Chapter 11

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Pinestar awoke with a shiver and sat up in his nest, stifling a yawn. He looked out of his den to see the camp was shrouded in Darkness. He quietly padded outside and stood beneath the high rock. He sighed and thought about the howl. Was it the white dogs that bore no twoleg coller???
His mind was clouded with confusion. Suddenly he herd a Russell in the bushes. He knew the only buses to make such a noise lead to the entrance of the nursery. He peeked inside to see all of the kits and queens where they should be. He walked back to his position under the high rock, but as soon as he go there a strong scent hit his nose. Mist clan!!!
He herd the apprentice entrance ( bramble buses ) rusle and he saw a faint out line of a huge Tom with two kits in his mouth. "STOP!!!!"Pinestar yowled as he pounced on the Tom
"TREECLAN ATTACK!!!" Suddenly warriors and elders and queens and medicine cats surrounded Pinestar and the Tom he had pinned down. The sky cleared and the light of the stars revealed the face of the tom.
Pinestars lips curled into a snarl
'Branchpelt!!' Pinestar spat. A cloud of hisses and snarled arouse from the crowd. He smacked his brother with unsheathed paws as he release the two kits..... Tigerpaw and Fernpaw!!
'You Piece of Fox dung!! How dare you try and escape with the lives of my kits!!' Pinestars daughter's ran to the safety of his paws as Pinestar noticed a deep cut on Tigerpaws Paw as she was limping. Stormtail took it into account and grabbed Tigerpaw in her mouth as she sprinted to Bluebell-breeze's den, Fernpaw high on her heels. As Pinestar watched, His brother caught him off guard and used his hind legs to propel his Pinestar into a Thorny bush. Yowls instantly arouse and MudPelt and Snowclaw rushed to help there leader. As Pinestar escaped the bush , he instantly wobbled and feel. A sharp pain hit his leg and he saw that a few thorns has grazed his hind paw and that placing weight on it weakened it. His two companions help him up, as they return to the circle. His brother was pinned on his stomach by snowdrop. As Branchpelt spotted Pinestar, he tried to  lash out, but Snowdrop hissed a warning that stopped the Well built Mistclan Tom.
Pinestar sat down as he spoke ' Snowdrop let him sit up' the White warrior did as she was told and let Branchpelt sit up. 'What is your business here?' Pinestar questioned his brother, as the circle surrounding them all looked at Branchpelt , expecting a decent answer.
' Pinestar, it's honestly hard to think that I share your blood! My mate Spirit heart has died due to the injuries that you have caused!' Branchpelt spat as he launched him self at Pinestar , digging his claws deep into The leaders flesh. The cats around them arouse in panic but they knew there leader had to fight this fight alone. Pinestar twisted himself and managed to pin his brother down, curling his claws as a trickle of Crimson dripped from a cut on his brothers paw. Suddenly his brother lashed out at his forehead . The sudden impact send Pinestar tumbling forward until he lay under the high rock. Suddenly his vision went red, as blood from the wound dripped into his eye. He let out a huge yowl of pain and clasped a paw on his eye. Suddenly he fell back. His eyes began to close. 'Pinestar no!' His last vision was Sniwclaw running towards him
But then every thing went black...

 TigerStars journey( Book1 in my head cannon serise)Where stories live. Discover now