Dazed and Confused

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I sat on the couch and gently reached for Owen's hand. He kept his head down and didn't even look at me. Then slowly his head raised and he gave me a puppy dog look.

"Please," He begged. I wanted to give in. I really did. Just not to him. The attraction I had to Owen was nothing like the one I had to Caleb "Alex, do you hear me?"

"Yeah, I hear you but i don't want to answer you." I said in my head. Instead I said," Owen, listen. I love you. I've always loved you but I think-"

"You're breaking up with me, Aren't you?" He said as he cut me off. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out so I nodded instead. He hung his head down in disappointment. Then he looked up at me and I could tell he was going to ask me something serious. "It's not something I did, Is it?"

"No, no. Owen, it's not your fault at all. I just think that we're moving at two different paces." His face looked so hurt I couldn't bear it. I rubbed his hand. "I mean you're ready to get somewhere and I'm just not there with you and I don't think I'll ever be."

"I guess I understand." He said. I kissed him on the cheek.

"i'm so glad you understand. " He stood up and turned away from me. I got up and went over to him and rubbed his back. He turned and faced me. It was weird how he was looking at me. Like he knew the true reason, I could see sadness written all over his face. It just didn't look right. "We're still friends, okay?" I asked. His eyes sunk a little more but he still nodded.

"I'm, uh, going to go home now." He pushed past me in a disappointed way and walked out of the room. I was going to stop him but I figured he'd be fine. Hopefully....



Again I was late to school. I was wrong to make you think that me being late was a rare occasion. Me being early was a rare occasion. I came late almost everyday but now it had gotten to the point where I didn't care. I really didnt think I should be here. And I know the smart thing to do would be to just get it over with and do it but I'm pretty much the best bad ass there is and when I get started with something I can't stop. I have too much of a reputation to stop now so what would be the point. To sum up I basically have no chill button and everyone loves it.

It's a normal day for me. The day all in all seemed pretty boring. It started in math class when Ms. Martin called on me and i had no idea what she asked. "Huh?" She folded her hands in front of her and stared me down.

"Any day now Mr. Peters," She said. I gave up. I didn't feel like answering the question. It wasn't worth my time. But then again if I had just answered the question I could have saved myself a whole lot of trouble.

"Uh- I don't know. Go ask someone else." I ordered with almost disgust in my voice. A couple people laughed and snickered.

"Well Mr. Peters that is sad but expected that you can't answer such a simple question as to who started the Holocaust." She said. She gave me the evil eye and everyone watched me carefully. I knew they were expecting me to say something rude to her. I sighed. The first words that came to my mind were things so rude they shouldn't even be known by anyone. But I controlled myself.

"I would've said Hitler but you're a nice candidate too. I mean as old as you are you could have started the War of 1812" Her face was priceless. She looked so mad. She had nothing to say in her defense. I know it wasn't one of my best but it was still an insult so it counted.

"YOU!" She pointed a finger at me. "Go to the principles office now." I wanted to say what would be the point because she knows I'm not actually going to go to the principles office. So instead i sighed, stood up and then headed for the door. The whole class was laughing. I closed the door and walked down the hallway. Right past the principles office. I was going to ditch but I stopped once I heard it. Okay so I'm going to just be honest and say that the moans attracted me. I mean come on I can't help myself. I would love to be the one who made whatever chick it was do that but i mean if it was one of the official top of the list bitches of the school then i was good because not a single thing about them was real. Plastic melts when its near hot things. I slid into the bathroom and locked myself into the stall. The closet was right next to the bathroom. I honestly don't know why I even stayed. I guess I just like to make her feel bad about giving herself to him. Or maybe I actually cared. Nah, it had to be the first one.

She wasn't surprised when she saw me at all. She just sighed and rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She asked and folded her arms. What did I want? I honestly didn't know what I wanted. But as always, I had something smart to say.

" I just want to know.." I paused for dramatic effect then i said it. "Did he smack that ass or did he tap it." I smiled at my own joke. She glared at me with disgust. "You don't have to answer. The moans through the stall answer for you."

"You're such a jerk, Peters." She said and turned away from me. I ran after her and when I caught up, I walked briskly beside her. I stopped in front of her and she tired to walk around me but I blocked her every escape.

"No, but seriously. I want to know why you did this in the first place." I asked her.

"Why I agreed to make a stupid deal with you? Oh, maybe because you're like the modern day Devil, always manipulating helpless people into doing your bidding."

"No not that, Princess. I meant you and Caleb." I pondered. "Why don't you guys just get busy at your house. I know you're parents aren't home."

"Stalker much?"

"Ew, no" I said disgusted that she would think of me that way. " Let's just say I remember things from that short period in time when we were friends."

"You just can't let that die, can you?"

"You're one to talk." I laughed. " but seriously..."

She sighed. "It was a mutual agreement."

"To fuck in a closet at 10:30 everyday?"

"We do other stuff."

"Naughty girl." I smiled. I didn't think she had it in her.

"No, I meant like talk or play games."

"Playing games in the janitors closet? True love at its finest. Why can't you just spend time together like a normal couple?"

"Because he's dating someone else and I didn't want to ruin their relationship by you telling everyone"

"Their relationship is already doomed. You both know that. You know if you had just gotten with me you wouldn't be having this problem."

"Really? Why do you say that?"

"Because I'd just take you home and fuck you sideways on a bed instead of a janitor's closet wall."

"Wow, Peters. You're quite the flatterer."

"So they say." I smiled. "But we both know that nowadays you couldn't handle all of this." I said and gestured towards my beautiful body.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Now she was facing me. "I don't know who you think I am but I not the same person you knew."

"No shit." I said. She looked up at me and her eyes were pleading in a way. Almost begging for forgiveness. It made me think how different our lives would be if we were still friends.

"I'm sorry, about what happened when we were little. About everything but there's nothing I can do to change the past. So if you're still mad at me then let me tell you something: Move on. "

I honestly didn't know why I had gotten so heated but something about being near her rocked me to my core and it only took me a second to become angered with her. To be honest I wasn't mad at her but i didn't know how I was feeling about her. I was having too many feelings towards her.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked her. She glanced down the hallway. She knew I was right. She looked at me then headed down the hallway. I was about to stop her to say something when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin. The principal had his hands on his hips and was staring me right in the face.

"I believe you're a little late for our appointment Mr. Peters." He said. I sighed under my breath. "Shit" and headed with him down the hallway.


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