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Yoongi sighed as he climbed the college dorm's stairs.
What was he even doing? He should have already known better then to take Taehyung's advices... much less follow through them.
But the younger insisted that he stressed too much about work and school and he needed to let the steam out.
Yoongi thought that was kinda true when the younger was kind enough to point out his tense back and dark circles under his eyes during their last lecture... and also his lack of social and sexual life but that was a topic Yoongi cut short with a menacing glare.
'What? You think I didn't notice how you sneak in to the practices of the dance department?' Taehyung had said with a knowing grin and got a hit to his arm in answer – one that left his arm senseless for a good five minutes.
Taehyung also told him that this relaxing was special enough that his loner-self would not be damaged... the bastard. And still, somehow Yoongi promised to show up at the given room, believing in Taehyung's words that it would work.
He glanced down at the scribbled note in his hand and nodded to himself as he reached the room on the upper most floor. He knocked only to receive no answer in return.
That made him frown and he pushed the door open with intentions to skin Taehyung alive if it was just a joke.
'If this is some lame prank-' Yoongi froze in place as the door shut close behind him, his words cut short by a moan.
The scene in front of him was like nothing he expected and he certainly didn't expect to see Taehyung fucked against a table, shirt hanging loose on him, leaning on his arms, head thrown back wantonly as someone moved in a steady, sensual rhythm against him.
Someone with a raspy, deep voice, with bare muscular arms and back, jeans fitting snug on him and fingers holding onto Taehyung's hips possessively. Someone he knew well from the dance practices, someone who already caught Yoongi's eyes before...
'Taehyung. I thought you already passed your voyeuristic phase.' the guy rasped out with chuckle that sent an unexpected shiver down Yoongi's still shocked form.
'I did.' Taehyung chuckled with a breathy moan. 'He is a friend, Hoseok-hyung.'
'Ah, I see.' the guy, Hoseok, said and glanced over his shoulder, eyes hooded in pleasure, auburn hair falling across his handsome face. Yoongi blushed under the intense look, eye contact only broken by Taehyung's needy gasp.
'Touch me.' he requested only to receive a squeeze to his hips.
'Rules Tae, we agreed.' Hoseok grunted, his back muscles contracting as he got closer to the edge.
'I know, just fun to ask you.' Taehyung gasped, tensing up as he came with a loud cry, the lithe dancer not far behind.
Then it was silent as they caught their breath, sweat glistening in the dim light and Yoongi was still unable to move or look away. But Hoseok moved then, rolling off the condom with practiced ease, cleaned up and zipped up as Taehyung collapsed against the desk with a satisfied mewl.
'So a friend.' Hoseok asked, turning to Yoongi in his half-naked glory and slanted over to him. He was handsome, all lean muscles and dark mischief in his eyes.
'Yeah.' Taehyung grinned, dressing up ever so slowly. 'A very tense, very stuck up friend.'
'So you tricked him?' Hoseok asked as Taehyung walked over. 'Because he doesn't seem willing.'
'Thought so... but he is discreet, right?'
'Absolutely.' Taehyung smirked, waving an arm around Hoseok's waist. 'And I don't know if he will be a regular, that's up to you two to decide.' he added with a shrug and placed a piece of paper into the guy's back pocket.
'Thanks.' Hoseok smiled, warm and heart-shaped – one smile that finally slapped Yoongi back to reality.
'Just... just what is going on?' Yoongi croaked out, his voice returning to him with much difficulty.
'Stress relieving, fun and exactly what you need hyung...' Taehyung said, pressing a peck to the dancer's cheek. 'See you at the party, I leave Yoongi-hyung in your trusting hands.' he winked, patted Yoongi on the shoulder and exited with a cheery whistle.
'So Yoongi.' Hoseok said, reaching around him to grab a towel from the rack beside the door. 'What brought you here?'
'Taehyung, obviously.' Yoongi snapped, feeling awkward as he glanced up at the guy. 'But I never expected... this.'
'I heard that a lot.' Hoseok smiled, patting away sweat from his neck and chest and Yoongi involuntarily followed the movements... the guy was mesmerizing in a completely incomprehensible way.
'Guess you don't know anything about this Room either.'
'No.' Yoongi said, glancing around and as he did so he seriously started to question his sanity and cursed his apparent curiosity... Any sane person would have already escaped, screaming bloody murder...
'Well I wouldn't reveal all the secrets yet, but let's just say I help and for it I receive favors too.'
'No need to work your pretty head on that. First time is free for all who I will include in this circle of friends.'
Yoongi blushed, mind coming up with images of just what these friends did exactly.
'Naughty.' Hoseok chuckled, leaning close to Yoongi and his breath ghosted against his heated cheeks. 'It's even better then what you imagine.'
That made Yoongi blush harder - if that was possible - and he stepped back against the door.
'Cute.' the dancer remarked. 'I'm Hoseok by the way. If you want to call my name or something.'
'You are crazy.' Yoongi coughed in embarrassment.
'Hmm, I might be.' Hoseok grinned, grabbing hold of Yoongi's hand and pulled him to the back of the room where a wide bed took up the better half of the space. 'Taehyung trusted you into my hands so I better do something about it.'
'Wait! What?' Yoongi exclaimed as Hoseok stepped close again.
'Stress relieving, fun.' Hoseok whispered, sending a shiver up Yoongi's spine.
'A-and what makes you think that I want any of it?'
'You are still here.' Hoseok smiled knowingly and pushed the astound Yoongi down on the bed and climbed over him, leaning on his elbows with his knees on either side of Yoongi's legs. 'So tell me your rules.'
'Rules?' Yoongi mumbled, gazing up into Hoseok's dark eyes. He always thought the guy looked best when he was dancing... guess he had to rethink that statement.
'Touching, kissing, topping or bottoming, kinks and games...' Hoseok confirmed, one hand getting hold of Yoongi's beanie and pulled it away. 'All that you want and want me to do.' he added, leaning down, mouth hovering over Yoongi's neck as he ran his fingers through Yoongi's crimson locks.
'I don't know...' Yoongi's breath hitched as a slight kiss was pressed to his pulse point.
'Well then how about I touch...' Hoseok said, his hand wandering down Yoongi's torso in a sensual dance. 'I kiss.' he continued, leaving a wet trail down Yoongi's neck. 'And we talk later.'
Yoongi gasped in answer as Hoseok's hand reached his already developing arousal and got his breath stolen away when the dancer sucked on his neck at the same time.
'I take that as a yes.' Hoseok chuckled against his skin and massaged him through his jeans, his mouth continuing his assault on the heated skin as his other hand pushed away Yoongi's oversized T-shirt.
And Yoongi got completely lost in sensations then, gasping, arching into every touch those slender fingers traced into his skin. His hands clutched the sheets underneath him, trying his hardest to keep just a little control over his body.
A soft chuckle vibrated against his neck and Yoongi bent his head back as hungry kisses were planted on the pale skin of his neck, slowly making their way up to his earlobe. Almost tenderly Hoseok started sucking on it, biting gently and Yoongi couldn't hold back the breathless moans that escaped through his parted lips.
A light blow of air tickled his ear, making him shudder just as Hoseok's wandering hand finally found their way under his jeans and he cried out in ecstasy.
Hoseok pressed closer then, hand massaging him expertly and everything was heat and pleasure and all he could do was moan, desperate for more.
'Feeling good, Yoongi?' Hoseok's throaty chuckle made him feel even more aroused.
'Ngh... Yes.' Yoongi gasped, pleasure welling up inside of him promptly and he just couldn't take it anymore. His skin was on fire under Hoseok's mouth, burning hot want gathering at the pit of his stomach and his arousal throbbed almost painfully in the dancer's talented grip. He shut his eyes not even trying to stop the abrupt cry of bliss as the tension released and he was thrown into a moment of ignorance, filled with pleasure and satisfaction.
He came to his sense just as Hoseok rolled of him, sat up slowly and looked down at Yoongi with those dark eyes.
'I-I...' Yoongi stammered suddenly feeling exposed and embarrassed and...
'Hush.' Hoseok said simply, reaching out for a tissue to clean Yoongi. 'I said we talk later, now just enjoy.'
So that's what Yoongi did as Hoseok leaned back on the mattress next to him, the lazy afternoon sun painted the room warm and cozy and he sighed softly.
To think that he allowed such a thing was something Yoongi couldn't explain to himself, yet he didn't feel wrong. Just utterly relaxed and satisfied and somehow Taehyung, the bastard was right ...
Now that raised questions in him again and he turned his head to glance at the dancer.
'Yeah?' Hoseok asked with his eyes closed as he smiled lazily at the ceiling.
'Tell me about what you do exactly.' Yoongi said.
'I help.' Hoseok said simply. 'Collage is hard, so in order to survive I have friends that do me favors and I play with them in this Room in exchange.'
'You mean they pay you?' Yoongi frowned.
'No, of course not. They help with work, with school, with giving me information, with whatever their position in this food-chain provides them.' Hoseok explained. 'Oh and I love sex, probably as much as dancing... that helps too.' he added with a chuckle.
That made Yoongi momentarily stop as he tried to wrap his head around the game that Hoseok played and decided to try to ask more.
'And just who-'
'Ah, no. What happens in here stays in here.' Hoseok chuckled, meeting Yoongi's gaze. 'Discreet, that's what this Room is.'
'So what's Taehyung then?' Yoongi asked, intrigued by the works of this Room, by the mysterious dancer that conducted this game.
'An alien.' Hoseok said in a dead serious voice so unexpectedly that it made Yoongi laugh out loud in return. Hoseok cracked a smile as Yoongi tried to hide his laugh behind his hand.
'And what about the rules?' Yoongi chuckled out, blush tinting his cheeks.
'It helps to do things clearly.' Hoseok said. 'Like with Taehyung, he gets his bottoming fix with me without kissing or touching.'
That made Yoongi think about what the rules were really necessary for... he was not sure he knew what to make of them yet so he asked the next question that came to his mind.
'You meet up with everybody outside the Room as well?'
'Sure, I'm friends with most of them. But as I said nothing should get out from here, it would just make things complicated...' the dancer said, sitting up to get a hold of his phone and tossed it to Yoongi. 'Give me your number and next time you don't have to sneak into our dance practices.'
Yoongi gave an unintelligible splutter and a glare in answer, but did as he was told. 'I'm sure I'm your hyung, by the way.'
That only earned him a grin. 'Well sorry, I should have asked whether you felt good Yoongi-hyung, then.'
That effectively shut him up as he reached for his beanie, trying to escape the bemused gaze.
'About the favor...' Yoongi started, only to receive a finger to his lips.

Well the first chapter is out guys, hope you will enjoy this ride ;)

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