Ch. 26: Golden Flame

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[Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria]

Swift clashed her dagger at the wolfs sword. She then used the other dagger to slice the wolfs side.

"Hmph, can't fight fair now can ya?" The gold wolf said slightly annoyed.

"You want to fight fair? Fine." Swift said as she dropped one of the daggers onto the floor. The wolf smiled, and teleported in front of Swift. Swift dodged out of the way, and slashed her dagger into the wolfs tail.

"OW! Damn it not the tail!" The wolf shouted. Swift smiled, and stood still.

"Come on! Move at me! Attack me! I love charging first, but this is ridiculous!" The wolf said to her with a snarl.

"He sure does act a lot like Flame..." Swift thought. She jumped up at a pole, and used it to propel herself to the wolf faster. She kicked him backwards, and he tripped over some merchandise boxes. The wolf shook his head, and teleported away again.

"Where did you go..." Swift said as she turned slowly.

"Swift look out!" Foxy shouted from the side.

Swift turned, and the gold wolf as standing over her. The wolf impaled Swift's stomach with his gold sword, and Swift's eyes widened.

"Ha, you're not as good as you think you are lion." The wolf taunted. Swift just got angry, and grabbed the hilt of the sword. She forced the wolf to lose his grip, and quickly made a 180 degree turn. The sword made a deep gash in the wolfs chest. Swift painfully pulled the sword out of her, and pointed it at the wolf.

"Now I'm not going to ask again, who are you!?" Swift said as she pointed the sword right where the wolfs power core would be. The wolf just cracked a smile.

"It's not going to be that easy foolish girl." The gold wolf said just before teleporting away.

"Damn it! Why are you using that cheap ass move!?" Swift shouted angrily. Swift was kicked behind from the wolf, and he grabbed the gold sword.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm not gonna go down that easily." The wolf said with a snarl.

The wolf sliced Swift's arm, and kicked her backwards. Foxy quickly ran to the downed Swift, and looked up at the wolf.

"Damn it! What do ye even want with us!" Foxy said angrily.

"I'll never tell you..." The wolf said as he aimed his sword at Foxy. Foxy smirked, and made some moves. The wolfs sword suddenly floated away from him, right into Foxy's hand.

"How did you...?" The wolf said in confusion.

"Sword Possession. Yer not going tah fight anymore o suffer the consequences." Foxy said with a dark tone in his voice. The wolf cracked a smile.

"I don't need no damn sword to fight fox." The wolf replied. Foxy stood still, while the gold wolf teleported yet again. Foxy was suddenly punched from behind, and kicked down to the ground.

"Damn yer cheap..." Foxy said as he quickly got up. The wolf was yet again holding his sword.

"I'm not cheap! Don't you teleport here!?" The wolf said.

"Te-teleport? That's some very rare ability yer talking about!" Foxy replied. The wolf slowly lowered his sword.

"What are you talking about? Almost everyone can teleport!" The wolf said.

"The only ones that I know that could teleport is Goldie, Fla-" Foxy started before he was interupted.

"Goldie... oh no..." The wolf said as he went to his knees and dropped his sword. He started tearing up.

"Wait... what is yer name?" Foxy asked. The wolf looked up into Foxy's eyes.

"G-Golden F-Flame..." The wolf said. Foxy stared blankly at Golden Flame. That's why he looked so familiar...

"Come here, I need tah bring ye tah the others." Foxy said. Golden Flame nodded, and followed Foxy into the Main Room.

"Everyone! I've got here... Golden Flame..." Foxy said.

"Did you say, Golden Flame?" Freddy asked, looking at Golden Flame. Golden Flame nodded.

"I-I come from a place much different from you guys... another dimension as a matter of fact." Golden Flame told them.

"Another dimension? But how'd you get here?" Bonnie asked.

"T-That's something I don't even know. I was best friends with a certain animatronic, but he... disappeared one day..." Golden Flame told them.

"Goldie..." Chica said.

"Yes... the one you call Goldie..." Golden Flame said sadly.

"Damn..." Foxy said quietly.

"So, there's a whole different place, with gold versions of each of us?" Mangle asked. Golden Flame nodded.

"We need to name you something else, Golden Flame is just too much to say quickly." Fronick said.

"Oooo! Lets name him Glame!" Chia exclaimed.

"Huh Glame... I guess that could work!" Golden Flame said.

"So Glame, we have a bit of an issue right now." Swift said.

"And what is that situation?" Glame asked.

"Well, we need to kill an evil man named Vincent, but first I want to see if Flame is alive, I'm sure we all do." Swift explained. The others nodded in agreement.

"Alright, lets go find this Flame then!" Glame said.

"I'll go with ye two." Foxy told them.

"I have to go also, don't I?" Preston said as he walked up to them.

"Alright, lets start searching for Flame guys!" Swift exclaimed as she dashed out of the pizzeria.

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