Spirited Away Is Based on Prostitution?!

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Hello anime conspirators! It's Lady Plaidypus and I am here to bring you the ultimate childhood destroyer! So it's okay if you hate me in the end, because I hate myself for learning about this. But don't worry, another Ghibli theory will scar you even more. Anyways, let's get started!

Today's theory and actual truth is on: Spirited Away!

Apparently, Hayao Miyazaki based Spirited Away on prostitution. Which came as a surprise to me. Since Spirited Away was my first Ghibli movie.

Anyways, here are some minor keys as to which points out how Spirited Away is based on prostitution.

First off is the Bathhouse. Back in the day, when prostitution was legal in Japan, many brothels looked quite like this. Anyways, in a bathhouse, when a woman was serving, she was supposed to do everything the man she was serving asked of her.

Even if it was pleasure, if ya know what I mean. Anyways, another minor key pointer is also how No-Face is always offering her money. That either means he wanted to buy her or wanted her to 'please' him. If ya think about it, you honestly will figure out that doesn't seem logically possible.

Another key pointer is the fact that Yubaba, the head of the Bathhouse, took Chihiro's name away and it became Sen. Prostitutes usually have fake names as to not get caught. Other than that, a key pointer I would think of would be that the bathhouse is only open at night.

Which I honestly don't know, but I would think that brothels or bathhouses like those back in Japan would open at night so men could come in. So that being that, it also makes sense to Spirited Away's plot, since spirits probably only did come at night.

But anyways, I heard that they also recruited young girls into prostitution. But that's just what I heard. I'm to lazy to Google it.

So I hope I didn't ruin that movie entirely for you because if you ignore this theory/truth (which this prostitution theory was also confirmed by Hayao Miyazaki), than you can still enjoy the movie.

But anyways, thanks for sticking around and I hope we can have some more fun with these conspiracies! See ya!

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