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Yeah, he should have really known that something was up when their semester rolled on with full force and he noticed even the slightest interactions Hoseok had with others.
Especially within their circle of friends...
How Jin dotted over the dancer, being the mother and the teasing older brother at the same time with his loud laugh and awkward jokes.
How Namjoon was his teasing best friend, playful and sarcastic and always knowing what to say to lift Hoseok's mood.
How Jimin and Taehyung were openly affectionate with him, flirting and joking around and being the usual - sometimes much too close for comfort - brats.
How Jungkook stole Hoseok's attention in his own subtle ways, being the cute yet mature maknae with his deadpan attitude.
How Hoseok responded naturally to all of them without difference, with a sweet smile and kindness.
And just how he knew Yoongi better by every passing day, knowing how to brighten his days up with just the smallest things...He brought him coffee, helped with his lyrics, made work hours fun and he was just there, for Yoongi.

By the end of November it became apparent that, however the others managed to do it, he just couldn't keep things separate. He just couldn't keep the Room out of his everyday, not when he felt the embers of jealousy sparkling to life in the pit of his stomach, not when his heart ached that way.
It didn't help that he spent more time with Hoseok whether it be at work, studying or just hanging out with the others... His smiles, warmth, bright personality, all his quirks and weird habits were his joy, but the knowledge that it didn't- it shouldn't mean this much ate him away.
He was in a constant fight with his emotions, because clearly whatever happened in the Room should have meant nothing and he knew that. So he tried his hardest to stop it from happening again, because without rules it all became a mess for him and rules were meant to keep this in check.
But he didn't have any.
They didn't have any, but Hoseok's own between them...

'Hyung.' Taehyung gave him a cup of strong tea a few nights before their exams. 'I'm worried.'
'Why even?' Yoongi tried to smile, but in the past week it came harder to him. 'I'm quite sure you charmed half your grades quite high already.'
'Who cares about that?' Taehyung rolled his eyes. 'I'm worried about you.' the younger said with a rare seriousness in his voice, gaze searching Yoongi's expression.
'Don't.' Yoongi said, because Taehyung looked at him with a knowing look that spoke volumes.
'You will hurt yourself.'
'I won't.' Yoongi said, hiding his bitterness into a gulp of tea.
'Right, you already are hurting.' Taehyung frowned, sitting down on Yoongi's bed.
Yoongi didn't say anything to that.
'Hoseok's heart is closed you know.' Taehyung said softly. 'He loves us, but loving and loving is different...'
'I know!' Yoongi snapped, pulling his legs up against his chest in order to keep the words away. To keep their meaning away. 'But it just happened.'
'It happened to me too before, you know.' Taehyung smiled sadly. 'You saw how well that went for me...'
'I know that too.' Yoongi's voice quivered slightly. 'But I still couldn't stop falling for him.'
Taehyung moved closer, hugging Yoongi. 'What will you do then, hyung?'
'Deal with it.' Yoongi whispered, letting a tear free against the protective shield of Taehyung's arms.

And that he did. He strengthened his resolve, concentrated on his exams and appreciated every moment he had with Hoseok.
It was hard.
It was painful.
But imagining what Hoseok would say if he slipped up, let his emotions run free... No.
He stayed the friend he needed to be and his reward became the bright smiles of that one dancer.

A knock sounded a few minutes after Taehyung left for the semester-ending party, and Yoongi groaned in exhaustion as he rolled off the bed. He just woke up after his last - hopefully successful – exam, and he was not ready to deal with overexcited dorks again...
'Yoongi hyung.' came a muffled but immediately recognized voice from the other side of his door and Yoongi walked just a tad bit faster to reach it.
'Yeah?' Yoongi opened his door, rubbing away the last remains of sleep but as he glanced at Hoseok he immediately became wide awake. 'What's wrong?' he asked, pulling the younger inside as he took in the troubled look.
The younger was rarely anything but smiles and it was an entirely strange look on his face.
'I-I just needed to talk to someone.' Hoseok said in an even stranger voice and Yoongi felt his heart drop because of it.
He made the younger sit in his chair as he pulled Taehyung's empty one close, sitting down as his eyes searched Hoseok's face.
'What is it? The exams? You didn't make it to the competition finals or was someone of the idiots mean?' Yoongi fired his questions, trying hard to figure out what was wrong.
But he somehow knew that if it was neither, Hoseok would not be looking this miserable if it was anything so trivial.
'No, nothing like that.' Hoseok shook his head, biting his lips as if not knowing where to start. 'Taehyung left for the party?' he asked instead.
'Yeah, he and Jimin raided the room and left with all the intentions to impress.' Yoongi smiled softly, knowing exactly why Taehyung prepped up Jimin.
'So oblivious...' Hoseok smiled weakly, leaning his head back. 'I was about to go after them too.'
Yoongi noticed it then that Hoseok was dressed to party with his trademark black tank top and leather pants. He averted his eyes quick - it was entirely dangerous for his heart if he dwelled on these things longer then a second.
'But it didn't go as planned...' Hoseok sighed. 'Someone waited in front of the dorms for me...'
'Who?' Yoongi asked, placing a comforting hand on Hoseok's knee.
'My ex.' Hoseok said, squeezing his eyes shut.
'Your ex? Why?' Yoongi frowned, feeling that he was missing some real big pieces of this puzzle.
'He... he decided to come back one more time to hurt me before moving away for good...' Hoseok said, glancing at Yoongi.
The older looked at him in silence as anger flared up in him, fingers curling to fists. But the younger didn't explain anything just sat there silently and that worried Yoongi more than how that bastard's face would look like if he managed to get his hands on him.
'He cheated on me.' Hoseok said finally. 'And he came back just to tell me again how I didn't deserved his love anyway and called me names he said when I broke up with him, when he broke my heart for good...' he continued, gaze unfocused as he shivered at the thoughts.
Yoongi just continued to look at him as he finally understood what Taehyung meant by Hoseok's closed heart... it made his own ache in pain.
He wanted to mend Hoseok's, wanted to break it out of its cage...
Hoseok met his eyes after another long minute, gaze searching Yoongi's and Yoongi didn't know what the younger found there but he glanced away.
'I-I'm sorry.' Hoseok chuckled weakly, awkwardly as he stood up. 'I just... I don't know why I told you this. I'm sorry, hyung.' he said, moving towards the door.
But before he could disappear through the door, Yoongi grabbed his wrist and pulled him back towards him.
Hoseok looked stunned, but before he could pull away Yoongi closed the distance between them, kissing him with passion.
I must have finally gone crazy... he thought, but he didn't care anymore...
The dancer went completely still and Yoongi deepened the kiss, sneaking his tongue past Hoseok's heart-shaped lips. That made the younger move as a shiver ran through his body, eyes fluttering close before he pulled back.
'Yoongi...' he breathed out, his eyes following Yoongi's tongue as the older licked his lips.
'Just let me... trust me.' Yoongi said in a rough voice, cupping Hoseok's cheeks and captured his lips again with his own.
This time he got a response. Hoseok's hand trailed up his spine as his soft lips pressed back, subtle but hungry, and Yoongi didn't bother to think anymore. He ignored Taehyung's echoing words about hurting himself in favor of deepening the kiss, tilting Hoseok's head with a mild yank of his auburn hair. It was exquisite, breath-taking and everything that was addicting...
The much too familiar burning want washed through Yoongi when those gorgeous eyes opened slowly as he broke the kiss, sparkling with hazy want... Then he found himself pulled gently closer until they were mere inches apart.
'Fuck me.' Hoseok whispered Yoongi's past request against his lips and Yoongi froze in surprise.
But before Hoseok could question that reaction he already pressed Hoseok down to the mattress, kissing him with force that was near unstoppable. But he managed, gasping dazedly as he gazed down into those dark eyes, his thoughts all scattered and useless.
I really shouldn't-
'Don't think.' Hoseok said in a husky voice and Yoongi obeyed, pressing a tender kiss against the red, kiss-bruised lips and began to undress the dancer with slowness and care that didn't quite match the speed they were progressing at...
He exposed and explored, mapping out skin, scent, reaction with deft fingers and his mouth and only stopped when Hoseok's moaned his request into his ear.
'Let me undress you too.'
And Yoongi let him, losing himself in that scorching black gaze and burning touches, nearly losing his balance as well when Hoseok took them both into his hand, stroking and rendering him to a moaning mess.
Yoongi stopped the younger when he came much too close to the edge, kissing away the satisfied smirk that Hoseok gave him and continued his way down.
Hoseok's cheeks flushed hot red as Yoongi sucked on his expose chest gently, reaching for the lube as Hoseok's lean fingers pressed to his skin fervently, holding on tight.
He gave a warning bite to the younger's neck before he pushed the first finger in, a startled moan answering the intrusion. He kissed the pain away and Hoseok responded without hesitation, sinking his fingers into red strands of hair to stroke the older's scalp and trail a path down Yoongi's sensitive back.
Yoongi groaned against Hoseok's lips and pushed a second finger inside, and every response he got was wonderful, amazing... every touch, every little press of lips heightened the ecstasy he was feeling.
As a loud moan erupted from Hoseok he pulled his fingers out and turned them over until Hoseok straddled him. They both gasped dazedly when their erections pressed together again but Hoseok recovered quick, reaching for the condom and the scattered bottle of lube.
He tore the wrapper open with his teeth as he took Yoongi into his hands, teasing moans out of him before he rolled the condom on and applied lube with his talented fingers.
'Yoongi.' he called out, pulling Yoongi back from his pleasure filled daze, and their eyes locked on each other in a silent dance of emotions.
After the slightest nod of the dancer, Yoongi slowly took hold of Hoseok's hips and guided him all the way down.
The younger groaned gently, eyes fluttering close as his head fell against the other's shoulder and Yoongi pressed a tender kiss against his neck, both of them shuddering in repressed pleasure.
Then he trusted upwards, angling himself and Hoseok cried out in ecstasy, matching Yoongi's movements with his own.
Both of them dissolved into the feelings, into gasps and moans, into soft and pleasure filled noises, every sound becoming silk between them.
And Yoongi decided to enjoy this as long as it lasted, drowning in want, drowning in Hoseok, overwhelmed, intense, not perfect but it was everything and he didn't want it to stop.

When Yoongi came around he was dazed, feeling simply too good to be bothered by anything but the quiet breathing just few short inches away from him. But he turned his head just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
Hoseok was there, head tilted towards Yoongi as his auburn hair stuck to his face and partly covered his closed eyes. His lips, slightly swollen, were parted gently and on his neck were faint red marks.
'Hyung.' the younger broke the spell, opening his eyes slowly with a lopsided smile. 'You just broke all my rules you know. How will you take responsibility?'
Yoongi stared at those deep dark eyes and he could only think of one thing to tell the younger.
'I love you.'


Cliffhanger... Wonder what will happen now~
Managed to post it today, not really sure if you will love me for it or hate me for stopping right there... :D


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PS. Thank you my dearest beta for making time for this little baby even if you were busy with the filming and gosh knows what else!

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