Chapter 37 - The drawer

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I click on the Skype icon on my computer, and my profile quickly pops up. Sure enough, there is a friend request, but I have no idea who it is from. I click on the person and a message pops up.

Unknown: "Maybe we can talk through here? xxx Bench Boy.".

There is no doubt; It's Joe. I hurry to accept his request, but quickly become disappointed when I see that he's offline. Wondering what time it is in England? I know that it is one hour behind our time. I look at the clock on the computer. It's about a quarter past ten and I know that Joe only wakes up in the early hours, when he needs to do something important

Today is Sunday, so there is probably not so much happening in Mr. Sugg's life. Doesn't he upload on Sundays? He has probably already edited the video so I suppose he only needs to upload it. I have to wait until next Sunday, before I can upload the video, Zoe and I made. Can my computer even edit videos? I guess I'll find out later... Since I don't have anything to do, I decide to start packing our stuff down. If we are to move out before the autumn holidays, it is about time to get started.

I know that there are some old boxes in the attic, but it is somewhat of a struggle to get up there. I get a chair from the kitchen, stand on it, pull the hatch down from the ceiling and drag a ladder down with me to the floor. There is a small indentation in the floor where the ladder can rest in. I crawl up the ladder, turn on the light, and easily spot the combined boxes. Our loft has always been very empty, so when the time come, it will be easy to clean. I pick up the boxes, walk down the ladder, folds it together and closes the hatch again.

"Time to pack," I say totally out of breath and start packing down my own room.

* * *

As the hours pass, more and more things disappears from around the house. After I finished my own room, I went on to clearing Mom's old room and got it packed together seamlessly. Now only her bed, wardrobe, and makeup table are left. I found out, while I was in my room, that it is best to pack down all the small things first, and then pack the larger things at the end. A few hours ago Mel woke up, and she has even started packing down things from her own room.

It's nice that she bother to help - then it'll all go much faster. My grandparents slept in a hotel for the night and came by to say goodbye around one o'clock. My grandmother told me that if there was something I didn't want to keep, I could write 'give away' in a box, and then she would give it to a second-hand store. I walk into the living room and begin to look through the drawers, from our old dresser.

Along with a moving box, I also have a garbage bag for everything that needs to be thrown out. In the first drawer, I find an old bag with buttons, a calendar from 2012, a pill box with three pieces of chewing gum, and a lot of notepads in different colors. In the rest of the drawers, I find just a lot of junk that I throw in the bag.

"Only one left," I say to myself, and pull in the last drawer. It is quite difficult to get up, and I break more nails in the fight to get it opened.

"Drawer: 1, Amanda: 0," I say and get up, to get a crowbar, which hopefully can help me.

* * *

I get the crowbar pressed down into the drawer slot and press it back. I hear a lot of crackling sounds and the drawer gets opened. I put the crowbar from me and pulls the drawer further out.

"Drawer: 1, Amanda: 1. Looks like it's a tie," I say laughing at myself. It must seem really odd, that I'm sitting here, on the floor talking to myself. Lucky for me, I'm the only one here.

I look down the drawer and see that there are a few books and a package with some bubble wrap, wrapped around. I pick it up, studying it carefully. I have no idea what it is and whether I should touch it or not. I carefully take off the bubble wrap and roll the thing, from inside the package, out. My eyes pop, and can hardly believe my own eyes. A camera! And not just any camera. A Canon camera! It doesn't look quite old, and I've never seen it before. I wonder how long it has been here?

Now I can record videos that don't look like something that has been filmed in a potato! I fold the bubble wrap around the camera and take it into my room, where I put it in the box that I bring to Copenhagen. I have chosen to give most of my stuff away since I don't really need all that old stuff anymore. Someone knocks on my door and Mel stands in the door frame.

"Amanda? When is dinner?" she asks carefully. She picked her own clothes today, so it doesn't really match.

"What time is it?" I ask, looking at the clock on my phone. It already six o'clock.

"I'll go prepare some food now," I say walking to the kitchen with her. I find the rest of the pizza from yesterday and heat it in the microwave. I hope we'll get to eat some real food soon. I'm kinda getting tired of pizza. Wow... I never thought I'd say that.

"Want to watch a movie after we've eaten?" I ask, setting a glass in front of Mel, who's already is sitting at the table. She nods eagerly.

"Maybe we could watch 'Frozen'?" she asks. I smile and sit down across from her.

"Sure, it is your time to pick after all," I say and pick up a slice of pizza from the plate.

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