Chapter 9

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jenna asked me. I pondered on the question for a few seconds. Was I? The answer is no. I'm not ready to explain to my ex boyfriend why we broke up, even if it is a lie. Everything about this isn't settling well in my stomach, but I guess I needed to now. I needed to know what was going on in his head at that time.

"Yeah." I lied. We walked into the Starbucks cafe, holding hands. I spotted Vic in a booth at the very back of the tiny coffee shop and he spotted us too, looking surprised to see Jenna with me. 

"I don't think I can do this." I whispered to Jenna.

"Yes you can, now go." She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before completely dropping it. She left the shop to wait outside. I'm not sure how long this will take but I'm hoping not long.

"Hey," Vic was the first to speak when I sat in the seat in front of him.

"Hi." I answered kinda awkwardly.

"Okay, so let's just get this over and done with, yeah?" I couldn't quite make out his tone. It wasn't one of annoyance.. maybe he was anxious. But hell, who wouldn't be? I nodded my head, trying to remember the story Jenna and I came up with.

"Yeah.. Okay." Now it's my tun to be nervous. I kept my head down, looking at the table the whole. "Honestly, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just, when my parents got into that wreck, I was thinking about how I never really talked to them. They were always gone and I barley got to see them. It got me thinking, I could have lost so much that night. I broke up with you because I needed to spend time taking care of my parents, my sister, and doing better in school. And I know I said some pretty hurtful things that night, but I only did it so you could move on from me and you couldn't do that if we had any contact with each other. I wouldn't want you to be hung up on some high school boy for the rest of your life, Y'know?" I hate lying to him.. I really do, but what else was I suppose to do?

"So the only reason your broke up with me is because I was a distraction?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"Oh.. I had no idea. I thought you were happy.." His face turned into one of sadness.

"No! Not like that," I said quickly. "I was very happy with you, I was just going through some stuff that I needed to work out on my own." It was a lame excuse, but by the look on his face, I could tell he bought it.

"Okay, yeah. I understand. I mean, if it were me, I would have done the exact same thing." He still had that look of hurt on his face. Why was he hurt? He got an explanation, he should be happy. He can now live his life happily ever after with Beau right? After a few moments of silence, as much silence as you can get in a coffee shop at 9 in the morning, he spoke up. 

"Anyways, I have to go before Beau wakes up and realizes I'm gone." 

"Wait, he doesn't know you're here?" I questioned.

"No, I don't even think he knows you're here on tour with us. Oops." He laughed nervously. 

"Oh okay, well then yeah, you should get back." I said awkwardly. I didn't really know what to say when it comes to Beau.. or Vic for that matter.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" He said standing up.

"Um.. I don't think that's a good idea." I said. I care for Vic, I really do but I love Oliver and if he doesn't want me being friends with Vic then I will respect his wishes. "It's just that, even thought we both are involved with someone, I don't want us hanging out because someone might catch some old feelings.."

"What? No, Kells I'm over you. But that doesn't mean we can't still be friends. There's no feelings between us on my part, and I'm sure on yours too. Besides, it would be nice having a friend from high school." Once again I spoke before I thought about the consequences from Oli.

"You're totally right." I smiled. He smiled right back which caused butterflies to erupt into my stomach.  He took a step forward to embrace my into a hug. My heart raced and my smile grew wider, I hugged him back a bit tighter then I intended to but he didn't seem to mind. 

He walked out leaving me alone for maybe 2 seconds before Jenna was in front of me with a look of 
anticipation on here face.

"Well?! How did it go?" She asked.

"Well um.. good I guess." I shrugged. 

"You guess? What did he say?" Maybe I shouldn't tell her what I was feeling when he hugged me, because I don't want her asking all kinds of questions, like she is now. God, she is so nosy.

"He said he understands why I broke up with me." Which is a lie because I saw the look in his eye, and I can tell when Vic, of all people, are lying.

"That's it?" She asked, once again, another question.

"Yup." I said popping the 'P'

"Okay." She said simply.


"Hey guys, where have you been?" Matty asked Jenna and I when we walked onto the bus. We both froze, like a deer caught in the head lights. We didn't tell anyone where we were going but since I was afraid something like this would happen, I used the lie that I came up with before we left.

"Um, we were out getting coffee." I said, all too casually. Matty didn't think twice about it but the look on Oli's face when he came the room told me he didn't believe me. Shit.

Somebody that I used to know. >>KellicWhere stories live. Discover now