Chapter 6 - The next day

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I wake up by the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand next to me. I look disoriented around. Mel is still asleep, but I can't see mom anywhere. I can't remember her coming home last night... But what do I know? I went out like a light, after talking to... What was his name again? James ..? John ..? Honestly, I can't remember that much from yesterday... I pick up my phone from the dark brown, wooden nightstand and see that there's a new text.

Unknown: "Hey Bench-Girl! It was nice talking to you last night. Remember that we talked about grabbing some lunch? Are you free today?
- Joe (Bench-Boy)"

Oh my God ! I could scream right now if it weren't, for the fact that Mel's asleep. I punch down in the duvet and smile enormously much. This could be the best day of my life!

When I finally decide to get dressed, I see a note on a table. I pick it up and see that it's from Mom:

"Hey darling! I'm just out to buy some tickets to the London Eye :-) You need to take care of Mel, while I'm gone. You can just go down and have breakfast - It is included! :-) Love Mom."

My mom has always been very interested in things that are included... As, for example, breakfast.

"Those smileys are sooo 2004-ish." I say to myself, while I walk over to my suitcase to find an outfit.


At five minutes past ten, Mel and I are out of the door hand in hand.

"What's for breakfast?" Mel asks. Her blonde hair is set up in two braids, which is from yesterday, and she looks hopeful up at me. There's no doubt, she's hoping for something like... Pancakes with ice cream or waffles: her two favorite foods.

"Do you think there are pancakes, Amanda? Or maybe... WAFFLES?!" she asks as she laughs, jumps and runs around. She runs around a corner and I hear her laughter stop. I lean forward to see around the corner, but I can't see anything. I run after her and see that she has run into... Marcus Butler?! He squats and talks to her. I can see by the look on her face, that she doesn't understand anything of what he says. I lean down, so we have the same height, and her gaze moves from Marcus and me.

"Melanie, you need to be careful, when you run around corners!" I say to her and then look over at Marcus.

"I'm so sorry! Sometimes she's just too fast for me." I apologize and smile shyly. His grey eyes meets mine as he laughs and look over at me.

"It's fine, I love kids. I tried to talk to her, but I figured that she doesn't understand me," he explains and smiles back at me. We get up and and he stretches his hand against me.

"I'm Marcus." he says and I press his hand.

"Yeah, I know..." I reply chuckle. My smile freezes when I discover what I just said. He laughs shortly and I smile awkwardly back. Embarrassing! It was like my mouth was talking without me knowing what I said.

"I'm Amanda." I say, pulling my hand back. This is so cool! I'm actually standing face to face with Marcus Butler! He drags a hand through his light brown hair and looks down at Mel.

"Is this your child?" he asks and I look surprised at him. I know, that he doesn't know that I am only seventeen... But still.

"No! No... She's my sister." I explain, and smile down at Mel. I look up again and down the hall, I see a blond girl coming towards us. I guess that it's Marcus's girlfriend: Niomi.

"Hey Marci!" she says, looking up at him. Her voice is very high pitched, almost more clear than Mel's voice, and she is only about half as tall as him.

"Niomi, this is Amanda and her sister Melanie. Melanie just bumped into me... Literally." he says, and we laugh together. Of all the things I said, he did notice that my sister's name is Melanie.

"Hi, I'm Niomi." she says and reaches out her hand. I shake it friendly and say my name. Her eyes has a deep, dark brown colour, that is really hard to forget. We talk back and forth about their videos, and why I'm here, just until Melanie asks: "When do we eat? I'm hungry."

I look down at her. The same does Marcus and Niomi. They can of course not understand a word she says, but I translate for them and explain that we unfortunately have to go, and it was nice to meet them. We say goodbye to each other and they wave at us as they go.

"Wasn't that him from the computer?" Mel asks marvel as we go further down the corridor.

"Yes, Mel," I say, without looking down at her. "That's right." I give her hand a squeeze and we go into an elevator.

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