Part 1

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"Princeton," She moaned in my ear. Everything happened so fast, so vividly. I can smell her perfume. I can feel her soft skin against mine. I can feel her soft lips.

"Oh baby" she moaned. I held her tighter, never wanting it to end. I want her to stay with me. I need her to stay with me.


"Angel" I whispered


"Angel!" I jumped up and looked around. I looked to the side of me. She wasn't there. I looked to my other side. My nurse frowned and sighed.

"You were dreaming about her again?" I nodded

"So I assume you didn't take your pills." I nodded my head no.

"Why not?"

"Why should I? Why are you people trying to take the last connection I have to her away?"

"It's for the best, kid. You're in here because of these 'connections' with her, or did you forget that?"

"How could I forget when you remind me every 5 minutes..." I mumbled. She sighed again

"Look, you have to move on kid. You're missing out on your last year of high school!"

"Move on? How could you expect me to move on just like that?"

"You're young. There will be others. Why get hung up over one girl?" I clenched my jaw.

"You don't know SHIT about Angel. Why don't you get the fuck out you dumb bitch? I don't need to hear this!" She mugged me and then walked out of my room. My room. This is not my room. This room belongs to the city. My room is at home, along with my mother and real friends. People who care about me. Or at least I thought they cared about me. If they really did would they have sent me here? I don't think so. They called me crazy. Everybody did. All because of that one night. I wanted to be with Angel. I would be with her right now if Prodigy hadn't called a fucking ambulance. All I wanted was to be with her. Do I get that? No. I get sent here. To hell. I haven't seen the outside of these walls since I got here. I refuse to leave. People have come to visit me, but I won't see them. The only person I want to see is Angel, so I dream about her...well at least I try to. My stupid doctors put me on some fucking "anti-dream" pills so I can't see her. Don't they understand that I love her?! Why does everybody want me to forget about her? Angel, my angel, will NEVER be forgotten. I don't care if I never get out of this place.

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