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Waking up alone in the cooling bed was a slight disappointment that disappeared as soon as Hoseok danced into the room with fresh coffee and breakfast, and Yoongi didn't dwell much on the feeling. He was busy trying to keep a straight face when Hoseok offered to dress him up and tried not to choke on anything as the younger joked around.
'Will you come to today's practice?' he asked as soon as Yoongi managed to finish his coffee.
Yoongi shrugged in answer, but hid a smile into his cup. 'Sure.'
'Great.' Hoseok smiled wide and noted absentmindedly that Yoongi will be late from his classes... that earned him a slap to his back and the older was out the door before Hoseok could say anything else.

To his utter annoyment, Taehyung followed him around all day with a knowing grin and only Jin's kind heart saved him when the older kidnapped Taehyung for lunch... Namjoon just died of laughter when Taehyung pulled a dramatic act as he was dragged away – yelling Yoongi's name and playing the separated lovers part with gusto.
Yoongi just acted nonchalant as he waved to the younger in the midst of staring students.

Then it was time for the dance practice and Taehyung tagged along naturally - still grinning but much less annoying – and Hoseok was all wide smiles when he spotted them, making them sit as close as possible, as close as Yoongi never before dared to come.
And it was an entirely new experience for sure, because while he already knew how good Hoseok danced he came to the same conclusion through a different aspect this time around. An aspect that left him slightly flustered in his seat... It might have involved his quite close knowledge of Hoseok's muscular body.
And he also noticed two guys that were just as good when it came to dancing.
'Oh that's Jimin and Jungkook.' Taehyung piped up, leaning close to whisper conspiratorially into Yoongi's ear. 'You see they are competing against each other in everything and it's real fun to watch.'
Yoongi narrowed his eyes at that wording, but Taehyung just grinned.
'You'll see.'
He saw it alright, right after he managed to look away from the sweaty, panting, gorgeous Hoseok...
The two were in an intense battle of wits whenever they paused for a break, criticism and snarky remarks flying back and forth. Tension ran deep between them, but it made them dance better that was for sure.
And after practice they both got introduced to Yoongi by Hoseok.
'Hey, I'm Jimin nice to meet you.' the shorter of the two smiled lopsidedly, looking cuter then all his muscles should have allowed him. 'And that lanky brat is Jungkook.' he added, pointing in the general direction of the other.
'Says the shortie.' Jungkook muttered under his breath but smiled at Yoongi as they shook hands. 'Jungkook, and I'm really sorry that you have the displeasure of knowing both Jimin and Taehyung.'
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckled at that remark.
'Hey, I'm your hyung!' Jimin exclaimed as Taehyung only sent a kiss to the smirking Jungkook.
'Guys...' Hoseok shook his head, smiling apologetically at Yoongi.
'It's okay.' Yoongi shrugged as Jimin dropped down beside him with a sigh.
'Hyung, you seem cool.' he said with a winning smile. 'Won't you convince the brat to take on music as his major like you, instead of dancing? It would make my life better.'
Yoongi raised a brow at the request but Jungkook was quicker to cut in.
'Well at least I'm talented enough to be able to choose from the two.' he said, crossing his arms against his chest. 'It's not something you could do, hyung.'
'Says the Queen of virgins.' Jimin retorted.
'Says the King of sleeping-around.' Jungkook bit out, blush tinting his cheeks.
'Hmm, says who?' Jimin asked, a smug smirk playing on his lips.
'Me.' Taehyung said suddenly, cutting the fight short as everyone turned to stare at him.
'Okay, enough of you love-birds. I want to eat!'Hoseok piped up after a second more of awkward staring, patting Jungkook on the back as he turned towards the locker rooms.
That shut the two bickering dancer effectively up, both turning slightly red and Yoongi couldn't help but smirk at the reaction. They were so oblivious.
'Oh, and you are coming too!' Hoseok called back, pointing at Yoongi and Taehyung before disappearing through the door.
'Good thing you are kind enough to ask!' Yoongi called after him, but Hoseok ignored his remark.
'Can't he just eat in our room?' Jimin sighed, leaning his head back. 'I'm way too tired for going out.'
'It's because you're old.' Jungkook replied, starting his walk towards the locker rooms too.
'Says the one who looks older than me.' Jimin mocked again with a smirk.
'Whatever.' Jungkook sighed, not taking part in another round of teasing.
'Brat.' Jimin chuckled, sent a wide smile at Yoongi and stood to skip after the younger, racing him to the door. He lost by a punch to his arms.
'They are cute.' Taehyung grinned, leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder.
'They are noisy.' Yoongi corrected. 'And what's up with them anyway? The tension between them is as thick as Namjoon's porn collection.'
'How appropriate.' Taehyung snickered. 'I knew you would notice it.'
'Who doesn't really?' Yoongi asked, shaking his head. 'Well other than those two of course.'
'Jin-hyung is on their case for a while now, but to no avail... Though there is enough sexual frustration to make a saint restless.' Taehyung sighed solemnly.
'Not me, they are.' Taehyung shrugged. 'Either they make-out or they kill each other, and everyone is ready to bet their money on the first one.'
'And you?' Yoongi asked, because nothing was that simple with Taehyung.
'I would take the remaining if it's the killing.' he grinned and Yoongi hit his head.
'Idiot.' Yoongi chuckled.
'Still not me.' Taehyung pouted. 'It's not me who - while vehemently denying my feelings - goes to Hoseok to play.'
'What?' Yoongi asked, not knowing why his stomach dropped so suddenly because of that information.
'You heard. They both fool around with Hoseok, noting serious mind you, but they are so riled up that they can't help themselves.' Taehyung confirmed nonchalantly. 'Well Jimin appreciates women too so he fools around a lot more then the poor frustrated maknae.'
'Well, I guess it makes sense in a weird way.' Yoongi said finally, glancing towards the locker rooms.
'No it doesn't, they should finally have sex with each other.' Taehyung frowned, straightening in his seat. 'Or hell, a threesome with Hoseok. Or even better, a foursome with m-'
Taehyung's bright ideas were cut short by Yoongi's palm that slapped his mouth shut.
'Enough!' Yoongi said, blushing slightly. 'The only better thing here is when you don't get involved.'
Taehyung just hummed noncommittally against his palm, glancing side way at the older.
'What?' Yoongi asked.
Taehyung's crinkling eyes were his only answer before the younger licked his hand, earning a loud yelp from Yoongi.

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