Chapter 21

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I am truly sorry this chapter took so long. No writer's block or anything, everybody's been wanting my attention at once. Enjoy this chapter, but try not to hate me too much. For the record, Paul will return in the story, his abstence is not permanent!

Dont hate me.

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I wanted to run to Kevin, I wanted him to make it better. I needed to feel something other than this despair, but I couldn't allow that way out. I couldn't do that to Sam or myself. That's who I needed, Sam. I had to give him space, that's what he asked for. I wasn't ready for this and I had no choice now. I had to let go.

I looked down at my hands, how could this have happened? And why me? I was now carrying the future Alpha. What the hell?

"Are you really that dense, child?" The Voices scolded.

"This is why my feelings for Sam are so out of whack."

"Of course they are. Samuel can't help the way he feels about you, Alpha's are drawn to their Spirit Tied's. The Spirit Tied just might be the exact opposite though, but it isn't easy to resist the Alpha one is tied to. Feelings or not."

"And that's why I so easily had sex with him? Even though that's the last thing I wanted?"

"Yes, the Alpha cannot help himself. The one thing he wants most after he's bonded to the Spirit Tied, is to reproduce. Your Alpha tried to hold himself back, but it's no easy feat. You should be proud. You should be happy, you're decision is taken care of. I don't think your feelings for Paul will go away, but your need for Sam is great. Paul or not."

"I still love Paul more. But I want to be with Sam, more. It's a pull, a desire."

"You can fight it baby. Go find Paul, it's what your heart really wants." Michael pleaded with me.

"Be quiet." The Voices growled at him. "Go to Sam, you need him now Isabella. He needs you."

The Voices were right and it killed me. I needed Sam, I wanted him here with me so badly. I gave in and picked up my phone. I dialed the number I unknowingly had memorized.

"Sam's phone." A woman picked up. "Hey, Bella. He's speaking to Jake, he's almost done." Emily. He was with Emily. I tried not to be hurt, it was no use. "You still there? Sam, Bel-"

"No, it's fine. I actually hit the button by mistake. I wasn't really thinking, I meant to call my mother." I tried to chuckle, it came out strangled.

"Okay, no problem Bella. Seeya around!" She stated too cheerfully and hung up.

"Don't give up, Sam is yours now, you are carrying his seed. He is yours, just as you are his."

"Shut up!" I yelled, clutching my hair. Emily means nothing. Sam loves me, I'm sure he's just getting closure. One little word was my epiphany, my AHA moment. Closure. That's what I needed, I had to say my final goodbye. I had to stop mourning over what I lost and accept what I had left. I too, needed closure. Paul was gone and I had to stop holding onto him. I let my feet take to the one place I had been avoiding like the plague.

I sat down on the empty, abandoned bed. I was breathless and tears were threatening my eyes. Selfish thoughts were invading my brain and I hated myself. I was angry at Paul's empty apartment, I wished he wouldn't of left. I was angry at him, I blamed him. It was completely irrational because it was entirely my fault, but it made me feel better to place blame on him. I screamed loudly into the pillow he left behind. Tears fell; his lingering scent hit my nose.

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