Who said that?

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Pennys POV.

As I open my eyes I see 5 faces. All male. All in One Direction. This makes me dizy. I start to painc. What if they saw my wrists. "Penny?" Asks Liam and I slowly nod, and notice that I have a spliting headache. "Can yoy sit up?" Asks Harry and I shurg before I slowly sit up.

"Penny...Why?" Niall asks and thats when I notice i'm still in the bathroom. Dried blood lays around me and my wrists have bandages around them. Quicky I reach for my phone and open richnotes.

'None of your concern.' I type and they read before Louis shakes his head. "Why don't you just speak?!" He screams out of nowhere and I burst into tears. "Louis!" Scolds Liam before Zayn and Niall help me up to to my bed here I colapse into it, feeling tired, angry and sad all at once and the pounding in me head seems to be worse.

"I-I'm so sorry." Louis seems to have been fairly upset. 'Its fine..just don't ever speak of this...event again. Now please leave. ' I type and Zayn shakes his head. "No." He basicly yells making me flinch. 'Out.Now.' I type and Liam sighs. "Pleas..

don't ever do that again." He wispers before moving a peice of hair from my face.

"We wont ever talk about this again..unles its a must time. Now take this and we'll leave." Liam smiles and for some reason I can't help but smile back at him.

He hands me two pills and some water. "Thats advil and sleeo medicaton." He tells me then I gaulp the pills down and Harry pulls my blanket over me.

'Thanks.' I type before they nod and leave. I put my phone down as I begin to fall asleep I see someone come back in. "Your a beautiful girl. Don't let them hurt you." They wisper before leaving me conused and tired.

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