Chapter 57 - makeup channels

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A spoonful of cornflakes fills my mouth and the cold milk is just about to create a brain freeze. It is morning and the time is a few minutes past nine. Joe, Caspar and I sit together at the dining table where we eat breakfast. I swallow what's in my mouth and eat another spoonful. I look over at Joe, who is also eating cornflakes. He smiles, and a drop of milk drips from the corner of his mouth. He takes a hand up to his mouth as if he was getting ready to say something.

"I'm going to a bunch of meetings today, so you'll have to entertain yourself," he explains and lifts his glass with orange juice. I nod slowly and clear my throat.

"When will you be back?" I ask, right when Joe eats another scoop in his mouth. It'll take some time before I'll get my answer now...

"Around half past four, maybe five," he says with a shrug. Then I'll have a whole day with Caspar I guess? Unless he's going too... We sit in silence for a few moments, as we each eat our separate dishes.

"What are you up to today, Caspar?" I ask and turn to look at him. He looks up at me with surprise, like he didn't expect me to want to spend time with him.

"I'm going to a meeting as well," he says, looking down into his bowl. What can I do then? Maybe film a video? Or see London...? No, I've already seen most of the city, last time.

"I talked to Zoe yesterday, and her and Niomi are going to... Whatever girls do when they're together, and she said that she doesn't mind, if you joined them." Joe explains and a smile spreads on my lips.

"That sounds great, but... I don't know..." I say and get up. I take my bowl and my glass with me to the kitchen sink, where I leave it. It would actually be really nice to spend some time with Zoe and Niomi. Then I could see Zoe's flat. Where does Zoe even live? Isn't it down south? I go back to the table to get some more information about Zoe's address.

"So, where does Zoe live?" I ask sitting down next to Joe. He pours some more juice into his glass and looks over at me.

"In Brighton, which is about an hour and a half away from here," he says and looks back at his glass. The juice has overflowed and a large puddle of yellow liquid floats on the table.

"Shit!" Joe exclaims when it hits his long T-Shirt and pants. He pushes the chair away behind him so he can get away from the table. I hear laughter coming from the other side of the table. Of course, it is Caspar, who thinks the whole situation is pretty funny - which it is - but not fun enough to make me laugh.

"Do you have her phone number?" I ask. Joe tries to wipe the juice off with some paper towels. I got her number the last time I was here, but as good as my phone is, it has reset itself for about a week or so ago. I had to get Joe to give me his number again over Skype, so I wouldn't get confused every time an enormously long number wrote to me. I look at him, waiting, but he doesn't even do as much as look up at me.

"Whose number?" he asks with a hint of irritation in his voice. I roll my eyes.

"Zoe's of course!" I say impatiently. He takes a handful of soaked clumps of paper towels in his hand and goes over to the sink. He opens the cabinet under the sink and throws it out. He wipes his hand in a towel and takes out his phone. He takes a small piece of paper from a kitchen drawer, along with a pen and writes something down. He walks over to me, handing me the paper. Zoe's number.

"Don't lose it, okay? Fans would give their right leg in return for this," he says and I smile. "Got it," I say taking the paper. I dial the number on my phone and call her.

"Hello?" Zoe's voice says at the other end. It's kinda weird hearing her voice, but also nice.

"Hi, Zoe, it's Amanda," I say and starts walking towards the stairs, to get downstairs.

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