Sick of this.... Sick of everything

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Color above green- tired/sick

~Phil~ (whaaaaaaaaaat)
As I stood behind the couch watching the rise and fall of his chest I never expected him to say

"I won't as long as you are there to help me get my emotions under control" I was overwhelmed with emotions. He's willing to let me help him, throw his past away and bring in happy and calming new ones.

I smiled down at his fragile body as he laid there.

"Thank you Dan." I said and walked around the couch and kissed his cheek.

I walked away, step one make him feel better, happy, and loved. I will
Help him even if it kills me. Even if I become to tired from lack of sleep
Watching him, I WILL SAVE

I walked into the kitchen and made some Roman noddles (my favourite) as I stirred the noddles I thought of Dan. His face hides so many emotions no one else sees.

The noddles were done so I made two bowls and took one to dan and I sat next him. He grabbed the bowl and we sat in silence (cause some stole my car radio and know we just sit in silence) and just enjoyed the soup.

Dan looked exhausted and to hurt to walk home. After we finished I picked him up and carried him to my room and laid him down and covered him up.

"Sleep and you can take a shower tomorrow we are skipping you are to hurt to do anything I'll call your dad and tell him where you are if he wants to walk over and see how you are without your mom" I said and he nodded and whispered

"Thank you Phil, I mean it."

I walked out the room closing the door and dialled Dan's father Evan's number. As it rang I tapped my foot to the rings.

"Hello?" Evan said.
"Hello sir this is Phil..." I said and I heard movement from the Other line and a door close.

"I don't know you sir." Evan said and i nodded forgetting he can't see me

"Well I live right across the road from you your son Dan was badly beaten at school today and I took him to my house. You're welcome to come over but he doesn't want to go back home." I said and dan's father said okay and walked over to my house.

(Also I'm extremely sorry guys if I start typing Jonathan or Evan as Dan and Phil.... The Vanlirious ship has dragged me in to far also Evan will be used in the story cause of dan's father so don't freak out)

Evan walked in the house and I told him that Dan was in my bed down the hall on his left.

I followed him and he softly pushed the door open and saw how bad Dan looked and he's face expression gave it all away. He wants to cry but tries to stay tough like a father would. (My dad refuses to cry is that a man thing or what?) we walked over to the bed and sat on it and rubbed dan's back.

Dan stirred and woke up and made eye contact with me, his black never ending pit of wonder are staring into my now green eyes.

I'm tired.... I'm sick and tired of all the people treating Dan like this. He reached out his hand and I walked over and Evan smiled at Dan and I.

"I hope you feel better Dan i am going home your moth- I mean Debby had packed her things and she left so when ever your ready you come come home with drama." His father said and Dan nodded.

Dan looked at me and wrapped an arm around my waist and fell back to sleep and I saw something...... Something I never thought would happen. (Take a guess)

I woke up when i heard movement beside me. I opened my eyes and saw Phil getting out of bed, i looked out the window and saw the moon high in the sky.

"Where are you going?" I asked kinda sadly? "To the spare room to sleep so you can rest." He said And I shook my head.

"Stay... Please." I said and he walked over to the end and crawled back in and I wrapped an arm around him.

"I am tired of this place.... But with you hear I'm fine"

I saw a bit of green appear in his eyes but disappeared as soon as I saw it. Was it my imagination?

"I am tired of this place.... But with you hear I'm fine" with that I fell asleep trying to figure out did I really see green?

I am tired of this place I hope people change.

Hello guys so chapter 6?? Is done hope you all enjoyed if you did tell me or like the chapter or whatever! :) haha bye guys!!

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