Ch. 33: The Purple Shell

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[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria - Main Show Stage]

"So, what're we going tah do with this?" Foxy asked, looking at the purple shell of 'The Tank'.

"Well, we can try to free the man inside." Chia replied.

"I don't think that it'll be that easy guys, it was built to be nearly indestructible" Flare told them.

"Oh come on, there has to be a way to open it without smashing it open." Swift said.

Preston stared at the purple shell for a while. He then thought of an idea, and smiled.

"Guys, lets get Draco! He has to know how to open it!" Preston exclaimed.

"But how?" Flare asked.

"He found our weaknesses before we fought, maybe he can find the weaknesses of this purple... shell thing." Preston explained to them.

"Yeah, he'll find a way!" Swift said.

"I'll go over and get him." Preston said as he started towards the Employee's Lounge.

[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria - Employee's Lounge]

Preston opened the door, and it hit the back of Wolfie's head.

"Ouch!" Wolfie said as she jumped back.

"Oh, sorry about that." Preston apologized.

"Nah it's ok." Wolfie told Preston.

"Hey Wolfie, have you seen Draco?" Preston asked.

"Eh? Oh yeah! He's over there, " Wolfie said as she pointed at Draco, who was calmly watching over the others, "Why?"

"I need him." Preston told her.

"Ooohhh... for what?" Wolfie asked.

"It's important ok?" Preston quickly said as he started walking towards Draco. Preston walked up to Draco, and smiled at him. Draco smiled back at Preston.

"Hey Preston, how are you doing?" Draco asked.

"I'm doing ok I guess. Getting annoyed that we still haven't beaten Vincent yet." Preston told Draco.

"Yeah, I've heard about the last time these guys fought him. It was much easier, since he didn't have nearly as many allies as he does this time." Draco said.

"Huh, really?" Preston asked.

"Uh huh. It took them only about a week or 2 to take him out last time. Now it has been over a month." Draco finished.

"Damn..." Preston said quietly.

"Yeah, it's crazy to think about honestly."Draco said. There was a moment of silence before Preston began speaking.

"Hey Draco?"

"Hm?" Draco asked.

"We, need your help to figure out a way to either open or break into the purple shell." Preston said.

"Sure, but only if you stay here with Flame."Draco told Preston.

"Huh? But why?" Preston said a bit confused.

"Come on, you're one of Flame's closest friends. Stay here with him until he wakes up. I'll have Swift come over here too."Draco explained.

"Um, sure. Of course I'll stay will Flame." Preston said. Draco cracked a smile.

"Good, now I'll go over and check out this purple shell." Draco said as he went to the door. He turned to see if Preston wasn't lying. He saw that Preston was knelling next to the couch, which is where Freddy put Flame down. Draco left the room to go check out what the purple shell was.

[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria -Main Show Stage]

Draco walked out over to where Swift and the others were.

"Draco! Glad that ye can be here!" Foxy said gleefully. Draco paused, to look at the new faces.

"Oh, don't worry Draco. They're on our side." Swift told Draco.

"Alright, if that's what you say." Draco said.

"We need yer help tah analyse this purple shell thing." Fenx said.

"Let me talk to Swift first." Draco said replied.

"Huh? Why?" Swift asked.

"You should go over to Flame in the Employee's Lounge. Just so that he won't be alone trying to recover." Draco told Swift.

"Don't worry, I was planning to go over there anyways." Swift told him as she started towards the Employee's Lounge.

"Huh, at least she knew that it'll be a good idea without me telling her." Draco thought. He turned over to the purple shell.

"So, they said that you can figure out weaknesses?" Flare asked.

"Yep, that's right." Draco told him.

"Well, we need you, so that we don't end up killing the man inside." Chia explained.

"Alright, just give me an hour or two and I'll have this fully analysed, there is a great ton of material in this." Draco told them. He then took a chair and brought it over to him. He sat down in it, and started to stare right into the purple shell of 'The Tank'.

[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria - Backstage]

Exo was laying down on the table in the backstage. Chia had helped him onto this room earlier, due to his arms being crippled by 'The Tank'. Exo heard a noise come from the door. It was quickly opened and shut. Exo struggled to sit up, and saw who got in. The animatronic quickly put his hand over Exo's snout to shush him.

"Shhh, we really don't want the others to be alarmed." The animatronic said with an old and raspy voice.

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