Are you?.........

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Hello!!! How are you all? Are you in the mood for a chapter? Are your emotions ready? Let's go!! Also so close to 500? Again how?

Ch 12 emotions

I had Phil in my arms as I carried him to the nurses office. I knocked and nurse B opened the door.

She saw my arms and a beaten Phil in my arms. She pushed us in the room and laid him on the bed.

"Who did this?" Nurse B said checking the bruises and touching them softy.

"Brad Hancock" I said and she nodded before calling the office.

"Front desk?" The intercom said

"I need principal Adam to my office please" said nurse B

"Right away" the intercom said before going off. I looked at my boyfriend and anger boiled throughout my whole body.

"Dan, honey calm down." Nurse B said I looked at her and she kinda of backed away. My eyes where as red as blood.

I looked at Phil who moved slightly and my anger vanished. Nurse B noticed cause she smirked.

Phil opened his eyes and made eye contact with me. He smiled softly and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you Dan. I love you Dan." He said and I smiled brightly. A knock was heard on the door and the principal walked in.

Nurse B and him walked out the room and i turned back to Phil

"I love you too Phil more than an emotions possible, more than an living person, more than any teenager reading this book I mean...... I love you more than any one in the world. I can't lose you, you are my life"  I said and Phil grabbed my face and kissed me.

He leaned up and pulled me on top on him. I was in push up position so I would hurt his bruised body.

"Dan I know your strong and all but not strong enough to stay in push up position while we are kissing but lay beside me if that makes you feel better." Phil said looking me in the eyes.

I nodded and laid beside him before grabbing his face again and kissing his passionately. I slowly pulled away and rested my head on his and fell asleep to his soft breath.

I started at Dan and nurse B walked in and smiled. "How are you feeling Phil." She said and I nodded

"I'm fine." I said looking at Dan's peaceful face.

"I called Dan's classes and told them to send his work cause he's staying in here with you cause I saw his expression earlier he had so much anger flowing through him but when you moved he calmed down almost immediately he loves you Phil don't let him go" nurse B said and I smiled and kissed his forehead.

I'm not planning to. I will never let him go. He's just as amazing as any one with emotions.

~the next day~(I had nothing lol)
I walked into school with Dan beside me. My arms were wrapped in an ace bandage and my stomach was also wrapped.

We made it to our lockers and Dan had to use the rest room. I nodded and he pulled me along.

"Ok ok I'm coming." I said and I followed him into the rest room. He checked and made sure no one was in there and locked the door.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I fell against the wall and he held me close. I kissed him back and enjoyed the moment.

We pulled away gasping for air. I pulled away and saw a color I never seen in anyone's eyes. Light light light green.

"I didn't like the way that guy was looking at you." He said and I smirked

"Dan are you......... Jealous?" I said and he looked down and I awed.

"I love you and only you. I like this jealousy side of you" I said and kissed him again.

So I figured something out. Dan's emotions come back if they are for my health, our relationship, my feelings, it's all because of me.

I love this man.

"Phil your eyes are pink" he said and I smiled

"You cause it" I said hugging MY boyfriend.

Ch 12 ended I know it's not drama but a cute fluff? How was it?? BYEEEEE ALSO THIS IS DEDICATED TO _Miss_Music_ for being an amazing person bye

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