Ch. 25: Flame vs. Forge, Scorpo & The Tank

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[Abandoned Warehouse]

Forge ran into the warehouse, and sealed the door. Scorpo was standing on some crates waiting for Forge.

"So, did it work?" Scorpo asked.

"Of course that dumb wolf bought it, with that golden bear being one of his best friends after all. Now my question is, did you get that Frankenstein animatronic thing here?" Forge replied.

"Oh, you mean 'The Tank'? Of course I brought it here." Scorpo told Forge.

"Ha ha ha... excellent..." Forge said with an evil smile. The doors of the warehouse was suddenly broken open, and standing there was an extremely angry Flame.

"You... killed... GOLDIE!" Flame shrieked at them.

"Ha ha, of course we di-" Forge said before Flame charged right into him. Forge was knocked into some crates, and his head was cracked and his right arm broken. Forge looked up at Flame, and was terrified at what he saw. Flame's fur was blood red, and his eyes were pure black.

"H-holy shit..." Scorpo said as he took out a control button. Flame ran at Scorpo, and grabbed his arm. Flame then threw Scorpo into a pillar, which was completely destroyed. Forge slowly got back to his feet, and took out a sword. Flame turned to Forge, and took his own sword out.

"Damn... you're fast like that..." Forge said as he swung his sword. Flame dodged to the side, and broken Forge's sword into pieces.

"M-my sword..." Forge said in dismay. Forge then got extremely angry.

"You son of a..." Forge shout as he jumped up to a cable and began climbing it. Flame then started jumping up boxes to catch up to Forge. Forge was already way up high, and standing on the walkway. Flame jumped up to the walkway, and snarled at Forge. Forge smiled, and waited.

"YER NOT GETTING OUT O HERE THAT EASY!" Flame shouted as he charged at Forge. Forge then ran backwards, and grabbed the pole. He swung over the edge of the railing, and kicked Flame in the back. Flame's back got extremely dented, and his fur and eye color soon turned back to normal.

"Damn it..." Flame said as he turned to Forge.

"Not so tough without your extra speed, now are you?" Forge asked. Flame snarled, and ran at Forge. Forge took out his crossbow, and shot Flame right in the chest.

"Gah! Damn it I can't fight with range!" Flame shouted. Flame kept running, but Forge jumped backwards.

"Scorpo now!" Forge said. Flame looked down, and saw Scorpo with a RPG pointed straight at him. Flame then tried dodging out of the way, but the rocket hit the walkway, and Flame was rolling down the boxes. Flame hit the ground hard, and he struggled to get back up. Scorpo started to reload the RPG to finish Flame.

"Scorpo hurry!" Forge shouted. Flame got back to his feet and ran at Scorpo. Scorpo finished reloading the RPG, and aimed it at Flame, but it was too late. Flame stabbed his sword deep into Scorpo's chest. Scorpo stood still, and looked Flame in the eyes with death in his eyes.

"SCORPO!" Forge screamed in horror. Everything seemed to go in slow motion for him. Forge watched as Scorpo dropped the RPG onto the ground, and fell to the floor.

"Y-y-you bastard..." Forge said as he closed his eyes. Forge put his hand on a pole, and tore it off of the hinge. Flame was about to jump up, but then a loud screech came from behind. Flame turned, and a giant animatronic fist punched him into the wall. Flame groaned, and looked up. 'The Tank' was looking at him. It screeched again, and ran at Flame. Flame dodged, and tried stabbing it with his sword. It didn't make a dent, and 'The Tank' grabbed Flame and threw him into the ground.

"Damn..." Flame said as he spit some oil out of his mouth.

"I'll just watch and see what happens..."Forge thought as he saw Flame slowly get back to his feet.

Flame slid under 'The Tank', but it grabbed Flame by the ears.

"OW THAT F***IN HURTS LIKE HELL!" Flame shouted. 'The Tank threw Flame down into the ground several times. Flame tried to get up, but 'The Tank' kicked Flame into a pillar. Flame landed on the ground, struggling just to breath.

"H-holy hell..." Flame said weakly as he looked up. He got back up with his sword, and was limping. Flame struggled to run to 'The Tank', but it grabbed Flame and smashed him into the ground again. Flame tried getting up, but 'The Tank' grabbed Flame, and threw him yet again into the wall.

"I-I'm finished..." Flame thought as he watched 'The Tank' slowly walk towards him. Forge jumped down, and put his hand up. 'The Tank' stopped walking, and slowly powered down. Forge pointed his broken sword at Flame.

"You see this? You... you destroyed my pride when you broke my sword... Now I'll break you." Forge said darkly. Forge took the pipe, and slammed it on the sides of Flame's arms and legs until they were broken. Forge picked up Flame's sword, and was admiring it.

"So... this is your sword? It looks great." Forge said as he looked at Flame.

"You better not..." Flame said.

"Oh? I think I will." Forge snapped at Flame. He took the end of the blade and the hilt, and snapped it in half. He threw the hilt side next to Flame, and looked at Scorpo.

"And Scorpo... you've killed him... and I can't forgive you for that no matter how hard you or I try." Forge said with a teardrop falling from his eye. Forge took the pole, and raised it up.

"You know what? I'm getting sick and tired of you..." Forge said as he paused. Flame closed his eyes, knowing that he's done for. Forge stabbed the pole into Flame's chest, seemingly hitting his power core. Forge turned around, and sighed.

"You were always stronger than us, but not 'The Tank' Flame. And now you've fallen. The Fazbear Family has no hope left for them. We'll kill them all, and there's nothing anyone can do about it." Forge said as he walked away with 'The Tank'.

"Flame? Wake up. Please..." Jordan said as he circled around Flame.

"Please wake up..."

[Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria]

Swift was pacing around the front entrance, obviously distressed. Foxy noticed, and walked up to her.

"Aye Swift, some seems tah be bothering ye." Foxy said.

"F-Flame should've come back by now..." Swift replied.

"Well, maybe he'd be in a fight?" Foxy told her.

"I suppose that you're right..." Swift said, obviously still worried about Flame. Suddenly the doors opened, and a golden wolf was standing there.

"F-Flame?" Swift asked. The wolf chuckled, and took out a gold sword.

"Who the hell is that?" The wolf replied. Swift's eye widened, and she took out her duel daggers. She knows that there's going to be a fight with this mysterious animatronic.

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