said.

"As in Emmett dying off or my pet turtle died off?" He asked.

"The first one." I said sighing.

"It's the separation. He's worried we don't need him. Keep trying and I will to but I have a feeling we won't hear from him until we are released." He said yawning.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah just been sleeping a lot today. You have to take this medicine to stop the urges to look for your mate you basically sleep all the time." He said.

"Wow I'm looking forward to that for real." I said.

"Yeah. Look I'm going to go I'm going to try and get Em and the watch my video from Emmett." He said.

"Okay man, happy birthday." I said.

"Thanks." He said.

"Bye, hon." I said.

"See you in almost four days babe.'' He said before hanging up.

I wasn't looking forward to this sleeping thing. I like being up during the day an sleeping at night.


Dev's POV........

Too say this has been a blast if a birthday would be a lie. I have slept for 90% of it. The box I found on the table this morning pissed me off. Someone can come in but I can't go out. I honestly am hating this shit being locked up.

Em's in one of his moods there will be know getting him to listen until we are face to face and the I will make him putty in my hands.

Shit that medicine is wearing off. I stomped into the kitchen grabbed something out of the freezer and throwing it in the microwave. I grabbed the bottle and cut the pill in half so I could stay awake long enough
to finish a meal. I poured a glass of milk so I wouldn't puke for hours like this morning. This birthday sucks.

The hot sausage and four cheese rice and mushrooms was mouth watering good. I just wish I could have a cold pop or something but no this medicine says you have to drink milk.

I powered up my laptop and logged on Facebook. I typed out an explication to Em knowing he wouldn't be on but at least it will help calm him down some once I get my hands on him. I shut down the laptop and took the other half of the pill.

This time I only slept for like an hour thank the Goddess. I think the full stomach helped. Now I feel normal for a change. I mean the pull is there but it's not as bad. I decided to shower and try and reach Em.

I found some comfy clothes and while I was digging I found a neatly wrapped gift inside. My Em man I love him. I opened it to find a little note and a necklace. The necklace had a half moon and wolf on it. It's pretty cool looking.

Dev, I feel so guilty that I won't see you on your birthday. So I'm hoping you find this on you special day. It's a little something to let you know I am thinking about you. I miss you I'm sure. Love, Em <3

This kid is something. I put the box and note aside and put the necklace on. It looked sweet in me. But then again everything does. Now I think I can watch my video. I had it all set up I've just been avoiding. It's almost midnight so now is a good time.

"I bet you wait until the very last minute to watch this you ass. Always putting things off. So have you started the meds yet? You know those pills are going to send my brother in to a tail spin thinking you guys don't want him. And your first day out of here you'll spend most of it fixing that." He said making me laugh. "He's had a rough life. It's easy for him to except the fact that people don't want him. And that they are going to leave him. Things will only get worse once he read the documents from the lawyer. I had your dad take all sharp objects and medication out of his cabin tonight. He's let his wolf take over mostly but he thinks that's going to heal him. You will be the one to do that." He said. Hearing this about Em was killing me that I couldn't go to him now. I paused the video and took another half of those pills. "I know it's hard and you'll need to stay medicated more knowing how he feels but this is why I have made you this video. When you meet up with him the day if his birthday he's not really going to be himself more wolf then anything. You will have to go all Alpha on his ass. But because his wolf is a sub it will work." He said wiggling his eye brows at me. I have to admit I feel a lot stronger today even though I slept most of the day. I like the thought of going all Alpha in the bedroom. "Your one sick pup. I don't even want to know what just went through your head. I do however want to make sure you understand that Em is somewhere deep inside himself so he doesn't get hurt. He has so many fears for no reason right now it's unbelievable. I never would have thought my brother would be so lost without the two if you but he is. He doesn't seem to be able to function with out you. I was hoping this part of the future didn't come true but unfortunately it has. Em feels abandon by you an by Braylon. He feels like his is in last place in your lives. He kind of always has. He has always feared you or Bray would move out if not both. His biggest fear is being alone but I was hoping he would handle this better." He said shaking his head I knew he was feeling guilt for leaving Em but what the hell could he do? He died! Their fucking parents shouldn't be aloud to live for abandoning their only living child. I hate them. "I hate them too. Trust me when I say their lives are not as glamorous as you might think karma is not a nice lady." He said with a wink. Hell no she's not. Sooner or later that lady was going after Bray's dad." Back here bunny I know you took some meds so this is almost over." He said laughing. It was getting harder to concentrate. "Remember you have to fix Em before anything else. Promise you will not forget that. I have seen both scenarios and its not good if you don't do it right. I'm going to go so you can go to bed sleepy head you would think that when your dead friend wants to talk to you, you would listen. Good night." He said laughing shaking his head. If he wasn't so right I'd be pissed.

I turned off the TV and cleaned up my mess. I took the other half of that pill and climbed the stairs up to the bed. For once I might actually sleep in it.

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