Chapter 5

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The day went by super slow. I've been getting calls all day from people who found a set of lingerie and whip in the school. I guess Logan put a bunch of them all over the school. I even found a pair in the library. I am so gonna get him back for this.

I'm in the lunch room right now sitting by myself, just glaring at Logan.

"Excuse me, are you Louise?" A greasy haired boy asks. Does he not take a shower?

Anyway, "Yeah, why do you want to know?" I questioned.

He gives me a creepy grin and speaks while liking his lips,"Well I noticed you own some lingerie and whip and wondered if you wanted to show me how you use them?"

Disgusted I say no and walk out of the cafeteria and towards my locker.

Some one pushes me and I fall against the wall. It's the greasy kid, his grin is even wider now.

"I know you like to play it rough. Come on girl, just one time." He whispers into my ear and pinning me against the wall.

"I said no creep!" I say as I push him. I finally notice his big muscles when he doesn't budge.

His grin gets even wider if that's even possible, "If you don't want to, I guess I'll have to make you." He spits on my face  and starts to kiss me, muffling my scream.

I bite down on his lip and he just says,"I knew you liked it rough!"

He then slams me against the wall again and covers my mouth to quiet my continues screams. He licks my stomach then bites it. 

Then I see Logan pursuing some girl as she looks at him in disgust.

"Look Luke, I don't li- OMG! Some one is raping that rat girl!" The girl says as she finally sees me.

Logan turns around and his face explodes with anger as he storms over picking up greasy boy and throwing him in a corner and starts punching him.

The girl screams and people start to crowd around calling out,"Fight! Fight! Fight!" They don't even know why they are fighting.

The greasy boy finally gets knocked out and Logan turns around looks at me.

"Are you ok Louise?" Logan says while his lip starts to bleed.

"Actually no! Greasy boy attacked me because of your posters! Because of you!" I ran out of there not crying because I don't want to give Logan the satisfaction of winning.

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