Chapter 1:The future of us

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March 2

The year is 2056. There are no trees on planet Earth.Which means no oxygen.People are dieing.There was only 1 option : We would have to leave Earth,our home planet for billions of years.No one knew what to do.It was a disaster and I lived it everyday.We knew we had to do something soon or we would all die and the human population would cease to exist.

March 3

Today it was decided that on April 15 we would all be sent on ships into outer space,and from now until then everyone who was left was supposed to get ready to leave while the politicians decided which planet we would be sent to.So for the rest of the day I stayed outside and drew everything the way it used to be. Before they killed the trees.

March 4

I let out a huge sigh as I grabbed some bags and started filling them with stuff.I hate packing.I always forget the things that I need the most,and I don't usually realize it until the second I need it.Meanwhile I hear my parents talking in the next room.

"I don't know about this,honey"my mom says.

"Everything will be OK.Just trust me.Were working on finding the right planet.We know what were doing"

"Well I still don't like it"

I hear footsteps and the door slams shut.Just then my door opens,its my mom

"Hi honey. Do you need and help packing?"

"No thanks mom I'm good" I reply.

"Okay well I'll be in the kitchen if you need me"

"OK. I love you" She replies as she closes my door and walks away.

"I love you too"I whisper silently to myself.

I eventually got tired and decided to take a nap.

For the next couple of weeks I packed and drew pictures of nature.

March 30

Moving day was getting so close.I started to get scared and worried all at the same time.After thinking for a while about the pros and cons of going to space and decided to make a chart this is what it looks like:


1. Possible boyfriend (yes I know i'm 14 yrs old and I still don't have a boyfriend pretty pathetic right?)

2.New friends

3.Just space in general.I actually can't wait to see what it looks like

That's just about it.


1. No more nature.I would probably miss this the most.No sun, no moon, no animals.NO ANYTHING!!

2.What if there were aliens or something living there what would they do to us? What would we do to them?

I had a lot of questions and in about 3 weeks they would all be answered.

April 13

It is two days before we leave and so I decided to take a walk.The politicians still haven't told us where we are going and people want to know.They're surrounding the building holding signs and screaming at the politicians every time they come out of the building.There were police everywhere trying to keep everything under control.That was an epic fail.I turned away from the craziness because it saddened me.This could of all been avoided if we listened to Mother Nature and helped her, but no apparently to them money is more important and now look where we ended up.I brush a piece of hair out of my face and keep walking until I reach my favorite spot.It's a little field with some grass and a couple flowers and one sapling big enough for one person to sit under in the middle.I planted this tree when I was younger and the grass and flowers just grew around it.I planted it because at that time there were only few trees and I decided that I wanted to plant one.It hasen't grown much at all and it certainly won't provide enough oxygen for the human population.My hope is that one day the little tree will make other saplings and maybe my great-grandchildren will be able to live on Earth again.I sat down under the tree and soon I fell asleep.

Later that day:

When I awoke all I heard were the crowds shouting at the politicians.I stood up and starting walking away from the spot and towards my home.Then I thought that I should give that little spot a name.I guess a good name would be "The lonely sapling." I thought about it for awhile and decided that that was a perfect name.When I got home I pack for a little bit more.After about an hour and a half  I fell asleep.

April 14

Its my last day on Earth.We leave at noon tommorrow.I drew and painted mostly everything about Earth that I would miss, plus I have kept several journals or diaries over the years with an entry of just about every day.It wasn't only words but pictures,drawings,sketches and charts.The journals and paintings were the things I was going to use to remember my home,planet Earth.

April 15 

Well today I finally finished packing almost every single thing I own.My bags are at the door waiting for one of the trucks to come and pick them up and load them on the ships.All of my journals and paintings are in a bag that is staying with me at all times.My thoguhts are interupted when there is a knock at the door I jump up and run to the front door and open it.The man smile at me.

"Hi. Were here to pick up your bags and give you your placement information" I motion him in.

"Come sit down while I go get my parents"I ran to my parents room and knocked on the door and told him that we have a guest and the door opens.My mom and dad walk out and pull me along.

"Hello.What can we do for you?" My dad says.

"Oh i'm just here to pick up your bags and give you your placement information" The man replies. We walk over and sit on the opposite couch and the man puts some papers on the table.

"Here" ,he says,"This is your ship number your cabin number and everything else.If you have any questions there will be plenty of staff on board to answer them. Now where is your luggage?"

"It's right here.Thank you very much.Do you need any help?" My mom replies.

"Nope everything is under control.You must be on your specified ship in your cabin by 11:30 we take off at precisely noon"

The man leaves and we go back to our rooms and get ready to go.

A/N I hope you don't mind how looooooong the first chapter was.The next one is coming soon!

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