Chapter 5: A guy apoligizing is unheard of until today

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I woke up,but did not open my eyes.I felt water and heard a buzzing noise.When I did open my eyes I saw that I was still in the tub.How long was I in here???? I got out and put on a towel.Holy shit my hands were so wrinkly!!!!!! i've never seen anything this wrinkly before in my life!!!!!

I heard a knock at the door and then footsteps.Someone must have gotten up and opened the door because someone came in.I heard a boy/man clear his throat.Then I heard Austin's voice.

"I'm Austin,is uh Kat here?" 

"She' actually in the shower right now but I can tell her you came."

"Ok thanks oh and uh tell her I'm sorry,she'll understand" The door closed and there were footsteps and then the bed creaked as she sat down.

"Did Kat ever say something about meeting a boy today?" My mom asked my dad.

Shit.I'm so dead.

I dried my hair and slowly walked out the door.

"You were in there for so long are you OK sweetie?" My mom asked me,as my plan for sneaking by silently failed.

"Um yeah I'm fine but my hand are more wrinkly than I've ever seen"

"I imagine so" She turned back to her book she was reading, and I walked into my room.Yay! She didn't kill me!

I got dressed and decided to go out again.I wanted to find Austin.After all he did come to my cabin to apologize so he really was sorry.I grabbed my purse and walked out of my room and into the living room.

"Hey mom while I was in the shower I heard someone else's voice."

"Oh yeah some guy named Austin stopped by and he said that he was sorry.I have no clue what he was talking about."

"OK well I'm going out,I guess I'll be back in a little" I walked to the door and ran out.Even for 11'o'clock at night this place was busy.

I decided that the first place I should check was the seating area.I ran through and checked every table and bench.No Austin. Where would he go? Suddenly I got an idea.I ran through the people and to the little hallway and up the stairs.

Out of breath I managed to get out ""

Austin's father turned around and looked at me angrily

"You are NOT supposed to be up here now LEAVE!"

"I find.................your son........its.......... its...........important"

"Fine he's in cabin #33 NOW LEAVE ME ALONE AND DON'T COME BACK!"

"Thank you sir" I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.(I wanted to get away from him) I grabbed a map from a cart and started to run towards cabin #33.

Once I found it I banged on the door. "AUSTIN!!!!!!!"  BANG....... "AUSTIN!!!!!!!"

"WHO IS IT!!!!" He replied.

"Its me.......Kat" I heard footsteps then the door opened.

"Kat..... I'm....."

"No,don't it was all my fault....." I replied,cutting him off.

"No it wasn't I should have told you and I'm really really sorry and I want to be with you"

I was so shocked at those last couple words that I could barely talk

"" He took ahold of my hand and we walked together through the mall in space.Amazing.............

A/N I know they only met a little while ago and they already had a fight and all that stuff but yeh tell me what you think

Thanks for reading!

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