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That night Yoongi felt adventurous enough to go to the party with Taehyung – no one was sure which one of them were more surprised by that, his dorm-mate or Yoongi himself. But such rare occurrence did not went by without proper celebrating and Yoongi was quickly dragged around and got introduced to Taehyung's friends, nearly half of the place to be precise.
Hoseok was nowhere to be seen yet, and that made him feel relieved and disappointed at the same time, though relief won out – he didn't want to embarrass himself anymore in front of the guy...
After another round of saying hellos, and exchanging drinks with Taehyung a few more times, he was finally allowed to sit down.
'Min Yoongi? I never would have guessed you would turn up here!' came a familiar laugh and Yoongi immediately recognized Kim Namjoon from his classes as well as Kim Seokjin, Taehyung's theatre department friend.
It was an easy conversation from there on with Taehyung occasionally dropping by to bombard them with his randomness and Yoongi had a great time. Real great actually, and he even allowed Taehyung to dance with him.
Until Hoseok turned up that is, because he was absolutely not dancing in front of him.
When the younger finally spotted their group, Namjoon immediately waved him over much to Yoongi's surprise but it quickly became apparent that both Namjoon and Jin were friends with Hoseok.
The dancer sent Yoongi a knowing smirk when he dropped down on the couch but otherwise got into the comfortable flow of conversation without another hint at the Room or anything that went down in there.
Seeing how close they were, Yoongi couldn't help wonder whether Jin and Namjoon were also part of the circle and it perked his curiosity nearly more than the puzzle that was Hoseok, but only nearly. The dancer was still mysterious in his openness enough to fascinate Yoongi more than anything before...

After managing to not drink himself Taehyung-stupid, it was up to Yoongi to bring the younger back to their room – thankfully his new friends were kind enough to help.
'Damn, he is heavy.' Namjoon grumbled after successfully disposing of the soundly sleeping actor-wannabe.
'He is...' Jin sighed, rolling his shoulders. 'Oh, Yoongi, I wanted to ask if you will be at the café tomorrow... I want to make an event for my girlfriend and it would be nice if you could help me.'
'Yeah, sure.' Yoongi nodded, little taken aback by the sudden request... and the girlfriend part made his guessing game a tad bit more interesting.
'Great, I will call you then. Night.' Jin grinned happily and left with Namjoon in tow.
'See you in class!' the younger exclaimed as he waved over his shoulder.
'Yeah, see you.' Yoongi called out after them and was about to close the door when he realized Hoseok was still there. 'Hmm?' he hummed questioningly, glad that he already felt comfortable enough around the guy to keep his composure intact.
'I just wanted to ask about the Corner Café... you work there right?' Hoseok asked.
'Yeah, night-shift and sometimes weekends.' Yoongi answered, not really understanding where the question came from.
'Great, then I guess I just figured out what your favor could be – if you ever decide to play with me again, that is.' Hoseok smiled and the mention of the favor sent color to Yoongi's cheeks.
'I think I would like to-' Yoongi said before catching himself, cheeks turning even redder.
'Really?' Hoseok grinned, raising a brow. 'Great...'
Yoongi decided that he must have finally gone crazy for admitting that he wanted the guy...
'It would be great if you could put a good word in for me, I planned to go to their interview this week anyway.' the younger continued, grin turning into a sweet smile.
'Oh, of course.' Yoongi said, a bit surprised how trivial the request turned out to be.
'Awesome! Then good night, Yoongi-hyung. Dream with me!' Hoseok winked and was out the door before Yoongi could manage a good enough comeback for that remark.
'Idiot.' he grumbled, dropping down on his bed with a sigh. 'And I'm an even bigger one.'

As it turned out to be Hoseok became his new co-worker and even with all the teasing the dancer made a great friend and a fun person to be around... He enjoyed his company more then he cared to admit.
But he was still curious about his relationship with Namjoon and Jin, so he asked the only person that he was sure knew everything -Taehyung.
And the younger was glad to spill some secrets for him since he was so happy about the steady improvement in Yoongi's general mood.
And Yoongi kind of figured out what Taehyung's favors were after that talk... information.
He knew all about Namjoon and Jin and readily exposed their relations to the Room after making Yoongi swear on his life that he would keep it between them.
'I knew I choose my roommate well.' he had grinned and to Yoongi's confused frown he'd added. 'You don't really think I didn't use my charms to get all my wishes fulfilled when I got into college, do you?
Right, information and sheer alien-powers...
Namjoon turned out to be a one-time-only after a nasty break-up. But instead of turning away from Hoseok, he became one of his closest friends. He was real clever too, topping classes left and right and he was glad to tutor his friends if needed. It was also him that got the Room for Hoseok. The guy had connections across departments that probably rivaled Taehyung's...
Jin was another matter. The guy went through some real tough times when his endorsement modeling and proving himself in acting became too much of a pressure. Taehyung heard rumors that he was depressed to the point that he nearly committed suicide... But someone in the circle – probably Namjoon - made him meet Hoseok and somehow he managed to help him through it. Taehyung didn't know the details but he was pretty sure Jin still helped Hoseok by getting him dancing-gigs.
And he really did have a girlfriend and after the event that Jin made for her, Yoongi was sure Jin was not sleeping with Hoseok either.
The only thing Taehyung didn't know anything about were their rules, but he answered the question of why he did it with a wide grin.
'I like to have fun.' he said. 'And this is exactly that.'
'Should have known.'

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