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I know I'm an asshole but at least I have a sense of humor. I mean I'm trying to live my life to the fullest which is kinda hard to do considering the shitty karma I've gotten. I know that by doing this I'm even more of an asshole. But scaring the shit out of others happens to bet specialty but hey she deserves it after what she's done to me. Plus I know its going to be totally worth it because its going to be funny as hell.


I was on my phone with Shawna before my mom bust in.

"Hang up the phone." She ordered. I was gravely confused but was more interested in what it was that she had to say.

"What is it mom?" I asked as I hung up the phone.

"Alex, im not happy. I just recieved a call from the school saying that you're grades are dropping drastically and they told me that if I'm having to much trouble dealing with you as a teen that i should check this book called 'How to Deal With Your Teen: The Unisex Edition and ive been reading it on my nook and im really worried because everything fits into place."

She paced the room frantically. "Mom, calm down. Whatever it is that is dropping my grades, Ill fix. I'll use my own allowance to pay for a tutor."I reassured her.

"But the book says that is something changes extremely quickly about your teen then they could be hiding something from you or just going through a phase and honnestly, im not sure what it could be. I mean it could be either one. Im not strict on you at all and you take that to your advantage. You could be using drugs, or stealing or dating older men or bullying some poor helpless girl-" She went on and on about the possible things i could have done. I rolled my eyes and began to think of other things like food. I was seriously craving some burger king. I was thinking about food but i still heard her say it. "Or maybe you're pregnant." My eyes grew wide and I was suddenlly so scared. "No that's definetely not possible because you're a good girl." She reassured herself. "You would never do any of those things for that matter especially sex. You're way to good to have sex with some random teenage boy. I honestly don't know what I was worrying about." She sighed and then left that room.

What if I was pregnant? It actually would explain alot. Like why I was having so many mood swings and why i was so hungry and why i was so fucking hormonal. If I was pregnant that would only make matters worst. I could tell Owen it was his baby. Hopefully he'd be dumb enough to believe it but if he weren't everyone would want to know who the father was and then the school would call me a whore for sleeping with a guy behind my boyfriends back. And even if I told Caleb there was no way for certain that he'd own up to the baby. What scared me even more was that I wasnt sure I had my period last month.

I grabbed my keys and my jacket and sprinted down the stairs. "Mom I'm going to get milk!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. "But honey," she tried to call to me. "We already have milk. "She muttered.


I guess I really am an asshole. I mean who else could make her think she was pregnant but me. I'm a mastermind. I dont mean to sound too cocky but thats quite the catch. I'm just kidding. I honestly understand that I went too far this time, but then again maybe its for her own good.

Wait a minute, did I just actually give a shit. You don't understand how disgusted I am with myself right now. While trying to mess with her mind I've actually helped by keeping her away from that dillhole.

Maybe my genius is starting to wear off.


"Thats a lot of pregnancy tests right there." The cashier said to me.

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