Chspter 30 epilogue

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A/N: I know this should be Dev's POV but I started with Em and I want to finish with Em. So here we are...... the end. It's sad. I'm going to miss them but it had to happen.

Em's POV...........

17 years later........

"Dev get up we have a shot load to do. I need to run to the store and get some new clothes for Jeffery and Jett they out grew the outfits I bought for them for tonight. I just bought them. You know doing that new improved donor thing where the split out swimmers to mix our DNA really messed with our boys." I said pulling the curtains open and shaking him. Bray was watching Jeff and Jett, Cora and Rose while I woke then beast up.

"Baby it made some beautiful kids though." He said getting up.

"All eighteen of our kids are beautiful. Even the adopted six." I said giggling.

"True." He said heading for the shower.

"Your to do list is in the kitchen. Eli and Heather will be here in an hour so he can get ready." I said walking out of the room.

Eli was taking over the pack. Him and Mason were going to run things along with their mates Heather and Siena. All my kids have found their mates. Dustin and Emily were mates. Jillian and Aaron's daughter Bailey were mates. Kenzie and a guy named Wyatt from another pack. She talked him into joining our pack. Emerson and Sophia one of emma's friends are mates. The one that shocked us and the pack was that Ira and Grayson were mates. At first we had an issue with it but in reality there isn't really anything wrong with it. So we excepted it and the pack excepted it.

Now Jeff and Jett are seven and Cora and Rose are nine. Bailey is five Carter is also five. Lily and Liam are two and Ray is one our newest addition is Haven. She was orphaned at three days and she has been with us for a month now. We are 36 and have 18 kids and even though Mason isn't saying I think our first grand kid may be on the way. I'm so excited.

I was blessed with only seeing one of my kids future and that was Gray's that is why we knew it would be okay to except his and Ira's mating. Bray has seen our whole lots future and he's happy. Denver only sees Eli's and he said he couldn't be prouder of our eldest of the sextuplets. Mason was a little upset when we gave the Alpha title to Eli but once we explained everything and I mean everything to him. We took him to his parent graves and gave him all paperwork showing his adoption and who he was. He excepted the position as beta when Aaron failed to have a boy. So it worked out.

Ira now goes by the last name he was born with. Ira Wright is mated to Grayson Black-Maxwell. That is how they see it. Not brothers.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on them for me, Rachel." I said grabbing my keys. Rachel is our new nanny. Donna is now mated and having her own family.

"Your welcome" she said smiling as she feed Haven.

I headed for the garage and jumped in my pocket car. I drive this when I have no kids going with me. Thankfully the mall was only about ten miles away because I only had like an hour until the ceremony begins.

Bray's parents moved to Florida once Brooklyn was mated off. Part of me thinks Bray was relieved to have them go. His dad always brought tension when he came over.

Denver's parents moved into a smaller house down the road from us. They could never leave their grand babies. Eli and Mason will be moving into their old house.

My dad died a couple years ago. His girlfriend killed him thinking she would get his money but that came to me and she went to werewolf jail. Not a nice place. My mom she's is MIA. Nobody has seen or heard from her in over ten years. They said a couple more years and they will consider her dead. Am I saddened by this no not really. I didn't know the people who created me. I love the people who raised me though. Momma Kim and Joe. They were awesome parents.

"Alpha Emery, what can I get for you today sir?" Megan asked.

"My boys out grew those clothes I got them last week. I need two sized bigger." I said handing her the outfits.

"Coming right up." she said and headed off to exchange them.

"I forgot shoes so maybe a size 8 for them. They wore six's last week." I yelled to her.

"Here I figured they would need them also. I'll exchange the clothes but you have to pay for the shoes." she said ringing them up.

"Thanks hon." I said getting my wallet out.

"72.47." she said I handed her my bank card.

"Thanks." I said signing it and taking my stuff.

"See you next week." she said waving as I headed back to the house.

Our rain as Alpha's was peaceful. We a bigger pack and no it's not because of our kids. When we started there was at lease 80 people in our pack. Now we have 165 so see only 144 people are not my mates or my kids. When running a pack it's a win lose thing. You win some pack members or you loses some. We did both but we won more then we lost.

"I'm home." I said walking in the house.

"Papa my shirts all wrinkled." Eli said coming to me with a badly wrinkled shirt.

"I'll take care of it." I said kissing his cheek. He's about seven foot tall but to me he's my baby.

"Thanks papa." he said smiling at me.

"Hey baby boy, did you get the growing boys new clothes?" Bray asked coming out of the bathroom.

"I did. Here you go. New everything." I said shaking my head.

"They to much wolf in them." he said laughing.

"Tell me about it." I said shaking my head.

"Twenty minutes." Dev said coming through with another shirt that need my help.

"Give me and go get the kids ready." I said showing them.

We made it to the coronation five minutes late. Okay so having a lot of kids has it's set backs.

"Attention, please and thank you." Today Aaron will hand down his title as Alpha to my son Mason Black-Maxwell. And my mates and I will hand down our titles as Alpha/Luna to our other son Eli and his mate Heather." Denver said. I tend to tune him out so out of habit I almost missed Mason becoming Alpha and then the cutting of our hands.

"Space much papa?" Eli asked through our mind link.

"Sorry baby, you know your daddy can go on and on and on." I said making him chuckle during the Alpha bonding between his daddy and him.

"Hush you two." Bray said. Giving us dirty looks. It was not his and Eli's turn.

I can honestly say I didn't feel any different. Not like when it was our turn for the coronation. I felt the surge of power. I did feel bad for Heather she hated blood and there was a lot of it.

"As the new Alpha I would like invite the pack to starts new tradition. Luna Heather and I would like to have a pack cook out once a month. Everyone bring a meal and it should provide enough to feed our pack. This is to make our strong and close pack stronger and closer. This is something my daddy and I have been working on for a year. And now I'm offering it to you. It will not be mandatory it's just something I think we will all enjoy." Eli said smiling at his daddy and then to his dad and I. Heather stood proudly by him and she looked like a true Luna. I am so proud of my kids.

In 18 years we will start our lives if it didn't happen sooner Haven could find her mate and then he would help take care of her. But we do live until we are really old so I'm okay with it.

The end. <3

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