Chapter 26 baby baby baby

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Bray's POV.......

Today we find out what it is we are having. I can't wait. The names on the list keep growing. Em has all this stuff he is working on trying to get it all done before they get here. Their wing of the house is on hyper drive getting done. It helps that the people working on it are part of our pack and want their future Alpha and his siblings to be comfortable. I love that about our pack.

"I have the video camera and scrapbook. " Said coming down the stairs.

"I don't need this fucking wheel chair." a pissed off Piper yelled to a laughing Dev.

"Come in sunshine be nice and enjoy the ride." Dev said.

"Honey your as big as a house. You can't be walking around." Em said not even paying attention to the death glare being sent to him from our best friend.

"One more month if that and I swear to the Goddess above I am going to kick your ass for every time you made a fat comment. You need to remember I'm carrying your kids here and once there born one shift and I'm back to normal." Piper snapped.

"I'm sorry hon, I truly think your beautiful. I love how you glow." Em said turning and smiling at Piper. Believe it or not she bought everything he said. It true what he said. But she was smiling all lovey dovey at him not in a lover kind of way but in a sister to a big brother kind of way.

"Ready?" Dev asked coming in from the garage.

"Yep, is Emma with your mom?" Em asked.

"Sure is having a play date with Casey the maids daughter.

"Awesome she likes Casey." Piper said.

"Come on I have room colors to pick, clothes to buy and names to pick." Em said making us both laugh.

"The car is out front waiting on us." Dev said. I grabbed my bottle of water and pushed Piper towards the door.

"You know I think I might actually like this." Piper said makings chuckle and look down at her.

"You know I'd carry you anywhere." I said looking down at her still.

"I know you would with or without your babies in me." she said laughing.

"I would. Your one of my best friends and I love you and I would do anything for you." I said.

"Awe I love you too." she said climbing into the car. I folded the wheel chair and put it in the trunk.

"I'll drive." Em said getting in. Dev climbed in back and I followed him in.

It took us twenty minutes to get to the doctors office. Our pack doctor is also a regular doctor and in order to get the ultra sound that is like 4d or something. One of my goals as Alpha/Luna is to get our pack hospital up to what state hospital have. I'd feel safer if our kind had their own medical place.

"Piper Lennox." the receptionist said.

"Come on we will let you walk back there." I said helping her up. Dev folded her chair and set it by the door.

"Piper, Alpha's Lets see some babies." Dr. Ashland said.

"I can't wait." Em said.

"Hope up here and lets make some people happy." Doc said helping Piper up.

"I can't wait to do things on my own." She said breathing hard.

"Some cold gel to make you shiver." Doc said.

"I hate that shit." she said frowning.

"Well look what we have here sack one. We have the Alpha's boy. You can tell because he is the biggest and his sack companion is a....... girl. Congrats Alpha Denver." Doc said.

"He's the one that keeps kicking my bladder." Piper whined.

"Sack two definitely beta blood. And two identical little girls. She this one is sucking her thumb." Doc said. Those were my girls right there. I was speechless.

"And last but not least. Two very strong looking boys. Again identical. That gives you three strong boys to watch over your three little girls." Doc said smiling at us. I'm having girls.

"Thank you doc, can you tell when your going to deliver them?" Em asked still video taping the appointment.

"We are looking at next week maybe. Their running out of room. Their well developed and will be fine but Piper is going to get more and more uncomfortable so we will take them around September 18th." doc said shocking me. Our babies would be here in a week. I wasn't ready. I needed time to get ready.

"Thank you doc. I can't wait to move." Piper said.

"I'm sure you are." He said laughing.

"So are you delivering here or at the pack hospital?" Dev asked.

"Pack hospital. We have almost everything we need except a few nice things like this machine." Doc said chuckling.

"Early morning or evening?" Em asked.

"Early. The sooner the better but I want to give it a week and I would like Piper to come in the night before hand so we can monitor everything. So I will see you again say around seven at night on September 17th. At the pack hospital and plan on an early delivery." Doc said shaking all of our hands. He handed a bunch of photos to Em before leaving.

"We have a lot to do. Lets go." Em said already in panic mood.

"Come on Aunty Piper lets waddle back to your chair." Dev said.

"Babe calm down. If its not perfect they will be okay. I promise that we will have the important stuff done." I said pulling a stressed Em with me out to the car.

"Momma Kim and I are taking Emma shopping when we get back. Bray will you let the contractor know we only have a week please." Em said rubbing his temple.

"Yes baby I can do that. If you make sure to buy three shirts that say I'm a daddies girl. And the shirts that say daddies big boy on them please." I said.

"I sure will." Em said kissing me. I loved his kisses.

"Save it you two, I want to eat and keep my food down." Piper said as Dev ordered McDonalds for us.

"And six shirts that say I have the best Aunty in the world." Dev said though our mind link.

"Definitely." Em said opening his straw.

When we got home I took Piper to her room. Dev went to do some paper work and I went and had a chat with the contractor. The new wing looked awesome. It had six bedrooms and one big nursery. The nursery was do and most of the other rooms were as well. The guys said it should be no problem getting the place ready.

"Bray I need your opinion on a few things." Dev said.

"Be there in a sec." I said heading for his office.

I could hear Piper chatting with someone in her room more then likely it was Donna. They get along so good.

"What happening hot stuff?" I asked walking in the office.

"Well we had a rouge attack a small pack about two hours from here. Most of the adults have died but there is like six kids. The orphanage is full and I could only find four of the kids homes I need to find a set of brothers who are four and two homes. Do you think Em would mind us taking them in?" he asked.

"I think he would be pissed if you didn't." I said honestly.

"Okay I will call Aaron and have him bring them home." He said picking up the phone. I waved and ducked out of the room.

"Rosa I need a room made up for a four and two year old. And do you think you can go shopping for me?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yes I can shop for you and which room?" she asked.

"The one down from ours and I need a couple outfits diapers and toys that will work for this age group." I told her handing her a couple hundred dollars.

"Okay I will get like three days worth of clothes and a few toys. You know Em he will want to shop himself." She said.

"I know and thank you. I am going to start get thing the car seats installed in the van. Oh shit I need two more car seats." I said handing her more money.

"You go do your honey due list and I will go do mine. I have all work credit card if I need it." she said laughing.

"Again thank you." I said.

"Go." she said before heading off in her own direction.

Installing six car seats was honestly a pain in the ass. I still had to put a couple in each car just in case. At least Dev got stuck with building the cribs. Em was locking he had the swings and strollers.

"The boys will be here in an hour. Aaron said they seem really well mannered and healthy. Rosa just got back by the way. Nicely done there." Dev said smiling at me.

"I think Em is rubbing off on me." I said.

"On all of us." He said.

Aaron showed at the same time Em came home. He was thrilled to take in Mason and Ira. They were good cute kids. They were the sons of the beta so they will be strong dependable boys. Very loyal.

"I feel nothing but sadness coming from them. Its almost to much." Em said later after we got them to sleep.

"I know baby. We just need to help them the best we can." I said hugging him to me.

"I will. Tomorrow I am getting them some proper clothes and some fun toys. Never send Rosa to shop for our kids." He said shaking his head.

"Sorry I was busy." I said chuckling.

"I forgive you." he said snuggling in.

Dev came in and we talked about the boys and the babies. We decided that if we can handle it in six months we would adopt the boys.

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