Ch. 14: Taser & Rage

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[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria]

"What are we going to do!" Swift shouted as she watched Exo being electrocuted. Mike was thinking.

"I have an idea, but I'll need a crowbar." Mike said.

"You're going to force his chest open!?" Flame asked.

"It's the only way, the button is jammed and we can't just do nothing!" Mike replied.

They all turned towards Exo. Exo nodded his head while gritting his teeth.

"We need a crowbar..." Mike said as he looked around.

"I have an idea!" Flame began, "Foxy we need you!" Foxy went over to them, and saw what was happening.

"What the hell?" Foxy said.

"No time to explain what's going on, we need you to use your hook to forcefully open Exo's chest." Flame explained.

"So that's your plan?" Preston asked.

"We don't have any other options, now do we?" Wolfie said.

"I guess I can try." Foxy replied. Foxy brought his hook over to the hinge that opens Exo's chest. He jammed his hook into it, and pulled as hard as he could. Exo's chest was starting to open, with some oil coming out.

"Almost there Foxy..." Mike said.

Foxy pulled even harder, and eventually he ripped off the hinge completely from his chest. Foxy dropped the metal onto the ground, and turned to look at Exo's power core. They saw a taser attached to his power core, and the power core was getting close to short-circuiting.

"W-who's going to remove the power core?" Mike stuttered.

Flame smiled and turned to Exo, "I will. I've been through worse." Flame hesitated as he reached for the 1000 Watt taser. He sweat a bit as he quickly grabbed the taser. He was suddenly completely electrocuted and struggled to move the taser away from Exo's power core. Once he got the taser clear from Exo, he threw it into a mop bucket to destroy the taser.

"Are you ok Exo?" Wolfie asked.

"I-I think so..." Exo replied as he looked down at the metal.

"Don't worry, I'll fix you up right away!" Mike said as he picked up the metal.

"That was... something different..." Flame said still in shock.

"Yeah, Vincent wouldn't do something like that without a reason..." Freddy replied.

"Maybe Exo is important to him in some way?" Bonnie answered.

"Yeah, maybe..." Preston said as he looked at Exo.

"I saw a board full of plans... he needed a spy... I think the spy was Exo." Wolfie said.

Exo looked over at them and frowned, "Yeah, he sent me over here to spy on you guys."

"The spy was a very important part of Vincent's plan. The spy was supposed to find weaknesses." Wolfie said.

"So, he was going to use weaknesses against us..." Freddy said.

"Damn it, he desperately wants tah take us down." Foxy said.

"He wants weaknesses, has powerful allies, why the hell did he even want to kill us in the 1st place!" Flame shouted angrily.

"Calm down Flame..." Bonnie said.

"No I will not not calm the f*** down! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF VINCENT AND I WANT HIM DEAD FOR GOOD!" Flame shouted even angrier. He started to stomp out of the pizzeria.

"Flame don-" Foxy shouted before Freddy put his hand on front of Foxy's chest.

"Let him go, he needs to let his anger out." Freddy said calmly.

"But where is he going?" Swift asked fearfully.

"He lets his anger out at the Northern Factory from time to time, it's no big deal." Freddy replied.

"But he can't just leave us now! We have a huge battle ahead!" Bonnie said.

"He'll be back before then, trust me..." Freddy said as he looked out in the distance.

"I hope yer right Freddy..." Foxy said.

[Northern Factory]

Gust was standing on top of a loose platform high up in the factory. Flare was on the floor, sharpening a katana.

"Hey come on, why don't you do something fun while we're waiting!" Gust said as she was sitting on the railing of the platform.

"Huh? You're mood changed quickly." Flare said as he looked up at her.

"Eh? it's a trait I guess." Gust replied. Flare smiled as he put his katana back into its scabbard (Do katanas use scabbards?)

"Hellllooooooooo." A voice said.

"Huh? Darkus? It's been awhile since you've talked, how have you been?" Flare replied.

"Nothing much really, I just wanted to talk with you about Gust." Darkus said.

"G-Gust? Why?" Flare asked.

"Oh don't deny it, you like her don't ya?"Darkus said.

"What give you that idea?" Flare said.

"Oh a few things actually, and the incident."Darkus said slyly.

Flare blushed a bit, "Don't talk about the incident again. And besides, she was in love with Flash and that's it"

"Hey Flare!" Gust said as she jumped down from the platform.

"Uh, yeah?" Flare asked.

"Are you talking to Darkus?" Gust asked.

"Yep." Flare said.

"Tell him I said hi!" Gust said as she jumped up onto another platform.

"I will!" Flare replied as he took out his katana again and started sharpening it. Flare then heard a loud banging noise outside.

"Did you hear that?" Flare asked.

"Yeah..." Gust said as she jumped down from the platform.

Outside the Northern Factory at about the same time

Flame got to the Northern Factory and stared at some crates and glass objects.

"F***ing Vincent that motherf***ing bitch!"Flame thought as he took out his sword and stared angrily at the crates and glass.

"Whoa there Flame!" Jordan said.

" I want Vincent to be f***ing dead!" Flame said angrily as he broke the crates.

"That's it Flame, let your anger out..." Jordan said to calm Flame down.

Flame then smashed the glass objects, which made a very Loyd noise.

"There must be more stuff to break in the inside..." Flame muttered as he went into the first thing that Flame saw was Flare and Gust.

"It's them..." Flame thought.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Flame shouted.

"Flame..." Flare said.

"What are you doing here!" Gust asked.

"Oh that's not important, I guess I can let my anger out on you two excuses for animatronics." Flame said harshly.

"You did not just say that to me..." Gust said as she took her claws out.

"Flame. I'm warning you, you're outnumbered. Get out before you do something you regret, especially since Gust here is a nightmare animatronic." Flare warned.

"Hahaha, I love a challenge, bring it on!" Flame shouted as he charged right towards them.

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