Chapter 7

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Pinestar stared at The brown paw print on Springtails forhead that Bluebellbreeze had left there. 'Father?'  Fernkit looked up at him, Tigerkit and Sootpaw doing the same. ' won't leave us.....will you..?' She asked, her voice cracked and dry from crying. 'No of corse I won't!!' Pinestar yowled in surprise. 'You promise?' Tigerkit added ' Swear of starclan' he licked all of them on there head. 'Come on' he stood up 'you can come and help me announce her death to the clan' they nodded and helped dragg Springtail into the clearing. When they had dragged her into the clearing, the cats of the clan quickly gathered around her body , there faces full of astonishment. Pinestar jumped upon the highrock, His kits doing the same. He didn't even have to call a meeting ; the cats looked up at him with sorrow, but proud at how there leader was staying strong for the clan. 'As you all know Springtail d.....died a memorial warrior and will Always be remembered' Pinestar had enthused on word Always to make it clear that nobody would forget her. Then Sootpaws voice rose up; he said ' She was a great mother to myself and my sisters and was one of treeclans greatest Members' Yolws of agreement ( mixed with sadness ) arose from the crowd. Then Pinestar and his kits jumped of the highrock and walked towards Springtail. The crowd of cats parted to let them through 'I will sit vigil with her tonight and tommorow I will bury her in the burial place' He sat down beside her and the cats began to fade away . Only Pinestar,Sootpaw, Tigerkit, Fernkit, Snowclaw , shrewpaw and Finchpaw(Snowclaws kits) and Snowdrop stayed. Sootpaw, Tigerkit and Fernkit curled up by there mother and slept my her belly; for the last time. Snowclaw and his two Tom kits sat next to him ' I will miss her' Finchpaw said , trying to sooth Pinestar. Pinestar gave the golden Tom a lick on his head and Snowclaw blinked at him, as if congratulating in saying the right thing. 'Off you go you two' Snowclaw said as the two apprentices bounded off to there den. 'I saw you attack Branchpelt...' Snowclaw looked at Pinestar. Suddenly , Pinestar felt a huge weight that he had done the wrong thing. Should he have attacked him like that? He wished had hadn't hurt his brother and longed for the friendship they shared. Pinestar let out a sigh. 'I think I should of gone easy' Pinestar admitted looked deep into Snowclaws purple eyes. 'I....I regret what I did....' Pinestar looked at Speingtail . W.... What if he's dead?! What if I've killed him?! Pinestar thought , but he instantly taken back what he had just said. 'But he's killed to many cats!! Your not supposed to kill a cat in battle ; its agenst the warrior code!!' 'I know Pinestar I'm mad at him to' The White warrior looked at Pinestar ' Why don't we just Forget about him e'h?' 'I....I just can't! You'll never forget about Daffordilfur , right?' 'No of corse not! What I ment is that we just L...leave him alone....' 'OK' Pinestar agreed and lay down beside his mate 'That way I can't hurt him....'
Pinestar woke up will a wet pelt . He stood up and shook himself dry. He looked down at his kits curled up by there mother. He really didn't want to disturb them, but the sun was beginning to rise, and they need to get to the burial place. He nudged them up and they helped drag Springtail to the back of the camp. They lead her through an exit at the back of the camp through a mini gorse tunnel to a secluded beautiful clearing surrounded with bramble bushes and cherry blossom tree's . Pinestar choose a place near the back of the clearing , where the ground was littered with cherry blossoms. He gently placed her on the ground and began to dig . He unsheathed his claws and dug untill it was deep enough for Springtail to fit inside. He placed her inside and took one last glance at her. Suddenly memorise flashed through his head; meeting her, disappointing her, loving her , missing her........
Pinestar lay in his den; he was feeling deeply depressed. What would his life be without Springtail? 'Pinestar?' Somebody's voice could be herd behind the curtain of lichen. 'Enter' Pinestar looked towards the den entrance to see Thunderpaw with a plump juicey rabbit in her jaws. She walked up to him and dropped the rabbit at his paws. 'My first catch!' She sat proudly, her head high and her eyes closed. 'Well done!' He praised her. She nodded and walked out of the den. The delicious aroma of the rabbit filled his nose and he couldn't help but dig into its juicy flesh. Once he had finnished the rabbit, he sat up and let out a long sigh. He decided to go and talk with his warriors. He jumped apon the high rock ; 'can all of the warriors of Treeclan meet myself in my den for a clan meeting' Pinestar jumped of the rock and walked back into his den. He sat down on his mossy nest and watched at his warriors quickly filed into the den, filling it up quickly. They all sat down infront of him. He could see over there heads due to the fact that his nest was on a little ledge. 'Warriors of Treeclan.' He began  ' those of you who have not got an apprentice , leave at one.' Only Dovemist, Scarletscar, Snowclaw, Sageclaw, Pumpkinpelt and Mudpelt stayed. They all looked up at Pinestar with question. 'OK' Treeclans leader began ' Who of you think that your apprentices are ready to become warriors?' Snowclaw and Dovemist Stood up and so did Pinestar. 'Ok . Snowclaw, Dovemist; Tell your apprentices that there Nameimg ceremony will be at moonhigh. Also tell Cloverpaw. The rest of you will come hunting with me.' He walked through the lichen and towards the gorse tunnel  but he herd Tigerkit call his name. He spun around to see Tigerkit and her sister bounding towards him. 'Where are you going?' Fernkit asked. 'Hunting my little kits. Do not worry I'll be back soon.' Pinestar reassured them and rack placed a loving lick apon both of there little heads 'Promise?' Tigerkit looked at Pinestar, her yellow eyes reflecting worry 'I promise' They both nodded at watched him pad out of the gorse tunnel.

 TigerStars journey( Book1 in my head cannon serise)Where stories live. Discover now