The Deal

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It all started on a Thursday. It had been a pretty crazy week. So far, there had been a lot of fights and a lot of people dying. I even got kicked in the balls yet school still seemed pretty boring. I don't understand why I even still have to go to school when I know the basics to staying alive. Survival of the fittest is all my dad ever taught me and I'm sure it's all I'll ever need. But, anyway, you still seem pretty lost so let me tell you how this all started.

I had just gotten to school. I was sneaking in because i was late. Like super late. Like I went to eat breakfast at IHOP late. So anyway I'm walking down the hallway when I hear a bunch of things falling in the Janitor's closet. Naturally I suspect some rat is crawling around in there and what better way to help my best friend, the janitor out than by killing it. Regardless, there was obviously something going on in there. I approached the closet and right when I was about to open the door, Caleb came out. His hair was a little messed up, collar slanted and his jacket was open. Heat was coming off him like a radiator. It was almost as if he's just gotten out of the gym. It was disgusting. He stared me down for a good couple of seconds then finally broke the silence.

"What are you looking at?" He asked me.

"A walking gym sock " I said in a smug manner. He looked confused and almost ready to attack. Before he could he stopped and uttered a soft "Whatever." as he shoved me out of the way and walked around the corner. I turned in the other direction when the closet door started opening. It made me wonder what was so important in class that he would pass up an opportunity to beat me up.



I never really wanted to be in this relationship in the first place. But it wasn't a forced relationship. It just sort of happened. It started at Melanie Blake's party. We were on the beach. Me, Robert, Marisa, Zachary and Shawna. We had just arrived at the party. Zach had driven us in his new BMW that he flaunted often. We climbed out of the car and started straight towards the party. Caleb and Marisa had been going out since the dawn of time while Zach and Shawna had just began dating. My boyfriend, Owen, was out of town because of a "family emergency".

The party was actually really fun until Shawna got so drunk she couldn't even walk. Because they were dating, Zach,decided it would be best to take her home and Marisa just went with them because Zach needed someone (other than him) to take her to the front door so he didn't have to give Shawna's dad anymore reason to break Zach and Shawna up.

So back at the party Caleb and I were dancing, having fun, our normal clique stuff. The heat of the party was blazing. it was sohot, steamy even, that I had to get out so I pulled away and told Caleb I was going to the bathroom. He obviously couldn't hear me and shrugged me off assuming I had asked him a question. So we he turned away I snuck away without telling him.

The cold air hit my face like a blessing from God but it was shortlived as the wind swept the smoke from a nearby teen into my nostrils. I walked over to the little shed away from the cabin party that they had. It was far enough that the music seemed like a distant dream. I crept inside and walked around for a good couple of minutes, examining the layout of the shed. The size of the shed was nowhere near the size of Melanie's cabin. I was in partial shock that there was no one else there. I was lost into the interior as I viewed the exquisite shed. I headed upstairs slowly and went into a room. I don't know which room I went in, but it was a room. It was dark and I stumbled blindly through the dark, tripping over my own feet until I found soft padding. A bed, perhaps. I never really took the time to see what I had decided to lay upon. I figured it was a nice place to cool down and concentrate on not letting the drugs in my body kill me. I just began to settle when suddenly the door opened and the lights flickered on. I looked up lazily and saw Caleb standing in the doorway.

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