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Pennys POV.

"PENNY?" Screams my Mum as I sigh and roll my eyes but still walk down stairs until I reach the living room where my Mum and dad wait. I nod at them to start and Mum grins an evil grin.

"We're moving to London, England!" She screamed and my eyes widend but she ignored me and continued. "I got a job at Modest! Magment for some boyband!" She yelled like a school girl before turing to me, her normal glazed over brown eyes turn to black. 

Then she smacks me. I didn't even nod... She smirks as I felt my cheek, little dose she know that it didn't even hurt.  

"Now, go pack you still have school tommorow!" My dad yelled and I quickly made my way up to my room, and burst into tears. I had fianlly made one friend. I sighed as I pulled my phone out and started to text my friend. 


were moving to england in london:'( #Ihatemylife.'

I sighed. Bella and I became friends because she is deaf, and I don't talk! Perfect match..I looked down at the message I got 

'From BellaBitch;) 

WHAT?! This sucks. :( I am so sorry. Ur gunna be at school tmw??' 

I smiled at her crazyniss. We talk because she taught me sign Launage. 'To;BellaBitch;) 

Yea. Sorry. bye bells.' 

And then I threw my white Iphone onto my bed and groanded. Why me? Oh many people hate me....Suddenly I felt it again. I winced.  

That alone, empty feeling. Like when I first found out that I could only sing because it didn't strain my brain! I feel alone, like how i'll be when we move. Alone. Depressed. Sad. Just things I'm used to anyway.  

I sighed but still I grabed my pink duffle bag and stuffed clothes inside leaving only 4 outfits out. 2 normal and 2 P.Js. I also grabed my matching purple duffle bag and put my shoes, accesorys and hair stuff inside it along with my few hiygen things.  

I set the bags down in the corner of the room then I grabed my last yellow matching one. I stuffed my decor and picture inside of it. The only special picture I reall had was of Beauty and I, Her mum took it at her house when we were under a tree.  

After I had finally finsihed I looked aroun my bare room. "Oh How I wish Misery would leve me alone?" I sang as I fell onto my bed. For the next hour I just stared at the celling...Wondering what our new life will be like..?

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