Ch. 36: The Final Strike

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[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria - 2 Days Later]

Freddy sighed as he looked at the damage 'The Tank' caused a couple days earlier. The pizzeria has been closed for repairs ever since then, but no repairs has actually taken place. Mech noticed Freddy, and went over to talk to him.

"Hey Freddy, is something wrong?" Mech asked curiously. Freddy sighed again and looked down at the ground.

"It's just that... even if we manage to beat Vincent once and for all, what'll happen to the pizzeria? It has been damaged beyond repair..." Freddy replied.

Fenx and Chia were talking to each other, worried about Fronick.

"Do you think Fronick will be ok? Now that Besha..." Fenx started before he stopped talking. Chia frowned, and looked over to Fronick, who was still not in a good mood.

"Besha was engaged to him, he might never get better." Chia responded.

"Well, we have tah help him feel better, right?" Fenx asked

"But what can we do? There isn't exactly much that makes him feel better." Chia said. Fenx pondered her question for a couple minutes. Fenx then smiled at Chia.

"If I remember correctly, then one o the ways tah make him feel better is tah kill." Fenx said with a sly grin.

"Yeah, but if we tried to kill any people, these guys will turn on us for sure!" Chia said.

"But, there is another way tah kill, and it involves those enemies o theirs." Fenx finished.

"Ahhh, it's about time that we strike them, wouldn't it?" Chia replied. Fenx nodded, and turned to look at Freddy.

"We need tah make sure that he'll want an attack 1st." Fenx said.

"Well let's go over to him!" Chia said, grabbing Fenx's arm.

Chia dragged Fenx over to Freddy, who was caught by surprise. Mech jumped back when Chia almost ran into Freddy.

"Whoa! Slow down there!" Freddy yelped as he took a step back.

"Sorry, but we needed to talk to you!" Chia apologized.

"Well ye didn't need tah nearly run into him!" Fenx shouted as he pulled his arm out of Chia's grip.

"What is it that you want then?" Freddy asked.

"We need to go fight those guys! They'll get their strength back if we wait to long! We're also worried about Fronick..." Chia said as she looked back at Fronick.

"So you only want to fight so that your friend won't be depressed?" Mech asked.

"Well uh..." Fenx said.

"I don't know, let me get Flare over here." Freddy said as he left them.

"So, how do you know that killing will make Fronick feel happy again?" Mech asked.

"Well, when Fronick fights, he always gets extremely happy. We think that it'll make him forget about... Besha..." Chia explained.

"The thing we don't know, is will killing animatronics-" Fenx said before he was cut off.

"Wait, killing animatronics? Does that mean that you...?" Mech said with suspicion. Fenx and Chia both tensed up from what Mech said.

"Well we..." Fenx began.

"We... only know that killing humans makes him feel better..." Chia finished.

"What!?" Mech shouted in anger. Before Mech could say anything, Freddy came back with Flare.

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