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I decided it was best to go home and let Phil rest. I walked out his room but not before kissing his forehead.

"Don't let the Coma run you, you run it" I whispered before walking out the double doors and into the world, the reality.

I stumbled not fully engerized (when are you fully engerized Dan when?)

I hauled a taxi and gave him the adress to the flat. I never thought Phil. The person I wanted to hate. The person I didn't want help from. The person I didn't want to fall for. Is in the hospital because of me.

That hit me full force. I caused this. He is in a coma because of me. Then I let it go. My sobs I have been holding on for so long rolling down my face.

Like an ocean or a waterfall that will never stop flowing, I felt more broken then ever. I'm a failure.

The taxi driver looked in the rear view mirror his eyes glowing yellow with worry.

My eyes starting to turn black once more. To many emotions. Fear, anger, regret, lose, love all mixed together.

The taxi stopped and I went through my wallet and grabbed a twenty and handed it to the man but he held his hand up to stop me.

"Kid, you have been through a lot. Free of charge go get some rest. I'll be your normal taxi driver for now on names trevor here is my card every ride is free I can see in your eyes your lost. It is your best friend or lover. I sense it in you take it easy ok?" I nodded and waved the taxi driver off and walked up to the flat.

I unlocked the door and swung it opened as it hit the wall in the process. To upset to worry about anything I went straight to bed and fell on to the bed and cried some more till I become to exhausted from crying I fell asleep face first in to my pillow thinking of Phil.

Running. Running. Screaming. Crying. Sweating. Swearing. Panting. Giving up.

All the W questions ran through mh mind

Why was I running? Where was I running? What is going to?

Is it Phil? Is he hurt? I saw the hospital and ran into side and asked for Phillip Lester.

"I'm sorry sir.... he's gone" with that my body crumbled and I cried.

My body shot up and I looked around and saw I was in phil's hospital room. I guess I never really did leave.

I was holding phil's hand as he slept peacefully. This coma is going to kill me I need him. Without him my emotions are nothing.

I heard footsteps and saw Doctor Hartford walk in with a clipboard.

"Hello dan I'll be phil's doctor since Doctor Clark is out with a sickness" he said and I nodded

"Seems to me the fight wasn't that bad so he should be out of the Coma in about 2 days if that talk to him and it should be at least a day depends on how much your voice comforts him."
He said patting my back before walking out

"Hey Phil. I haven't left your side and I refuse to. I had a dream I lost you and I can't let that happen" I said holding his hand tighter.

"Dan p-painful" I looked up and he was looking at out hands and his hands were turning white.

"Sorry" I said and he smiled a little

"Doctor Hartford was right your voice Is comforting" Phil said and I smiled. My eyes glowing a light blue.

~two days later~
We were free to go and live our normal lives again. We walked to Trevor's taxi and hopped in and thanked him and he smiled.

(Dan knows trevor still cause he did leave but he came back when his dream freaked him..... or did he 😏)

He drove to the flat and dropped us off and on tipped him and he smiled.
We walked into the flat and crashed on the sofa.

I kissed his cheek and walked into the kitchen and looked through the fridge.

"Phil we need to go shopping tomorrow for food." I said and Phil grabbed our keys and ran out the flat

"Phil. PHIL!?" He was already in the car I face-palmed and walked to the drivers window and he rolled it down

"Yessss?" He said and I shook my head

"I said tomorrow not today" I said he giggled and shooed me away

"I'll be back soon" he said kissing my cheek and leaving.

I decided to go on the tube to go around London for a little while while Phil went out.

I stepped on the tube and no one was really on there. I decided to stand cause I sit to much. I was riding for about 30 minutes when my phone rang and it was Phil.

"Yes Phil?" I said and the voice didn't belong to Phil

"Mister howell?" The voice said


"Phil was in a car accident the car was smashed by an 18-wheeler and is terrible condition.

I hung up the phone and jumped off the tube that just stopped and ran to the hospital to see Phil once again.

Why is everything my fault.
I got to the hospital and asked the lady and she told me he was in the ER and I need to wait a little bit.

Doctor Hartford walked out and told me to follow him to Phil's the. He lat me in and left.

I walked over to him bed and kissed his forehead.

"Once again Phil I'm a terrible boyfriend." I said and when I said that the line went dead.

He's gone.

End of ch 16 hope yall enjoyed!!!!!

Let me finish before I end it.

~end dream~
I shot up and was still face down in my pillow. I stood up and saw the sun peeking through the curtains.

I ran outside and our car was OK.

Phil was still in a coma at the hospital.

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