Misaki Kurosaki is a Quincy

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Hello people, I am back to bring you yet another amazing theory! So prepare yourself for some epicness! Also, as always, these theories might ruin your childhood or an anime for you, so be careful what you read! Anyways, let's get this show on the road!

Today's theory is: Misaki Kurosaki is a Quincy

Everyone remember Misaki Kurosaki, Ichigo's mum? You know, the lady that was mentioned way at the beginning of the Bleach series? Yup, that's her. The one who was used as a trap by Grand Fisher to try and kill Ichigo.

But that's not important at the moment. So everyone knows how Misaki dies. She goes to save Ichigo and ends up getting killed herself. But what if before all this happened and even before Ichigo was born, she was a... Quincy.

Even more so, what if she was a certain someone's lover. The man who has been trying to get Ichigo to side with him: Yhwach. Now, I'm not saying that they could've gave birth to Ichigo, but than again, there is something fishy around here.

Now, in the episode Hear, Fear, Here, when Ichigo and Yhwach fight, Ichigo's transformation is said to look somewhat like how Yhwach did back in his teenage years. Plus, why does Yhwach insist on recruiting Ichigo?

What if... Misaki Kurosaki was actually killed by someone instead of by something. Well, unless you count a sword, but that doesn't count at the moment. Anyways, what if Misaki could've been killed... Or maybe even assassinated by... The Soul Society.

If Misaki and Yhwach were close, than the Soul Society might've killed her to stop her from helping him. Or maybe even from her having his kid. But maybe, just maybe, Ichigo is Yhwach's son.

Again, back to the episode, Hear, Fear, Here. Once again, it is said that Ichigo's Shinigami form or something like that, looks like how Yhwach did back when he was a teen. So if that's true, and we all know that Ichigo gets black hair in the end, could he really be Yhwach's son?

But remember, Yhwach is also +1200 years old. Could Misaki also be that old? Or is she a younger Quincy? Perhaps Ichigo's Grandparents, who we have no idea on who they could be, were perhaps Quincy's. If so, could they have given birth to a Quincy child?

Now let's say that Ichigo's father was the human one, the fantastic one that always makes me laugh. If that was so, than this means Ichigo could not have the probability of being a Quincy. Or could he? Could his mother have been able to give Ichigo any Quincy power at all?

Well, sadly, there is not enough info on that. But I still have a half and half belief that Misaki Kurosaki was a Quincy.

But that's just an anime theory! And also my opinion. What do you think? Could Ichigo's Mum possibly be a Quincy? Could the Soul Society have possibly killed her? And if so, is it because she was sceret lovers with Yhwach?

But anyways, have a wonderful day and stay conspiratastic!

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