Chapter 9

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Pinestar woke up with a hard prod to his side. He opened his eyes to see Stormtail and Sageclaw, there eyes full of panic. Pinestar shot up and looked them in the eye. 'What's wrong?!' Pinestar was shocked to see Stormtail crying her eyes out 'My kits!' She yowled 'there gone!!' Just then she burst into tears and Stuffed her muzzle into Sageclaw's neck fur . ' we smelt Mistclan' Sageclaw reported, his voice was dry from crying. 'If I may Pinestar' he stood up and looked his leader in the eyes ' I want to lead a search party. The smell of Mistclan was very freash.'
'Ok Sageclaw' Pinestar stood up and hope sprung into Stormtails eyes. 'Meet me by the gorse tunnel; both of you' the troubled parents rushed out of the den and Pinestar followed, jumping onto the right rock and summoning the cats to an argent meeting. 'Mistclan has stolen Stormtails kits! I want Snowclaw, Sootstorm, Sageclaw , Stormtail, MudPelt and Scarletscar to accompany me in the rescue. We leave NOW!' He pounced off the highrock and thundered through the gorse tunnel; well aware that his choosen warriors where following him. He bounced up the top of the ravine and sniffed deeply. Sageclaw was right, the smell was freash and he turned to his warriors , who had caught up. 'Sageclaw will take the lead' the grey warrior with Brown stripes blinked in gratitude and sprinting into the deepest parts of the forest. As the scent got stronger , the yowls of other cats could be heard. ' STOP!' Pinestar yelled and walked to wards the scene. 'ENOUGH!' Pinestar yelled as two well built Mistckan toms hissed. And a Cat with a collar stooped over the tremballing stolen kits. Sageclaw and the other warriors instantly took chase and chased the two Mist clan toms back to there territory. Pinestar and Stormtail bounded over to the Kittypet. Pinestar was expecting to see Stormtail hiss, but instead she accepted the hug her kits gave her as they bounded out of the strangers protection. Pinestar eyed the kitty pet, his twoleg collar glittering in the sun-high light. The Kittypet was a reddish colour with a white underbelly and one white sock, while his ringed eyes and tail tip took the colour of brown. ' What are you doing in the woods Kittypet?!' A hiss sounded from behind Pineclaw, it was MudPelt. 'I......I....' The kitty pet panted. 'I herd mewling so I protected this kittens...' The Kittypet backed away a few paces under the evil glares of the other warriors. 'Leave him' Pinestar yowled. 'What is your name, Kittypet?' Pinestar asked. ' p.....panda...?' The kitty pets neck fur bristled in fear. Pinestar turned to his warriors. 'Go back to camp' his warriors nodded and with Stormtails help they rounded up the kits and vanished. 'Panda' Pinestar sat opposite him , the twoleg Tom did the same. 'Why did you save Storntails kits?' 'I...I felt like I needed to them. Those toms; I knew one of them once, it felt nice to fight him back.' Pinestar let out a small nod. 'Thank you Panda.' Pinestar stood up and turned towards the camp. 'Wait!' Pinestar shot around to see Panda on his paws, looking at him with pleading eyes. ' please....' The toms eyes looked full of sorrow. Pinestar only just now noticed how skinny the Tom was. ' I'm done being a twoleg pet. They don't even feed me!' Twolegs are disgusting creatures!' Pinestar turned to the kitty pet. 'Follow me.' The Tom nodded and bounded after Pinestar untill they reached treeclans camp. Pinestar stopped outside the gorse tunnel and looked at Panda. 'Listen' Pinestar began. ' Don't be frightened , no matter what happens. OK?' Panda nodded his head as he followed Pinestar through the gorse tunnel. Pinestar strolled into camp with his head high, it was not to long before he herd hisses and threating yowls. Pinestar lead him into his den and settled himself down in his mossy nest; Panda sat infront of him.
'So Panda..' Pinestar began 'tell me about yourself.' 'Well' Panda began ' I've not always been a Kittypet...' Pinestar shoot up right 'What?!' The Kittypet took a step back wards. 'Y...yeah I used to live in a clan but I visited Twolegs beacuase my forest was being destroyed, I was a newly named apprentice at the time, and I had no family...' Panda looked to the floor before continuing ' the twolegs took me away to a twoleg nest, but I ran away....' He looked at Pimestar to show that his story had ended. 'What clan?' Pinestar asked , settling back down in his nest . ' Cave' Panda replyed 'it's far away from here.' 'Caveclan? That's a new one!' Pinestar muttered to himself. 'So You know how to hunt, and fight?' Pinestar asked, his curiosity growing. 'Yes' Panda replyed 'I was wrong to accept the Kittypet life , I was as careless as a kit back then.' Panda looked deep into Pinestars green eyes. 'Well' Pinestar sat up. 'Wait here till I come back. I must discuss this with my clan.' The Kittypet nodded as Pinestar walked out of his den and onto the highrock.
'All cats of enough to catch there own prey, gather under the high rock for a clan meeting!' The cats took there time to settle infront of him ; they eyes him suspiciously for bringing a Kittypet into the camp.
'Cats of Treeclan, I have called a meeting to discuss with you a very importent matter. During the rescue of Stormtails kits, we arrived on the scene to see Panda, the Kittypet defending them' mews of Astonishment arouse from the gathered felines. ' I have spoken with him just now and he has an interesting story. He comes from a land far from here where there are diffrent clans. He comes from Caveclan and Twolegs distorted his forest. He accepted the Kittypet life for food and to share that food with his clan mates, but the Twolegs took him away to there clan. He has run away from them and ended up here.' Pinestar looked at the cats below him, they where exchanging glances of unknown emotion.
'Is he going to stay?' And elder, Whitetail , called out. 'Well' Pinestar sighed, 'what do you think?' No cat spoke. 'I say he should stay!' Every at turned there head to see Stormtail sitting proudly in the Middel of the crowd. 'I think so to!' Sootstorm added. 'And I to!' Sageclaw spoke. Soon enough all of the cats were yowling in agreement. 'PANDA!' Pinestar yellowed and the red car speed up the highrock and faced him, there muzzles centimetres apart. 'Treeclan accepts you as a warrior apprentice.' The kitty pets eyes glittered with hope and happiness. 'Starclan look down of this cat, how has proved that his inner warrior is there. Panda from now on you shall be freed from your Kittypet title and shall be called Ivypaw.' Pinestar extended a claw and slashed a claw through his collar, causing it to fall to the ground. When it hit the forest floor, the woodland cats backed away from the twoleg possession.' Ivypaw, you shall continue your training as a Treeclan apprentice and your mentor shall be Snowclaw. ' Ivypaw jumped of the rock as Snowclaw welcomely touched noses with him. 'The meeting is over' Pinestar jumped of the highrock and padded towards his den. ' Pinestar!' The leader turned around to see Fernpaw bounding toward him. 'Thanks for letting Ivypaw stay!' She licked Pinestars shoulder and went over to join Ivypaw and Snowclaw. Something in her voice told her that loving was enthusized when she spoke the kitty pets new name.
We'll just have to wait and see... Pinestar said to himself and he settled himself in his best, and drifted into the land of dreams...

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