Something clicked....

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so close to 500 reads!?? HOW THIS BOOK IS S**T!!! But thank you guys :) let's jump into ch 11

As the weekend hit Dan and I stayed at my house, we did normal couple things.

We were sitting on the couch watching Rio 2 and just humming to the songs.

Disney movies are always fun to watch and that's what I always did when I felt alone.

Dan leaned on my shoulder as we finished off the movie. As he credits started to roll and I looked at new position.

I was on my back with my head turned to the right looking at the screen. Well I'm looked at us now. Dan was also on his back and between my legs and head resting on my stomach, my arms were around his shoulder and resting on his chest.

I kissed his cheek and we stayed like that and fell asleep

As a couple we do share kisses every now and then. I was making breakfast for the two of us and Dan walked up behind me and kissed my cheek.

I sat the skillet on the stove from where I just flipped a pancake. I turned around and kissed him on the lips. He wrapped an arm around my neck and deepened the kiss.

Let's say I forgot about the pancake. I smelt smoke and pulled away from the kiss and saw a mini fire from the burning Pancake. Dan I ran and grabbed salt and poured it on the stove (always use salt to put out a stove fire there is a hint for future fires from burning food) as we were both trembling from almost dying we decided to skip pancakes and just eat cereal.

After finishing the cereal I grabbed Dan and pulled him on the couch and kissed him forcefully.

Couples giggle and that's what we do, on Sunday night we were getting ready for bed.

"Hey babe...." Dan said and I looked at him.

"Yes?" And he smirked

"What do you call a magic owl?" He said and I shrugged

"I don't know what" I questioned and he giggled a little

"Hooooooooodini" he made jazz hands and we busted out laughing. I could feel tears falling down my face from laughing so hard.

I looked at his eyes and saw a bit of blue twinkling in the dark of night. Even with the black eyes that shows no emotions I know he loves me, and I love him even though he can't see it through my eyes cause they are pitch black too.

~Monday morning~
As Monday rolled over I woke up and decided to just wear my glasses maybe no one will see me eyes.

I got dressed and fixed my messy mop I call hair. I walked in my room and woke up Dan. "Babe wake up we have school" I said and he groaned and rolled over...... And well fell off the bed.

"Bloody hell where did the floor Come from" he said and I laughed

"It's been their a might long time Danny." I said and he turned his head and glared at me

"I hate you" he said and I smiled

"Love you too!" I skipped out the room do my night in shining armor can get ready.

He walked out the room looking handsome in my clothes. I kissed him before grabbing my glasses and walking out the house.

We walked to school and people stared at Dan like a threat. I ignored the whispers and so did Dan.

We made it to my locker and put our stuff away and closed it and the bell rang for first period. Dan kissed my cheek and went to class.

I turned to walk the other direction and was pushed into my locker by 'th brad'

"So you dating emotionless happy boy." He said ripping off my glasses and I closed them

"Look at me while I'm speaking to you happy!" He said and I ignored him.

"Okay happy boy." He through me down and kicked me in the stomach. My eyes shot open in pain and he looked at me

"So mister happy was a fake, another emotionless roams the school. We can't have that can we" he said kicked me in the stomach.

I groaned and the tardy bell rang and no one was in the hallway but 'the Brad' and I.

"No one is here to save you now hap- I mean emotionless" he said snickering.

"Hey!" I heard a voice from down the hall. My body was weak but I managed to turn my head to see a blurry figure running straight at 'the Brad'


He tackled 'the Brad' to the ground and punched him in the face many times.

"D-Dan" I whispered out

I felt off. Something wasn't right. I raised my hand and asked to be excused for a few minutes.

The teacher was hesitant but gave in a minute later. I ran out the room to his a kicking noise from down the hall.

My lover, my savior, my boyfriend, my friend was getting beating by 'the Bitch.. I mean brad'

"HEY" I yelled and ran and beat the shit out of him. I showed no Mersey.

"D-Dan" Phil's weak voice spoke.
I looked at him anger over powering everything else.

"Your eyes are blood red." He said before blacking out. I scooped up his body and saw my blood red eyes in the medal of the lockers.

"Mess with the only things that keeps me sane I'll go rage mode and nothing but him can stop me"

Something clicked..... Because my soul Mate was in danger.

End but here are some Q and A question and answers!!

Q• what are some fandoms you are in?
A• 8

Q• what are you fav bands?
A• Mcr, fob, p!atd, muse, Falling in reverse. Etc etc

Q• what color are your eyes!
A• blue and green (sometimes yellow and brown ask Vampire_Potato_ )

Q• life death situation?
A• it was two years ago... I was getting off the bus to get home, s car came around the corner and their breaks locked up and my brother pulled me bald before I was hit.

Q• OTP(s)
A• Phan, minicat, h2o vanoss, troyler, etc etc

Q• social media?
A• ok ummmm hmmm
-Instagram: __phanpics__ , theshippingmemes,

Kik: phantastic19

Twitter: pres_loves_

Facebook: .....

Q• my name?
A• Presley

Q• what do you look like?
A• a ugly human

OKAY THATS ALL THE QUESTIONS!!!! I'll see you all in ch 12 byeeeee

Also his chapter is dedicated to two people
Vampire_Potato_ and Nicky_is_a_fangirl

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