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'Hoseok wants to see me.' Yoongi said after a moment of silence, glancing perplexed at the younger.
'Go then.' Taehyung smiled with conviction only he knew and took the box out of Yoongi's hands. 'Hurry, it up.' he said, ruffling up Yoongi's freshly cut red locks and pushed him towards the door. 'And don't you come back until you win him over!'
'Shut it, Tae!' Yoongi called back as he dashed out the door in a daze, just maybe...
He took three steps at a time, coming to a full stop only when he reached the younger's door. He took a deep breath trying to calm his racing heart and knocked on the door.
'Come in.' Hoseok's voice sounded through the door and only that one sound from the other sent his heart into frenzy... how he missed that voice.
He opened the door slowly, dreading and anticipating the meeting at the same time...
And there Hoseok stood, by the window. His expression serious but even that look seemed too handsome on him and Yoongi felt his breath catch in his throat as their eyes met for a second.
'Hey.' Yoongi said softly, closing the door behind himself.
'Hey.' Hoseok said, placing his phone down on his desk but stayed quiet as he gazed out the window.
Yoongi leaned back against the door as he took in Hoseok's silent form and noticed that he looked rough around the edges, sporting dark circles and marks of exhaustion, a similar look that greeted Yoongi back from the mirrors...
'Hyung... I never knew this would happen.' Hoseok said softly. 'It was never meant to go this way.'
Yoongi bit his lips when he heard those words, but didn't say anything.
'I don't even know what to say even though I thought a lot about this, about us. I heard all of your messages too...' Hoseok sighed with a sad little smile. 'I'm so confused but this can't go on like this anymore.'
Yoongi shook his head silently. It really couldn't, it was just painful for the both of them...
'I hurt you. I'm still hurting you...' Hoseok said with sadness in his voice. 'I don't even know how to make this right...'
'Just tell me.' Yoongi said quietly. 'Tell me anything.'
Hoseok tried with a shaky sigh but seemed to struggle with words and Yoongi's heart slumped, extinguishing that slight spark of hope that the others managed to light in him. It would hurt less that way...
'You know...I was broken when I left my ex and a guy, someone I've never seen again, helped me forget...' Hoseok began, leaning back against the window frame, opposite from Yoongi. 'After weeks of depression I was free of thoughts again...' he said, glancing at Yoongi.
Heartbroken, hurt, empty... Yoongi knew it, could easily imagine what that felt like. But imagining Hoseok like that was near impossible when his smile could light up rooms...
'That's how the Room started. I wanted to help others and in return it made me forget. A selfish barrier...' Hoseok said finally after another moment of silence.
A wall.
'We played with rules and without the complex emotions that hurt me, without anyone that could hurt me again that way.' the younger continued, running his fingers through his hair with a soft sigh.
Yoongi gulped, realizing yet again just how deeply wounded Hoseok must have been to close his heart away... just how much chaos he brought into Hoseok's game.
'But it was never meant to go on forever, right? Emotions can't be just kept in check.' Hoseok smiled weakly. 'Someone was meant to break all my rules and I was meant to break someone's heart...' he said softly, stepping away from the wall as he slowly walked towards the older, every step a painfully hopeful closure of distance.
Yoongi leaned his head back against the door with an empty smile at that.
'And it was you.' Hoseok said as he stopped a few feet away.
'It is me.' Yoongi agreed, his voice rough from repressed emotions.
'You. You were always different, you know.' Hoseok said, smile faint on his lips. 'You always made me feel vulnerable when you looked at me like that, loving and sweet... Why me?'
'I don't know.' Yoongi said with a shaky chuckle. 'When did love ever need a reason?'
'But there are countless others that would deserve your love more than me, countless who wouldn't be this afraid...' Hoseok said, unable to look at Yoongi anymore.
'But there is only one you.' Yoongi said and Hoseok froze. 'And you know how I feel about you. I love you.' he confessed again, feeling that those few steps between them were actually miles of shaky ground, a path that they could only cross together. 'But I don't want you to be burdened.'
'Yoongi-hyung... I-I don't know what to say.' Hoseok said after taking in a shaky breath, eyes cloudy with unshed tears.
'Then don't. Just let me walk away now if you don't want me in your life like that anymore'. Yoongi said, his barely mended heart aching painfully... but he knew this was the last time he could walk away without breaking it for good. 'Let's close this now, bury it and meet tomorrow as friends.'
He was afraid to meet the younger's eyes, afraid to see rejection there, and when Hoseok didn't say anything he turned to reach for the knob, opening the door and began his wandering down the hall.
With every shaky step he felt a part of his heart breaking away, leaving a sad trail behind him.
He was already outside, walking aimlessly along the snowy pathway when the first teardrop fell and when he heard the first hurried footstep.
He thought it was one of those crazy people who jogged even in ungodly weather and hid himself in his hoodie... he didn't feel the cold, he was too empty for that, but he didn't want to show his tears to anyone anymore.
The steps sounded closer and closer, approaching at a rapid speed but Yoongi didn't bother to turn, he was sure the idiot would ran past him soon... only that idiot didn't and he found himself in a tight hug.
The familiar weight of arms and frantic breathing was something that stopped him dead in his tracks and the other's warmth enveloped him in a way that stole his breath and heart away.
'No...' Hoseok breathed against his neck, his tear streaked cheek pressing against his skin. 'You can't...' he pleaded, turning Yoongi around as his breath fogged the air between them.
'Hoseok?' Yoongi questioned, eyes wide as the younger held onto him tight.
'When you walked through that door it... it hurt more than anything before.' Hoseok said shakily. 'I was so stupid not to realize it before...'
Just maybe...
'I want you to stay, to never leave again.' Hoseok said with so much emotion in his eyes that Yoongi was sure he was dreaming...
'Are you sure?' Yoongi asked, his arms slowly encircling the younger as his heart began to race again.
'I am.' the dancer said and cupped Yoongi's cheeks, his careful gaze searching the older's. 'You asked me to trust you, remember?'
'Of course.' Yoongi said softly.
'Because I do trust you.' Hoseok said, surprising Yoongi with the sureness of his voice. 'And I want to trust my heart to you.'
'Then let me take care of it for you.' Yoongi said, smiling at the younger, and he was never before happier then when he saw that flare of open love in the younger's eyes as he was swept away in a soul shattering kiss.
Hoseok's lips were cold as the snow and tasted like salt from his tears, but it was better than anything before and Yoongi savored every second of it, pressing closer as he wound his fingers into the younger's hair. He lost himself in sensations, in the passionate give of Hoseok's kiss, the slight tremble of that lithe body...
The younger pulled back slowly, eyes fluttering open as he caressed Yoongi's cheeks softly, lovingly.
'What are you thinking?' Yoongi asked, playing with Hoseok's hair.
'I think I might be dreaming. I never imagined I could feel like this again...' Hoseok said, stealing another soft kiss.
'You are not dreaming.' Yoongi smiled, happiness not even covering half of what he felt at those words.
'You could be dreaming too.'
'I'm not dreaming. We're not dreaming. Don't be silly.' Yoongi chuckled, the pounding of his heart matching Hoseok's own as he pulled the younger closer by the waist.
'Don't call me silly. I'm emotionally compromised right now.' Hoseok smiled wide, a real one that lit up his eyes and stole Yoongi's breath away.
'Not like it's any easier for me.' Yoongi countered, squeezing Hoseok's waist as he got lost in the younger's warm gaze.
'You are beautiful.' Hoseok said, making the older blush.
'And you are freezing.' Yoongi mumbled, brushing his fingers against Hoseok's bare arms. 'Stupid move to run after me without a coat. It's the middle of winter.'
'I kind of stopped thinking there.' Hoseok smiled wide and leaned closer. 'Care to warm me up, dream?'

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