Chapter 8 ~He's Back~

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The next day came ever so quickly. One day Brandon got hit by a car and the next day he completely hates you. All you memories started flowing back Ito your mind.

"Hey Nat" You tapped his shoulder.

"Hey" He turned around and his face was was all beaten up. He had a purple chin, scratches down the side of his cheeks and a scratched bottom lip.

"Are you okay?" Lani ran up behind you.

"Yeah I guess so..." Nat looked down to the floor.

Don't lie to us.....You thought.

" Hey Nat, I managed to consult with Mrs Cliof. We are in the school production play thingy!"
Jamie exclaimed.

"YAASSS!" Nat gave Jamie a fist-bump bro hug handshake.

"What role did you guys get?" Lani asked.

"We received the narrator job!" Jamie answered  

"Oh YAS!" Nat high-fived Jamie.

~Bell Rang for Period 1~

We said our goodbyes and we all walked off to our separate classes.


You guys met outside the Cafeteria .

"Hey guys, have you seen Tom?" Nat asked.

"No" We all chorused.

"That's so weird. I saw him at his locker, but that's about all I've seen of him today." Jamie included.

We walked into line for lunch at the Cafeteria.Today it was Meatloaf Monday, it's actually really nice, but who knows what they put in it. As soon as I thought today couldn't get any better Carly-Ine, Brandon and Tom entered the Caferteria.

Tom looked different. He wore a leather jacket, boots that reached his knee cap, ripped brown skinny jeans, a blue "V" neck shirt and he had way.......too much hair gel. So uncool.

"Yah. Thanks dudes for like using me like so like not like cool man" Tom tried to sound cool.

Carly-Ine punched his shoulder and whispered something into his ear. You couldn't hear.

"I mean..... Thanks for using me, that's so not cool" Tom repeated he still had a weird tone of voice.

What? Another lie? What is with this girl?

"By the way," Carly-Ine smirked.

"You might want to stop trying to prove me wrong" She came close to you and she swiped her nails across your cheek leaving a blood sneered across your face along with a scratch. It don't hurt you badly it just felt like a pinch.

She is ridiculous.

" I would but then we would both be wrong" You smirked. You pushed her away with force. She stumbled but not enough to fall over.

Carly-Ine whispered something under her breath, you couldn't quite hear.

She walked off and Brandon ran up to you and handed over a note.
You read.....

Dear Beautiful Starbucks costumer,
May you please forgive me? I want you back!!! Carly-Ine is driving me completely insane.
From Coffee Spiller.

You looked up and had a grin on you face. Happily you picked up your food tray and you sat with the others.

"So what does the note?" Nat reached across the table trying to grab the note, but his arms weren't long enough.

You smile grew larger.

"Spill the beans! Let the cat outta the bag already!!!!!"Lani nearly screamed.

"Brandon is on our side!" You exclaimed.

"You serious?" Nat, Lani and Jamie jinxed. ( said at the same time)

Luckily every-one around was chatting so no-one stared at you.
You passed the note around the table

"SO CUTE!" Nate lightly punched your shoulder.

"TOTES ADORABLE!" Lani said in the most fan-girliest tone.

"Guys, I have to say something..." Jamie whispered.

We all turned to him. His face started to turn red. What ever is he hiding?

 "It's my birthday on the upcoming Monday." Jamie must hate his birthday or something. 

" Nat did you know?" Lani asked.

"Yes I was supposed to tell you yesterday..." Nat stuttered.

You  punched his shoulder with a teeny bit of strength, enough to make him say ouch.

"I guess I deserved it.."  Nat yelped.

"What do you want for your birthday?" You asked.

"I need some new converse shoes, maybe a book?" Jamie felt more comfortable now.

"Did you guys hear that? Or was it just me? He wants a book?" Nat questioned.

Lani leaned across the table and placed her hand on his forehead. 

"You okay? I think he is sick? Should we take him to the school nurse?" Lani asked.

 "I'm fine! A math book would be perfect!" Jamie asked politely as if he really meant it.

We sat there in silence. Staring at Jamie. What has happened to him? Is he okay?

  •~• END OF DAY•~• 

"Hey Nat!" You yelled as you see Nat walk off. He turned around and walked back up to you.


"Why do you look like you have been beaten up?"

"Well.. Jamie is trying to teach me how to skateboard and I keep landing on my face." 

You chuckled.

"Well, I hope you learn how to skateboard." 

"I have to get going" He gave you a really romantic hug.

"Bye" You drew away from the hug. Nat smiled at you and he walked off.

You let out a sigh and you walked home.

~Authors Note

Woah.  That was a huge chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed!

I really have to get into the routine of updating every Saturday.

So yeah! Have any ideas or books you want me to write please comment below or PM me.


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