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He was lonely.
He didnt have any friends.
It wasn't like he didn't want to have any but people either never tried to approach him or just left him because of various reasons.
Mainly because he was bullied at school.
he didn't trust anyone and he hated his school life.

He went through a lot and got beat up various times just for the fact that he was gay.
People called him ugly and fat even though he was neither ugly nor fat but he grew to believe that just because he heard those words nearly every day.

One day he was really on the edge of breaking.
He got beat up really badly and he couldn't move his body .
He locked himself in his room as soon as he reached home and started crying his pains out.
He cried and cried until he couldn't feel any more tears coming out .
He then reached his pocket, pulled his phone and opened his twitter.
It was the only place for him to talk about whatever bothered him because no one knew him there.
It's not like he had friends there too. But at least some people would like his tweets from time to time.
But no one wanted a negative person in their lives.
He'd tweet negative things every day .
However this time it was different.
It was the first time for him to tweet about suicide but that isn't really surprising because he was depressed to the core especially that he had no one to support him in his life.

Jimin thought it was useless to tweet and layed on his bed staring blankly. He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep but then he received notifications from a certain someone.
Jimin was slightly surprised when he received them, and he was even more surprised when he saw that they were from someone he never talked to before.
That someone is the person he admires and secretely stalks. He liked their tweets from time to time.
That person was like an idol to him and he was so popular too like he had over 8k following him and only followed 200 people.
Jimin felt his heart race when he read the message. It was a simple hello. Jimin then decided to reply . it was like a dream that came true.
He has always thought that someone as beautiful as that person wouldn't talk to someone who was as ugly as him.
His self esteem would drop every minute especially that someone he despised never forgot to remind him every day that he is a worthless human being.


Unknown : fat pig
Unknown : never forget that I hate you and so does everyone

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