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Yes ???

I need your help

I'm here to help!

Okay look this is kinda personnel and I'm in confusion


I have this one guy I like
Like I really really like him


I think he doesn't return my feelings
I feel like he sees me as a close friend that's all
But I cant help but feel greedy

The best way is to tell him yourself
I'm sure he won't reject you
Who would reject you?
You're so nice
And kind
And handsome...
He would be too stupid to not kiss you right away
I'm blabbering
I'm sorry
I'm rooting for you
I hope you find your happiness yoongi

But jimin

No buts yoongi
I'm happy to know that you have someone you love
Don't waste time just tell the guy
Go talk to him and tell him how much you love him
I need to go bye I hope I hear the news of you getting together soon.


Jimin locked his phone then curled up under the blanket. Heart beating so fast and tears threatening to fall. He should be happy shouldn't he? Being yoongi's friend, he should support him. Of course he knows yoongi is gay, and that sooner or later he'll be dating someone, who is not jimin. Who would date him? A filthy piece of trash. He kept on thinking like that, trying to convince himself that he is happy at the news , not jealous, or hurt. He should be rooting for him, but deep inside he wishes his crush rejects him.
The brown haired boy let out a sour chuckle, tugging at his lower lip harshly, until it started bleeding. He wanted to let out his angry feelings, he hated himself for being so greedy, if yoongi ever saw him in this state he'd hate him. Of course it was stupid of him to get happy when yoongi said that he'd shower him with kisses, he took it Seriosuly when the boy was only joking. Jimin didnt notice the tears, he was staring blankly and thinking, thinking about yoongi being happy with another guy, thinking about how he'd live the rest of his life single. He stuffed his face in his pillow then cried harder. He felt his head throb and his ear drums about to explode but he didn't care, he screamed at the top of his lungs letting out all his frustrated feelings. He loved yoongi.
He loved the boy way too much.
he was willing to stop being so suicidal and love life just for him.
But it's useless.
Why would he love life if the highlight of his life doesn't love him back?
He screamed one second time until he felt his throat getting dry. He didn't care if his neighbours heard him.
All he cared about was one person named min yoongi.



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