rawr_saidaslan & jlq613

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Zia: *enters lair* I'm back! Sorry, but I've had to prepare for school. I'm joining one act play!

Abbie: Cool for you.

Zia: We also got two questions/dares. The first one is:


Ok, Splinter has to give Jenna her weapons, the sais.

Jenna: Already got them! *twirls sais*

Flora: Be careful you don't hit somebody with those.

Kaylee: I'm sitting at a respectable distance.

Zia: Anyway, the next one I haven't read yet. *reads aloud*:


I dare you all to tell embarassing or funny stories about each other

Raph: *grins evilly* One time, I was in Mikey's room, and I found a stuffed bear in there.

Mikey: *angry* Oh yeah? Well, when you first started training with weapons, you managed to get your sais stuck in the ceiling! You had to get Sensai to pull them out!

Zia: I'll share a funny one about myself that my dad told me from when I was little. My dad was loading the washing machine and closed it on his elbow and cursed like a sailor. I was only two years old and I was in my playpen watching and I said, "It's a bitch."(That is a true story. I actually did that.)

Jenna: But you used to be so touchy about cussing!

Zia: Again, I was only two.

Abbie: Wow. Leo, you quote Captain Ryan in the shower, not realizing you are doing it so loud, everybody in the lair could hear you.

Zia: It is true!

Donnie: Don't really know any embarrassing stories about you guys.

April: One time, I was in the lab with Donnie, and I was looking for some gears. Instead, I found a flow chart...

Zia: *interrupts April* You mean THE flow chart?

April: *laughs* Yes. It was a flow chart about how to ask me out! You guys knew about that?

Everybody but April and Donnie: *nods*

Donnie: *turns red*

April: Anyway, I showed it to Donnie, and his face was hilarious.

Jenna, Flora, and Kaylee: We know a story about Zia.

Flora: We were hanging out at her place and I got on her computer. I then saw on her Wattpad account that she reads Soul Eater fan fictions!

Turtles: Huh?

Zia: Soul Eater is an anime TV show.

Jenna: Anyway, we read a few of them and most of them were sappy romance stories!

Leo: What?

Raph: *grins evilly* I thought you didn't like romance stuff.

Zia: *glares at Raph* One more word and I kill you with your own sais.

Kaylee: Sorry Zia, but it was the dare.

Zia: I'm glad we got this dare. My revenge against Raph. One time, I was snooping inside your room...

Raph: Stop it!

Zia: And I looked in your dresser.

Raph: Zia!

Zia: And I found a shrine to Abbie!

Abbie: *gapes in shock*

Raph: I'm going to kill you!

Zia: *grabs nunchucks* Bring it on, loser.

Kaylee: *watches Zia kick Raph's butt* Well, that isn't pretty. Anyway, ask us questions and dare us. Later!

(Note: The stuff about me is true except I don't know Flora02, jlq613, or tmntgirl4evz in real life. But I do read sappy Soul Eater fan fictions and I really did say, "It's a bitch," when I was two years old. DO NOT JUDGE ME! Raph does not really have a shrine to Abbie, unless he does. If he does, that means I am awesome. Later!)

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