The Hetalia Human Conspiracy Theory

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Hallo wonderful people! It's Laziez or Panda Goddess and I'm here to bring you theories that'll probably spoil and ruin your childhood... And favorite animes. So let's get *drumroll* started!

Today we shall be talking about one of my most favorite animes of all time. And no, it is not because I am totally below the age of fourteen and I don't understand shit about this kind of stuff yet. Than again I do, 'cause it's the 21st century and us children are exposed to that.

Anyways, let's move on. This anime I was talking about is Hetalia. Yes, the anime with the cracktastic fandom that dreadfully is always combined with Homestuck or Undertale. But is there something deeper, even darker, behind all these silly country personifications?

I think there is. What if... Hetalia's countries were based off of humans that have died and are now personifications of countries that have forgotten who they once were. Now, that's a dark twist. But rest assured, this is just a theory. Or is it? Let's find out.

So everyone knows that Hetalia is based on WWII/ World War 2. Now, this anime is based on stereotypes if you did not know. But anyways, let's get the obvious out of the way. Let's take America or Alfred for example. He's always eating burgers, gets picked on for being fat, tries to lose weight, etc.

Well, that's what the stereotypical American was apparently like back in World War 2. But there is a theory that America is also suffering from Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimic. You know, those eating disorders. But it's not visible since he's always wearing that flight jacket.

So back in his human life, he may have been suffering from either of those. Or you could take Russia or Ivan for example. His somewhat mental and unsettling ways of murder. Plus the metal pipe. Could he have been in an abusive mental asylum when he was a human?

Or we could take... Romano or Lovino. Why does he cuss all the time? Why does he dislike men or Germany for example? Well, the theory is that he was once human and he lost his mother, than was abused by a nasty-mouthed father afterward. And than be was beat to death.

But what about the more unseen countries in Hetalia? Maybe APH!Netherlands. Pretty much everyone who has seen Hetalia and all the series know that he used to be big on getting money back in his old days. Well, my theory is that he was once a teen or child that was really rich.

But he was also pretty quiet and didn't have many friends, plus was quite intimidating to others. He was one day kidnapped for ransom and when his parents didn't come to save him, he was soon killed or maybe even starved to death.

So pretty much this is a theory that talks about how the personifications in Hetalia could've once been humans and that they all died terrible deaths that also lead to them also having some personality traits they now have currently.

So pretty much you have humans, death, rebirth, personifications, and old personality traits that came from either how the country could've died back when they were human or from the environment around them. Pretty depressing, if you ask me.

But that's just an anime theory. Though, maybe I have ruined Hetalia for you. And maybe I have made you depressed. But don't worry, there are way more depressing theories we'll be going over.

So, have a wonderful day, and I'll see ya'll in the next theory! Chow!

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