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Pennys POV.

"Penny!" Someone snaps and I open my eyes to see my Mum and dad hd their bags, outside of our car. "We're here." Dad anounces and I roll my eyes.

No really?, Anyway I climb out of our blue car, and grab my bags then follow them inside a fancy building. "Hello?" A door man asks and Dad smiles. "Modest!" Dad replies before the man nods, then hands my dad 4 keys.

We wait in the lift, until we reach floor 21, the last floor. I follow them until we reach door 4 and dad unlocks it and we step inside. "Now listen here, Slut, just because we moved dosen't meen you can act like a bitch. Now, GET TO YOUR ROOM!" Screams my Mum and I grab my bags ad walk down a long hall until I reach a pink room.

I step inside and drop my bags, then I wipe my Mums spit from my face. Like ewww.

I look around and smile. The room is hot pink, with a double bed coverd in purple sheets, blakets and pillows, A boolshelf, a computer desk and a purple spin chair.

I walk around and notice I have my own bathroom and walk in closet. A grin forms on my face as I put my clothes away on hangers. By the time I finish doing that and puting a few pictures up, its 12;45 A.M.

I smiled as my eyes almost close as I change. I grow tired, then colapse in bed...


I scream and cry as they scream the words at me. "MUTE SLUT!" Screams my Mum. "Look a WET DOG!" Yells small girl, smirking. Then James comes forward. He smirks as he slaps and punches my small frame unil I pass out, in a pool of my own blood and pain.


My eyes shoot open, as those fimalliar words play in my mind. Slut. Whore. Bitch. Mute. Freak. Worthles. Ugly. Stupid.

I wipe my tears as I sit up. I notice its around 10 AM, and my parents should be gone.

I feel a smile spread across ny face but soon, no trace remains when I rember those..foul words. The pain. The hurt. The tears. Everthing just seems to come..crashing down all at once.

I feel the tears, as they fall in giant pools. I feel the pain and soon it just becomes to much.

I run into the bathroom, as I search for the balde I think. 'Everyone hates you. Ugly. Worthles. Go die.' And soon I find it, the pink razor. My safe heaven, even though I've only made 2 cuts so far...

I grin as the blade forces blood to rise, and a new pain. A good pain. For once I can control this pain. As I slash my wrist I start to feel light headed.

All I can do is warp a towel around my wrist before I black out.

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